University of Barcelona

Romance Languages and Literatures

Objectives and competences


You will acquire a cross-disciplinary and comparative understanding of Romance languages, complemented by a broad understanding of cultural evolution in the European context.


General competences

  • Communicative ability (the ability to understand and express oneself orally and in writing in Catalan, Spanish, and a third language, mastering specialised language/the ability to search, use, disseminate, and integrate information).
  • Mastery of new information and communication technologies and information management skills.
  • Ethical commitment (critical and self-critical capacity/ability to demonstrate attitudes consistent with ethical and deontological conceptions).
  • Teamwork (the ability to collaborate with fellow colleagues and contribute to a common project/ability to collaborate in interdisciplinary and multicultural teams).

Specific competences

  • Be capable of analysing and interpreting Romance languages and literatures from a comparative, diachronic, and synchronic perspective.
  • Have theoretical and practical knowledge of two Romance languages and be capable of using them for different purposes (linguistic advice and correction, translation of texts, comprehension and writing of texts, language teaching, and creation of teaching materials).
  • To possess knowledge of the history of literature and of the culture of two linguistic domains in order to develop a critical discourse on themes and aspects of these literatures and cultures from multiple methodological approaches.
  • To apply the techniques of philological editing of literary and linguistic texts within the Romance language domain.

