University of Barcelona

Romance Languages and Literatures

Course plans

List of subjects 2024-2025

Subject Type Language Credits
Applied Linguistics in Catalan CM 2nd semester 6
Art and Culture in Italy OP 2nd semester 6
Brazil and its Literature CM 1st semester 6
Catalan I BT 1st semester 6
Catalan II CM 2nd semester 6
Catalan Literature in the Autumn of the Middle Ages CM 1st semester 6
Catalan Literature: Realism and Naturalism CM 2nd semester 6
Catalan Literature: Textual Criticism CM 2nd semester 6
Catalan Modernism CM 2nd semester 6
Catalan Sociolinguistics CM 1st semester 6
Cervantes and the Poetics of the Novel CM 1st semester 6
Classical Latin Prose CM 2nd semester 6
Descriptive Grammar of Spanish CM Annual 12
Diversity and Variation in the Romance Languages CM 2nd semester 6
Epic Latin Poetry CM 1st semester 6
Final Project FP 2nd semester 6
French I CM 2nd semester 6
French II CM 1st semester 6
French III CM 2nd semester 6
French Poetry I: from the Song to the 'Insult to Beauty' CM 1st semester 6
French Theatre: Laughter and Tears from Molière to Koltès CM 2nd semester 6
From the Origins of the Roman to the Modern Novel CM 1st semester 6
Galician I CM 2nd semester 6
History of French CM 1st semester 6
History of Modern and Contemporary Catalan CM 2nd semester 6
Humanism and Renaissance CM 2nd semester 6
Institutional or Company Placement OP 1st semester
2nd semester
Introduction to French BT 1st semester 6
Introduction to French Literature CM 2nd semester 6
Introduction to Galician BT 1st semester 6
Introduction to Galician Literature CM 2nd semester 6
Introduction to Italian BT 1st semester 6
Introduction to Italian Linguistics CM 2nd semester 6
Introduction to Linguistics BT 2nd semester 6
Introduction to Portuguese BT 1st semester 6
Introduction to Portuguese Literature CM 1st semester
2nd semester
Introduction to the History of Spanish CM 2nd semester 6
Italian Film and Literature OP 1st semester 6
Italian I CM 2nd semester 6
Italian II CM 1st semester 6
Italian III CM 2nd semester 6
Italian Language IV CM 1st semester 6
Italian Literature and Modernity CM 2nd semester 6
Latin CM 2nd semester 6
Latin Grammar I CM 1st semester 6
Latin I BT 1st semester 6
Latin II CM 2nd semester 6
Latin Lyrical Poetry CM 2nd semester 6
Literature BT 1st semester 6
Literature in the Roman Empire CM 1st semester 6
Literature in the Roman Republic CM 2nd semester 6
Medieval Italian Literature CM 1st semester 6
Medieval Latin Literature CM 2nd semester 6
Nineteenth and Twentieth-Century Galician Literature CM 2nd semester 6
Nineteenth-Century Italian Literature CM 1st semester 6
Origins and Formation of the Romance Languages BT 1st semester 6
Origins of European Literature BT 1st semester 6
Origins of European Theatre CM 2nd semester 6
Portuguese I CM 2nd semester 6
Portuguese II CM 1st semester 6
Prescriptive Spanish Grammar BT 1st semester 6
Psychoanalysis and Italian Literature OP 1st semester 6
Romance Epic Poetry BT 2nd semester 6
Romance Linguistics BT 2nd semester 6
Romance Literature and Genre OP 1st semester 6
Romanian in its Romance Context OP 1st semester 6
Romanian Language BT 1st semester 6
Romanticism and Realism: Galicia, Portugal, Brazil CM 1st semester 6
Spanish Realism and Naturalism: the Novel CM 2nd semester 6
Spanish Renaissance Literature: Poetry and Prose CM 2nd semester 6
Spanish Syntax CM Annual 12
Standard Catalan CM 1st semester 6
The French Essay: Research on Tolerance and Freedom CM 2nd semester 6
The French Novel I: the Invention of the Individual from 'The Princess of Cleves' to Nana CM 2nd semester 6
The French Novel II: the Crisis of Subject and Representation CM 2nd semester 6
The Portuguese Renaissance OP 1st semester 6
The Romance Lexicon: from Glosses to Digital Lexicography CM 2nd semester 6
The Spanish Literary Landscape: Modern and Contemporary Literature CM 2nd semester 6
The Troubadours and their European Reception BT 1st semester 6
Translation and Reception of Italian Literature OP 1st semester 6
Translation from Portuguese and Galician OP 1st semester 6
Twentieth and Twenty-First-Century Portuguese Literature CM 2nd semester 6
Twentieth-Century Spanish Poetry: from Modernism to the Avant-Garde CM 2nd semester 6
Varieties of Realism, Formalism and Postmodernity CM 2nd semester 6
Vulgar Latin CM 2nd semester 6
Way of Saint James OP 1st semester 6
Written Culture: from the Manuscript to the Digital World CM 2nd semester 6