
Accreditation of official correspondence between the official university degrees “pre-Bolonya” and the levels of the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education (MECES)
What is the MECES level of correspondence?

The MECES level is a procedure that aims to recognise the level of correspondence of each of the titles of the old catalogue of official titles, prior to the degrees that are awarded to the ISS (Architect, Engineer, Licensee, Technical Architect, Technical Engineer, Master and Diplomat) within the Spanish Qualifications for Higher Education (MECES).

It can be accredited through one of the following two ways:

  • With the BOE reference where the correspondence of your degree was published, jointly in the title presentation.
  1. You can also request it from the College's Secretariat of Students and Teaching.
  • Getting correspondence certification
  1. Correspondence certificates at MECES levels do not confer any title other than the one you already possess, nor do they imply any change in the professional skills for which this degree enables you.
  2. The certificates are issued by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports and their expedition is carried out in Spanish, accompanied by unofficial English translation.

The aim of this certificate is essentially to facilitate the mobility abroad of graduates from Spanish universities with diplomas prior to the Bologna Plan, with the aim of ensuring that they do not find it difficult to recognise their level of studies.

Correspondence certificates are not applicable for admission to the Public Administrations, leaving this subject to those that determine the bases of the call of the specific selection process.

  • It will also be possible to request in writing, submitting the application through a Register, as provided for in art. 38.4 of Law 30/1992, of 26 November, on the Legal Regime of the Public Administrations and the Common Administrative Procedure.

In this case, the application must be signed and accompanied by a copy of the ID or authorized by the data subject, so that the Ministry can access the identity data verification system for the corresponding check.

The certificates requested by this route will be issued in paper support and with manuscript signature by the holder of the Subdirectorate General for Titles and Qualifications.
