
‘Els Dijous de Filologia i Comunicació’, a new edition of the cycle to continue opening the Faculty's doors to the city

News | 29-01-2024

From February 15, this informative proposal will return to make our Faculty's research and talent known to the general public

One more academic year, one of the emblematic proposals of the Faculty's activities will once again fill the classrooms with people to listen to the research carried out by our teaching staff. Thursday, February 15 from 7 p.m. Els Dijous de Filologia i Comunicació are back in the Joan Maragall classroom. A return that this year presents a set of multidisciplinary talks to bring the citizens of Barcelona closer to the spaces of the center.

The specialist in Spanish Literature, Marisa Sotelo, will be in charge of the inaugural session of the cycle on February 15 with the conference «Emilia Pardo Bazán y Cataluña». The second session, on February 29, will be chaired by professor Clàudia Pons Moll, who will present the conference «De cap a peus, de pies a cabeza. Una aproximació als binomis (ir)reversibles del català i de l’espanyol». The first session of the month of March, specifically on the 7th, will be led by professor Dániel Kiss who will talk to us about «Les confessions d’un príncep revolucionari: Francesc Rákóczi el Segon i la seva Confessio Peccatoris». Professor Gemma López will continue this month's presentations with the talk «El Dràcula de Bram Stoker: un viatge tenebrós a la por a l’estranger a l’època victoriana», which will take place on Thursday, March 21.

The sessions for the month of April will begin with Professor Antoni Martí-Monterde's proposal «Stefan Zweig i la tragèdia d’Europa». The next conference, by Àngels Massip, will be entitled «La llengua com a sistema complex adaptatiu: un replantejament per a la lingüística» and will take place on April 25.

Professors Carme Muñoz and Elsa Tragant will be in charge of the session on May 9, in which they will present the conference «Trajectòria d’un grup d’alumnes d’anglès en l’ensenyament obligatori». Then, on May 23, Pilar Gómez Cardó will give the presentation «Europa, filla de l’Orient: mite i iconografia sobre els orígens d’un continent». Professor José Enrique Gargallo will present on May 30 the presentation «Io sono il padre di dodici figli... Personificació dels mesos en el cicle de l’any». Finally, on June 6, Professor Marta Consuegra will close the cycle with the conference «Comunicació de la salut avui: tendències i reptes actuals».

The organization of this new edition of the cycle has once again had the support of Biblioteques de Barcelona. All sessions will be held on Thursdays at 7 pm in the Joan Maragall classroom (111) of the Faculty of Philology and Communication.

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