University of Barcelona

Information for the student – Biomedical Engineering

Tutorial action plan

Tutorial action plan

The tutorial action plan (PAT) of the Degree in Biomedical Engineering has been proposed following the regulations and guidelines published in the BOE and those approved by the Governing Council of the University of Barcelona (UB) which are called then:

 University Student Statute, approved by RD 1791/2010, of 30 December.

Ordinance of the official university educations RD1393 / 2007, of 29 October.

Institutional project of the educational policy of the University of Barcelona (Governing Council of the UB, of 6 July 2006).

Information, guidance and student support: tutorial action at the University of Barcelona (UB Governing Council, 5 July 2007).


Definition and functions of the PAT

The incorporation of tutoring as a teaching function is a basic process in the framework of the European Higher Education Area. It is a tool aimed at increasing the quality of teaching that offers support in the integral development of the student. The tutorial action consists of accompanying the student to guide and advise him/her in the learning process, helping him/her in the decision-making, in the improvement of academic performance, and the improvement of professional expectations.

They are performed by the coordinators of each subject, the coordinators of each course, and the heads of studies according to the query specifically affect a matter, the course organization or more general type in the formation. These tutorings can be traced to all the students, but they are essentially aimed at students with:

Special needs in accordance with the protocol of the UB Demphasis to Personnel with Disabilities.

Recognition and guidance of skilled sportsmen and women.

Access granted by transfer of file.

Access by tracks older than 25, 40 and 45.

Access with previous university studies.

In intermediate stages of formation these tutorings are essentially aimed at:

High-performing academic and clear professional vocations.

Lumnes with difficulty pursuing studies due to economic, labor or disease situations.

Lims that require advice on academic and administrative formalities that occur throughout the course of training.

The coordinator of each course is also the individual tutor of the corresponding students. In special cases other tutors can be designated depending on the case.

In the final phase of studies, tutoring aims to prepare the student for transition to the world of work and to guide him on possible career exits, as well as to publicise graduate studies, masters and doctorates. In this case, it will be addressed to the teacher who is required to become suitable according to the initial query given to the chief of studies.

In addition, it offers the possibility of having up-to-date information on the possibilities of graduate and master's training through links to the Faculty's website.
