Introduction Academic calendar Assessment Course plans Credit recognition Final project Mobility Organization and teaching methodology Objectives and competences Pathways and specializations Scholarships and grants Timetables Tutorial action plan Information for prospective students
Subject Type Language Credits Analysis and Production of Texts in Catalan CM 2nd semester 6 Applied Linguistics in Catalan CM 2nd semester 6 Bernat Metge and Fourteenth-Century Literature CM 1st semester 6 Catalan Dialectology CM 1st semester 6 Catalan I BT 1st semester 6 Catalan II BT 2nd semester 6 Catalan Lexicography and Semantics CM 2nd semester 6 Catalan Literature: Classic Poetics CM 1st semester 6 Catalan Literature: Contemporary Poetics CM 1st semester 6 Catalan Literature: Fifteenth-Century Literary Values CM 1st semester 6 Catalan Literature in the Baroque Period and the Age of Enlightenment CM 1st semester 6 Catalan Literature: Literary Periods BT 2nd semester 6 Catalan Literature: Parallel Trends and Authors OP 2nd semester 6 Catalan Literature: Realism and Naturalism CM 2nd semester 6 Catalan Literature: Romanticism and the Renaixença CM 1st semester 6 Catalan Literature: Terminology and Method BT 2nd semester 6 Catalan Literature: Textual Criticism CM 2nd semester 6 Catalan Modernism CM 2nd semester 6 Catalan Morphology CM 2nd semester 6 Catalan Phonology CM 1st semester 6 Catalan Pragmatics CM 1st semester 6 Catalan Renaissance Literature CM 1st semester 6 Catalan Sociolinguistics CM 1st semester 6 Catalan Syntax CM 1st semester 6 Cervantes and the Poetics of the Novel OP 1st semester 6 Classical Tradition OP 1st semester 6 Colloquial Catalan and Discourse Analysis OP 2nd semester 6 Computational Linguistics OP 1st semester 6 Contemporary Russian Narrative OP 1st semester 6 Dutch I BT 1st semester 6 English I BT 1st semester 6 Feminist Literary Criticism and Gender Studies OP 1st semester 6 Final Project FP 2nd semester 6 French History and Culture I: from Courtly Love to Amour fou OP 1st semester 6 German Literature and the Arts OP 1st semester 6 Historical Linguistics of Catalan:Theory and Analysis OP 2nd semester 6 History of Ancient and Medieval Catalan CM 1st semester 6 History of Modern and Contemporary Catalan CM 2nd semester 6 Information and Communication Technology OP 1st semester 6 Institutional or Company Placement OP 1st semester 2nd semester 6 Introduction to Basque BT 1st semester 6 Introduction to Comparative Literature OP 1st semester 6 Introduction to French BT 1st semester 6 Introduction to Galician BT 1st semester 6 Introduction to Greek I BT 1st semester 6 Introduction to Italian BT 1st semester 6 Introduction to Linguistics BT 2nd semester 6 Introduction to Modern Greek BT 1st semester 6 Introduction to Polish BT 1st semester 6 Introduction to Portuguese BT 1st semester 6 Introduction to Russian BT 1st semester 6 Italian Sociolinguistics OP 2nd semester 6 Latin I BT 1st semester 6 Linguistic Variety and Language Policy OP 2nd semester 6 Literature BT 1st semester 6 Literature and Gender in Galicia, Portugal and Brazil OP 2nd semester 6 Methods of Dialectical Research in Catalan OP 2nd semester 6 Modern Arabic I BT 1st semester 6 Modern Hebrew I BT 1st semester 6 Noucentisme and the Avant-Garde CM 2nd semester 6 Origins and Formation of the Romance Languages OP 1st semester 6 Preliminary German BT 1st semester 6 Prescriptive Spanish Grammar BT 1st semester 6 Production and Publication of Texts and Text Annotation OP 2nd semester 6 Ramon Llull and Catalan Literature OP 2nd semester 6 Romanian Language BT 1st semester 6 Shakespearean Drama OP 1st semester 6 Standard Catalan CM 1st semester 6 Text Analysis of Catalan Poetry, Prose and Drama BT 2nd semester 6 The Origins of Catalan Literature: the Troubadours, Llull and the Chronicles CM 2nd semester 6 Varieties of Realism, Formalism and Postmodernity OP 2nd semester 6