University of Barcelona


Objectives and competences


The principles of Spanish language and literature and a systematic and educationally-oriented approach to their use in the public and private sectors and in society at large, supported by language skills (knowledge, research, text production, commentary and criticism), knowledge transfer skills and cultural management abilities.

An international and comparative approach and the principles required to consolidate this interest in other subject areas and to be equipped to pursue postgradaute studies.


General competences

  • Communicative ability (the ability to understand and express oneself orally and in writing in Catalan, Spanish, and a third language, mastering specialised language/the ability to search, use, disseminate, and integrate information).
  • Mastery of new information and communication technologies and information management skills.
  • Ethical commitment (critical and self-critical capacity/ability to demonstrate attitudes consistent with ethical and deontological conceptions).
  • Teamwork (the ability to collaborate with fellow colleagues and contribute to a common project/ability to collaborate in interdisciplinary and multicultural teams).

Specific competences

  • Demonstrate an acquired theoretical knowledge related to the historical evolution of Spanish and Latin American literatures, and to their respective articulation in literary genres.
  • Write texts in Spanish appropriate to a specific register, orthographically and grammatically correct, employing specific terminology of the field of study.
  • Express oneself orally in Spanish with phonetic accuracy, fluency, and clarity, using well-structured discourse appropriate to a specific register, grammatically correct, and employing specific terminology of each field of study.
  • Analyse the main phenomena of historical and linguistic variation in Spanish.