
Cicle Continuat de Conferències de la FMiCS: Mechanism of response and resistance to KRAS inhibition in solid tumors

Notícia | 21-06-2024

El proper 11 de juliol les 12 h l'Aula Magna del Campus Clínic acollirà un nou seminari del Cicle Continuat de Conferències de la Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut. 

El seminari titulat "Mechanism of response and resistance to KRAS inhibition in solid tumors” i serà a càrrec de la Dra. Sandra Misale, Assistant Professor in the Oncology Department at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine els encarregats d'aquesta xerrada son els doctors Daniel Tornero i Joan Montero.

Aquest seminari s'adreça a tot el PDI de la Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut i als centres de recerca de Barcelona i no cal inscripció prèvia per assistir-hi.

A continuació, una breu sinopsi dels temes que abordarà el Dra. Misale durant al sessió:

KRAS is the most frequently mutated oncogene in human cancers, and it has been considered undruggable for decades. Only recently, inhibitors of the G12C mutated form of KRAS have been approved for the treatment of lung cancers patients harboring KRASG12C mutation but their efficacy as single agent is limited in colorectal cancer with the same KRAS alteration. We identified and characterized the adaptive resistance mechanisms behind the lack of efficacy of KRASG12C inhibitors in colorectal cancers and developed a rational pharmacological combination with anti-EGFR monoclonal antibodies to overcome primary resistance. We also studied the molecular basis of secondary resistance to this combination and identified mutant KRAS amplification as the major genetic mechanism driving resistance in this setting. Currently, we are exploring the targeting of all KRAS mutant using the RAS-ON multi selective inhibitor highlighting important biochemical differences between G12 and Q61 mutant RAS isoforms which suggest important clinical implications.

No us perdeu aquest interessant seminari, recordeu no cal inscripció prèvia!
