Cancellation of registration

  • Due accredited severe illness

    In the case of a serious illness that prevents it from following the academic activity, duly accredited through the medical report of the Catalan Health Service or according to the collective (MUFACE), or the equivalent body of other autonomous communities, in which this impediment is concluded, the student has the right to refund the amount of credits enrolled. In the event that a first-year student's enrolment is totally cancelled due to serious illness, a placeholder may be requested and if the resolution is positive, pre-enrolment should not be done again.

    The application and documentation must be submitted until 31 October 2023.


    By student death

  • The amount of subjects cancelled to the direct family member or legal representative requesting it is returned. The student's heir or will must be declared and the death certificate. 

    Procedure must be consulted at the College Secretariat (

  • In case of reassignment of place by general university pre-enrolment

    Initial enrolment can be in another UB centre as in other public universities in the state and those integrated into the Catalan university pre-enrolment system.

    In these cases, and whenever you request it until 29 October 2023, you are entitled to refund the amount of credits you have paid. The refund of this amount is not applicable if the reallocation of a place has occurred because of a request for a change of preferences or a new pre-enrolment in subsequent calls.


    For personal reasons

    1. If you are first enrolled in a bachelor's degree course, provided that you apply for the registration period to be cancelled until 28 September 2023 and are aware of the payment of expired registration fees, you are entitled to the refund of the amount of credits registered.
    2. All other students can apply to cancel registration without the right to refund amounts entered under any circumstances. The application will not be resolved until payment of the enrolment amount has been made. This annulment does not involve the reserve of square. The application and documentation must be submitted until 31 October 2023.
    In case you have formalised the enrolment as a general fellow, you must request the annulment of the scholarship and pay the enrolment amount before submitting the application for annulment. In addition, if the scholarship has been resolved, you must return the amounts of grants in the form of grants transferred to you. Registration cancellation is solved by the deanage or the center direction. Enrolments that have been totally cancelled have no subsequent economic effect on the student's file. They will have the subsequent academic effects that the rules of permanence apply to them regarding the abandonment of studies.
  • Unenrolment in severe and exceptional cases

    In duly justified serious and exceptional cases, the vice-rectorate of Academic Management, on the proposal of the deanate or director of the centre and with a prior report from the management, may agree to annul the tuition outside the deadlines set by the UB. You must have paid the enrolment amount before requesting annulment outside the established deadlines. Otherwise, the application submitted will not be studied. The annulment of the tuition must ensure compliance with the provisions of the permanence regulations applied to it.


    Application course 2022-23 (until 30 September 2023)

    Request course 2023-24 (until 30 September 2024)
