University of Barcelona

Communication and the Culture Industry

Objectives and competences


  • Critical reasoning skills and the ability to analyse the various artistic and technical disciplines involved in the media, and the procedures and current trends forming part of the professional field of oral, written, visual and multimedia communication.
  • A solid understanding of the chief features of communicative media today, and of current developments in this field.
  • The techniques and creative processes required to produce and disseminate cultural content at different stages of professional practice and the relationship between different audiences and recipients of that content.
  • The methods and concepts that can be applied to different areas of IT research within the field.
  • Professional language skills in the languages spoken in Spain at a national level and the knowledge of foreign languages used in the context of communication, especially English.
  • Cross-disciplinary skills in social sciences, arts, humanities and IT.


General competences

  • Ability to work in a team (ability to collaborate with others and contribute to a common project/ability to collaborate in interdisciplinary and multicultural teams).
  • Creative and entrepreneurial capacity (ability to formulate, design, and manage projects/ability to seek and integrate new knowledge and attitudes).
  • Communication skills (ability to understand and express oneself orally and in writing in Catalan, Spanish, and a third language, with mastery of specialised language/ability to search for, use, and integrate information).
  • Ability to formulate independent judgments and articulate arguments.
  • Familiarity with academic work, its models of rigour, and its usual procedures.

Specific competences

  • Knowledge of the theoretical basis that underlies communication, as well as knowledge and skills in research methods and techniques in communication.
  • Knowledge and skills in the use of communication technologies in different audiovisual and multimedia environments for application in the field of communication in cultural industries.
  • Ability and skill in ideation, planning, implementation, and distribution of creative projects within the framework of cultural industries.
  • Ability to apply the knowledge and skills acquired in the degree to real professional situations, understanding the work habits specific to different professional environments.