Calendar and access to self-registration


  • From 15 to 30 July 2024

i. New access students who have met all previous access and administrative requirements and have obtained the master's degree admission resolution.

ii. Students continuing studies

iii. (Masters that are not in the process of being modified and have completed their internal programming only)


  • From 5 September to 22 October 2024

i. New access students who have met all previous access and administrative requirements and have obtained the master's degree admission resolution.
ii. Students continuing their studies.

  • From 3 to 22 February 2025

i.Matriculum of Recognition and residual enrolment extensions

ii. Enrollment of the Master's Degree Final Work (pupils who have not formalized enrolment during the ordinary period)


  • Second calendar of modifications 2024-25

i. Period of tuition modifications for second-quarter and cost subjects, for students already enrolled in the ordinary period

Accés a l'automatrícula
