
Alumni Arnau Barios, Catalan Translation Award 2019 of the City of Barcelona Awards

News | 01-02-2020

The jury recognized the value of his translation of the work Eugeni Oneguin by Aleksandr Puixkin .

The philologist and translator Arnau Barios, graduate in Slavic philology at the Faculty of Philology and Communication of the University of Barcelona, has recieved the Catalan Translation Award  2019 of the City of Barcelona Awards. The jury, composed by Anna Guitart Ferrer, Victòria Alsina Keith, Pere Comellas, Montserrat Franquesa and Sebastià Bennasar, has unanimously agreed to award Arnau Barios for his translation of the work Eugeni Oneguin by Aleksandr Puixkin.

The jury recognized the work of Barios for bringing to catalan, brilliantly and in verse, a universal classic very distant linguistically and culturally. They have also emphasized the ambition and constancy of the translator, who achieved a very well balanced text keeping the original pace and, at the same time, making it closer to today’s readers.

Arnau Barios has translated Galoparé a l’estepa com el vent by Mikhaïl Lérmontov (together with Miquel Desclot), El crit de l’ocell domèstic by Maksim Óssipov, and revised the translation of Els germans Karamàzov by Dostoievski, made by Joan Sales. He is currently a professor at the Saint Petesburg University
