
IV Edition of the Audiovisual Communication Exhibition

News | 10-10-2024

To attend the act, which will take place on October 24 at the Ferran Soldevila Garden, it is essential to register in advance

The Faculty of Philology and Communication will celebrate on October 24 the IV Edition of the Audiovisual of Communication Exhibition, promoted by the Degree of Communication and Cultural Industries in collaboration with the rest of the studies on communication of the center, such as the Master of Specialized Communication and the Master in Journalism BCN -NY. The projection aims to exhibit the audiovisual projects that the students of these studies have developed during the last academic years.

The Audiovisual Exhibition of Communication will be held in person and will be held in the Ferran Soldevila Garden of the Historic Building of the University of Barcelona from 6 pm to 8 pm. In order to attend the event, prior registration will be required through the following link.

During the session, audiovisual pieces produced by students of communication studies such as video essays, short films, TFGs and documentaries from all the courses will be screened. One of the most outstanding screenings Ja no caldrà l'aigua de pluja?, a documentary from the Master in Specialized Communication that has been selected at the Suncine Environment Festival.
