Communication and the Culture Industry's blog

#CICEvent | CIC students graduation

Published on 20 November, 2023

The Communication and Cultural Industries students from the 2022-2023 promotion graduated last November the 11th. The act took place in the historical Paranimf auditorium in the Philology and Communications faculty. The presidential board was composed by Dr. J. G. Burguera, vice dean of the faculty, Dr. Marisa Sotelo, chief of the Department, Dr. Juanjo Caballero, chief of studies of the degree, and Anna Tarragó, patroness of the promotion.


The act counted with the participation of the Choir of the faculty. Student Víctor Cortinas held a final speech as a representative of his promotion peers. It was an emotional celebration, not only for the students but also for the teachers. However, the day was determined with a firm hopefulness in the future.

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