University of Barcelona

Information for the student – Leadership and Management in Nursing

Final project

To achieve university master's degree, an end master's job (RD 822/2021) is required. They consist of the preparation, presentation, and defence of a research project in the field of nursing with 30 ECTS credits. This work must be the result of the individual student's work resulting from the integration of the training received during the qualification. This work should be the embryo of the doctoral thesis. To facilitate its implementation, the Master's teaching program includes the acquisition of competences related to: methodology of research, oral and written communication, bibliographic search strategy, bibliographic managers, critical analysis of scientific articles, and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data.

Following the rules of the University of Barcelona, only students who have exceeded 90 ECTS may be assessed from the Final Work of Masters.

Final Master Work will be evaluated as per the teaching plan of the assignment. For the evaluation of TFMs, three-member courts (professors or researchers with accredited merits) will be appointed from the Master's field of knowledge, one of which will act as president/ta, one as secretary/a and the other as a member. For the training of the courts, the Masters Coordination Commission will propose a full and substitute court in the Masters and Postgraduate Commission of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences which, with your eye and pleasure, will transfer it to the dean/ana of the faculty, who will make the corresponding appointment.
