Cancellation of enrollment

Doctorands can apply to the University for the complete unenrolment in the following cases:


  • Due to serious illness of the student who prevents him from following normal the academic activity, duly accredited by medical report of the Catalan Health Service, of the equivalent body of other autonomous communities, or according to the MUFACE collective, in which this impediment is concluded. In this case, the doctorand has the right to refund the amount of the price of directing, guardianship and continuous evaluation of the doctoral thesis.
  • By death of the student. The amount of subjects cancelled to the direct family member or legal representative requesting it is returned. The student's heir or will must be declared and the death certificate.
  • For the doctorand's personal interest. In this case, the student is not entitled to the refund of the amounts entered under any circumstances. Requests for annulment for personal interest will not be resolved until payment of the registration fee has been made. If the doctorand has formalized his enrolment as a fellow, he must request the annulment of the scholarship and pay the enrolment amount before submitting the application for annulment.

It is up to the Director of the Doctorate School to resolve the cancellation of tuition, following a report from the Academic Commission of the program where the doctorand is registered.

The application for annulment must be submitted to an UB Registration Office or by any other means authorised by the current legislation, addressed to the Centre Secretariat where the student is enrolled. You can consult the ways by which to submit the application.

Fully cancelled enrolments will have the corresponding academic effects in the doctorand's file, in accordance with that established in section 5a of Title IV of the Doctorate Normative under the RD 99/2011 with regard to the permanence regime in the studies.
