Cicle Continuat de Conferències de la FMiCS: Neuroengineering solutions for restoring neuronal communication


20-05-2022 a 31-05-2022




Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut


Aula de Graus Dolors Aleu (Campus Clínic)

El proper 31 de maig a les 12h, l'Aula de Graus Dolors Aleu del Campus Clínic (planta 5, aula 14) acollirà el tercer dels seminari del Cicle Continuat de Conferències de la Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut. 

El seminari porta per títol "Neuroengineering solutions for restoring neuronal communication" i estarà a càrrec de la Dra. Michela  Chiappalone, Professora Associada d'Enginyeria Biomèdica de la Universitat de Gènova (Itàlia).

Aquest seminari, esta adreçat a tot el PDI de la Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut i els diferents centres de recerca de Barcelona i no requereixen inscripció prèvia per poder assistir-hi.

A continuació trobareu una breu sinopsi dels temes que abordarà la Dr. Chiappalone durant el seminari:

Neuroengineering is a multidisciplinary field at the boundaries between neuroscience and engineering. Its primary goal consists of developing instruments which allow a dialogue with a neuronal system, with a twofold perspective:

i) to deepen the knowledge on the functioning of the nervous system; ii) to develop systems able to restore functions in case of disability. In her research, Dra. Chiappalone exploit Neuroengineering approaches with the final goal of developing innovative technologies either for ‘replacing’ (i.e. neuroprosthetics for the brain) or for ‘retraining’ (i.e. targeted neuromodulation) brain functions in case of neurological disorders. She will present two projects: (i) restoration of the communication between damaged neuronal assemblies in vitro; (ii) closed-loop paradigms aimed at promoting Hebbian plasticity to repair brain functionality in vivo. Further developments and applications towards translation in humans will be briefly introduced and discussed.

Us hi esperem!
