Objectives and competences
The principles of Graeco-Roman antiquity amd its legacy in western culture though the analysis of primary literary and non-literary texts.
The command of Greek and Latin though textual analysis and the practice of philological and language study strategies, and of techniques in basic auxilary sciences.
General competences
- Communicative ability (the ability to understand and express oneself orally and in writing in Catalan, Spanish, and a third language, mastering specialised language/the ability to search, use, disseminate, and integrate information).
- Mastery of new information and communication technologies and information management skills.
- Ethical commitment (critical and self-critical capacity/ability to demonstrate attitudes consistent with ethical and deontological conceptions).
- Teamwork (the ability to collaborate with fellow colleagues and contribute to a common project/ability to collaborate in interdisciplinary and multicultural teams).
Specific competences
- Translate and interpret Greek texts.
- Translate and interpret Latin texts.
- Analyse and apply the necessary grammatical concepts for reading and understanding classical Greek and Latin texts.
- Demonstrate advanced knowledge of Greek and Latin literatures, as well as their influence on Western literature and culture.