Communication and the Culture Industry's blog
#CICStudents | Nil Martín, student of the CIC degree, wins the Prize for the Best TFG in Contemporary Theater Studies
Published on 30 November, 2022
The TFG “Un altre ara, un altre aquí: Presencialitats especulatives en les arts vives”, carried out by the student Nil Martín, has been awarded the prize for the Best TFG in Contemporary Theater Studies organized by the Teatre Lliure, the Master CRIC, the Contemporary British Theater Barcelona Research Group and the Faculty of Philology and Communication. This TFG was made within the studies in Communication and Cultural Industries and was tutored by professor Vanni Brusadin.
The prize will consist of a financial aid of 200€ for being registered in a master's degree at the University of Barcelona. The award ceremony will be held on Thursday, November 24 at 18:00 h at the Espai Lliure del Teatre Lliure, included in the inauguration of the 2022-2023 academic year of the CRIC Master. In addition, Oriol López, graduated in Directing and dramaturgy, has won the prize for the Best TFM with his project “Flexionar la diferència sexual amb els cossos: escriptura i cos textual en la dansa”.