University of Barcelona

Information for the student – Biomedical Engineering

Final project


Following the regulatory framework approved by the Governing Council on June 7, 2011, the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences establishes the following regulations for the Final Degree Project (TFG) of the Degree in Biomedical Engineering (GEB).

1. Object

The TFG is defined as autonomous and individual work that allows the student to show in an integrated way the training contents and the acquired competencies associated with the degree.

The TFG corresponds to 12 ECTS and must be dimensioned to be developed in 300 hours.

The TFG can be, among others, of the following types:

- Experimental work

- Deepening and synthesis work based on a bibliographic review of the assigned topic

- Practical work in companies or research centers

The work developed will be described in a report written in English. The report must be elaborated following the indications facilitated in the educational plan of the subject. There will be a public oral defense of the work in English.


2. Organization

The Coordinating Committee of the TFG is the competent body to decide everything related to the TBG of the GEB. The committee is made up of the Coordinator of the subject of the Final Degree Project and a representative of each of the departments involved in teaching. The Commission is chaired by the Coordinator of the subject. The Commission will have the following functions:

- Approve the proposals of TFG and the corresponding tutors

- Decide assignments and tutors for students

- Designate the evaluation juries

- Ensure the proper functioning of the evaluation process of this subject

The Coordinator of the subject will be appointed by the Head of Degree Studies. The Coordinator will be responsible for drawing up the teaching plan, in agreement with the regulations governing the teaching plans of the UB.

The teacher representing each department will be responsible for coordinating the tutors in his/her department and will nominate teachers for the evaluation juries.


 3. Registration and evaluation periods

To obtain an effective registration, the student must have passed 180 ECTS.

The report will be delivered through the Virtual Campus of the subject according to the established procedure and deadlines. The defense and evaluation will be carried out in the periods fixed within the established one by the calendar of evaluations of the Faculty.


4. Responsibility and teaching assignment

The departments will propose the topics of the works, indicating the title of the work, the name of the tutor, and a short description of the topic and the activities to be carried out by the student.


5. Assignment or election of subjects and tutors

The Faculty Secretariat will publish the list of proposed topics well in advance. Each enrolled student will be able to choose from the proposed topics and order them according to their preferences. The Coordinating Committee will assign the topics according to the following criteria:

- Prior stay in the department or center offering the TFG, with the approval of the tutor

-  Academic record

- Choice by the tutor

A student may also propose a work topic to the Coordinating Committee, presenting it with the procedure and deadline established. If the Commission deems the work appropriate, it will assign it to the student who proposed it.


 6. Direction of work

The TFG should be conducted under the guidance of a TFG director. The director of the TFG will help the student to define the aspects to consider, providing him/her the experimental and bibliographical tools necessary for the development of the work, and watching that the programmed work advances suitably during the educational period. It is also the responsibility of the director to ensure that the structure of the report conforms to the regulations.

When the student has to develop all the TFG or a significant part of it in institutions and organisms different from the UB, in addition to the director he/she must have a tutor of the institution so that he/she lends collaborate with him/her in the definition of the content of the TFG and its development.


7. Evaluation

Juries of two professors will be appointed for the evaluation of the TFGs, one of whom will act as president and the other as secretary. For the formation of the juries, the Coordinating Commission will oversee looking for the members of each jury, trying that they are of different areas of specialization.

The TFG examination will consist of the defense of the oral and public report before the jury, followed by a discussion, also public, with the members of the jury. The presentation will last 10 minutes. The discussion time with the jury will be a maximum of 10 minutes.

The evaluation of the work will be based on the quality of the report and the clarity of the oral presentation and discussion. In addition to the scientific and/or technical quality of the work, the communication capacity, oral and written, of the student will be valued, as well as the degree of achievement of the general competencies and the specific competencies of the degree. The grade will be assigned by the jury, after hearing the director. The score will be recorded in a pre-report which will be delivered to the Secretariat.

To be eligible for Excellent with Honours, a panel will be set up consisting of the Subject Coordinator and 2 members chosen from among those who have been part of the juries. This committee will review the TFGs and assign the Excellent with Honours rating to the TFGs it deems best considering the maximum number of Excellent with Honours that can be awarded.

The TFG Coordinator, once the evaluation process has been completed, after awarding the Excellent with Honours, will be responsible for filling in and signing the minutes.

The qualification periods of the TFGs are those established for the rest of the subjects of the degree.

The mention of Excellent with Honours in the qualification will not be included in the minutes until the end of the evaluation period to respect the provisions of article 5.6 of RD 1125/2003, of 5 September. If a student requests that his/her file be closed before the minutes are closed, he/she is considered to have expressly waived any Excellent with Honours, if he/she was entitled to it.


8. Archiving or depositing the work

The reports of the most relevant TFGs will be published in the Espai del Grau and on the subject  in the corresponding Virtual Campus of the UB, as long as the author of the report authorizes it. The student will be encouraged to use free licenses in the publication of the works to facilitate the dissemination and reuse of the work.

The intellectual property or industrial property rights of the TFG are regulated in the terms and conditions provided for in current legislation.


Regulations for the Final Degree Project at the UB
