University of Barcelona


Course plans

List of subjects 2024-2025

Subject Type Language Credits
Aesthetics and Ideology in Spanish Romanticism CM 1st semester 6
American Spanish CM Annual 12
Catalan I BT 1st semester 6
Cervantes and the Poetics of the Novel OP 1st semester 6
Comparative Medieval Literature CM 1st semester 6
Contemporary Spanish Theatre OP 1st semester 6
Descriptive Grammar of Spanish CM Annual 12
Discourse Analysis of Spanish OP 1st semester 6
Dutch I BT 1st semester 6
English I BT 1st semester 6
Final Project FP 2nd semester 6
Hispanic American Literature to Modernism CM 1st semester 6
History of Spanish CM Annual 12
Institutional or Company Placement OP 1st semester
2nd semester
Introduction to Basque BT 1st semester 6
Introduction to French BT 1st semester 6
Introduction to Galician BT 1st semester 6
Introduction to Greek I BT 1st semester 6
Introduction to Hispanic American Literature BT 2nd semester 6
Introduction to Italian BT 1st semester 6
Introduction to Latin Rhetoric and Style CM 1st semester 6
Introduction to Linguistics BT 2nd semester 6
Introduction to Modern Greek BT 1st semester 6
Introduction to Polish BT 1st semester 6
Introduction to Portuguese BT 1st semester 6
Introduction to Russian BT 1st semester 6
Introduction to the History of Spanish BT 2nd semester 6
Latin I BT 1st semester 6
Literary Commentary OP 2nd semester 6
Literature BT 1st semester 6
Modern Arabic I BT 1st semester 6
Modern Hebrew I BT 1st semester 6
Preliminary German BT 1st semester 6
Prescriptive Spanish Grammar BT 1st semester 6
Romance Linguistics OP 2nd semester 6
Romanian Language BT 1st semester 6
Spanish Baroque Literature: Poetry and Prose CM 1st semester 6
Spanish Lexicography OP 1st semester 6
Spanish Literature in the Middle Ages CM 2nd semester 6
Spanish Morphology and Lexicology CM 2nd semester 6
Spanish Phonetics and Phonology OP 1st semester 6
Spanish Pragmatics CM Annual 12
Spanish Realism and Naturalism: the Novel CM 2nd semester 6
Spanish Renaissance Literature: Poetry and Prose CM 2nd semester 6
Spanish Semantics OP 1st semester 6
Spanish Sociolinguistics OP 2nd semester 6
Spanish Syntax CM Annual 12
The Age of Enlightenment in Spain: Literature and Thought CM 1st semester 6
The Spanish Literary Landscape: Medieval Literature and the Spanish Golden Age BT 2nd semester 6
The Spanish Literary Landscape: Modern and Contemporary Literature BT 2nd semester 6
Theatre in the Spanish Golden Age: Text and Performance CM 2nd semester 6
Twentieth-Century Hispanic American Literature CM 2nd semester 6
Twentieth-Century Literature and Thought OP 1st semester 6
Twentieth-Century Spanish Narrative CM 1st semester 6
Twentieth-Century Spanish Poetry: from 1940 to 2000 OP 2nd semester 6
Twentieth-Century Spanish Poetry: from Modernism to the Avant-Garde CM 2nd semester 6