Universitat de Barcelona

Informació per a l’estudiant – Màster en Biomedicina

Pràctiques Grups /Laboratoris Treball Fi Master (TFM)

Pràctiques curriculars

Per fer el TFM has de tenir un grup de recerca on fer les pràctiques, a la pestanya Ofertes pràctiques Treball Fi de Master, hi ha un llistat per escollir. Recorda que t'han de signar i enviar la carta d'acceptació 
  • Els estudiants que realitzin el TFM en un grup d'un departament de la UB, poden optar a:  Convocatòria ordinària de beques de col·laboració amb la Universitat de Barcelona. La convocatòria es publica setembre/octubre  http://www.ub.edu/beques/col.laboracio/  
  • Els estudiants que realitzin el TFM en un laboratori del IBEC mireu si podeu optar a una beca de la convocatòria que es publicarà a la web del BEC: http://www.ibecbarcelona.eu/master  +inf: mail: master@ibecbarcelona.eu 
  • “Si realitzes el TFM en un grup dels departament de la Facultat de Biologia, Farmàcia o Medicina, podeu optar a les beques: Programa Màster+ UB de captació d’estudiants per a cursar un màster universitari i incentivar vocacions científiques en el sí d’un grup de recerca. Curs 2023-24 (2023.2). 

  • Els estudiants que realitzin el TFM en un laboratori del IBUB comproveu si podeu optar a una beca de la convocatòria que es publicarà a la web del IBUB: http://www.ub.edu/ibub/
  • Els estudiants que realitzin el TFM, utilitzant el conveni  Erasmus+ signats amb les següents universitats d’Eurolife: Medical University of Innsbruck (Àustria), University of Strasbourg (França), Trinity College Dublin (Irlanda), Leiden University Medical Center (Holanda) i Karolinska Institutet (Suècia), optaran automàticament a un ajut de mobilitat Eurolife. Es resol al desembre, se’n dóna només 1 per a tot el màster. +informació eurolife@ub.edu
  • Els estudiants que facin el TFM en una institució no UB o a l'estranger, dirigiu-vos a la pestanya de Mobilitat.
  • If you are planning to do the TFM in a group of  ICMAB look at these fellowships: https://dynamic-biomimetics.icmab.es/jobs/24-developing-patient-derived-organoids-as-cancer-models-based-on-3d-hydrogels

GRUP: Photopharmacological control of dopaminergic receptors.   In our group we are focused on the development of such tools – photoswitchable molecules. They are based on pharmacologically active compounds and light-sensitive switches incorporated in their structure to control endogenous neuronal receptors and specific neuronal circuits with light. Current project will be focused on the development of the novel light-controllable molecules for selective and localised activation of dopamine receptors to study dopaminergic neuronal circuits that underlie complex behaviours.

Tasks: maintenance of cultured cell lines; their transfection with various dopaminergic receptors; performance of live-cell calcium imaging experiments to study the ability of novel photoswitchable molecules to control dopamine receptors in a light-dependent manner.  Institution: Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia Mentor: Galyna Malieieva Email: gmalieieva@ibecbarcelona.eu

GRUP: D’ ESTUDI DE MALALTIES PER DISFUNCIÓ INMUNE EN PEDIATRIA (GEMDIP), investiga los mecanismos comunes de desregulación inmune en pacientes pediátricos con inmunodeficiencias primarias, enfermedades autoinmunes y autoinflamatorias, para la identificación de vías involucradas en su inmuno-patogénesis, a fin de establecer firmas inmunológicas, biomarcadores que permitan definir opciones terapéuticas basadas en terapias celulares mediante terapia génica o edición génica. Las unidades clínicas adscritas al GEMDIP son designada como centro de referencia en Inmunodeficiencias Primarias en Cataluña 2019), España (CSUR 2020) y Europa (ERN-RITA 2021).

Lineas de investigación:

1.             Study of immune dysregulatory disorders in children: from diagnosis to therapeutics. IP: Laia Alsina.  laia.alsina@sjd.es   http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3559-0018.

2.             Development of gene therapy for monogenic diseases (Inborn Errors of Immunity).  IP: Alessandra Magnani . alessandra.magnani@sjd.es

3.             Development and production of Advanced therapies. IP Julio Castaño Cardoso. julio.castano@sjd.es
GRUP: Hereditary metabolic diseases and muscular diseases research group, Department of Medicine, UB-IDIBAPS, Cellex.  OMICs technologies and therapeutic approaches in different rare diseases.  Rare diseases, like Kearns-Sayre syndrome or inclusion body myositis, still remain with unknown etiology, non-effective biomarkers, nor treatments. Our aims are: (1) using OMICs technologies (exome, transcriptome, epigenome, proteome, etc) to better understand the underlying etiopathologic mechanisms involved in these diseases, and to find potential therapeutic targets and biomarkers for the diagnostic and/or prognostic; (2) performing therapeutic assays by using multiple strategies (both pharmacologic candidates and genetic edition) in different models of the disease derived directly form patient samples. Glòria Garrabou (garrabou@clinic.cat); Francesc J. García (fjgarcia@recerca.clinic.cat); Mariona Guitart (mguitart@recerca.clinic.cat); 

GRUP: Hereditary metabolic diseases and muscular diseases research group, Department of Medicine, UB-IDIBAPS, Cellex.Development of a multiomics and functional biology strategy to improve the diagnostic workflow of mitochondrial energy metabolism disorders. The implementation of next generation sequencing technologies has led to a significant improvement in the diagnosis of inherited genetic diseases. However, a significant number of patients still remain without a definitive genetic diagnosis. The main objective of this project is to develop an integrative multiomics and functional biology strategy to improve the diagnostic workflow of mitochondrial energy metabolism disorders based on the use of advanced omics (transcriptomics, proteomics) and targeted functional studies in genetically modified cellular models generated by CRISPR/Cas9. Contact: Glòria Garrabou:garrabou@clinic.cat  Frederic Tort ftort@recerca.clinic.cat

GRUP. Endothelial Pathobiology and Microenvironment Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute Tittle: Role of cancer-associated mutations in endothelial cells. Summary:  Cancer-associated mutations have been identified as a cause of congenital diseases, among which vascular malformations are included. Vascular malformations consist of aberrant tubes where the oncogenic mutation is found in endothelial cells. In our lab primary work with activating mutations in PIK3CA and GNAQ, and we use conditional mouse to model these congenital diseases in mouse models and leverage patient-derived endothelial cells to validate our findings. In the frame of the project, we will propose the student to study the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the pathogenic signaling imposed by these mutations by using ex-vivo tissues as well as cell derived thereof. Name of director: Mariona Graupera, ICREA Research Professor e-mial: mgraupera@carrerasresearch.org
GRUP: IRB Barcelona, IP del grup: Manuel Palacín Tittle: Unveiling the Functional Implications of 4F2hc Ectodomain shedding.   Join our research team at IRB Barcelona's Amino Acid Transport and Disease laboratory for a master's thesis project investigating the shedding of the ectodomain of the 4F2hc protein. This project aims to explore the diverse roles of 4F2hc in cellular functions, focusing on its newly identified isoforms and their potential signaling pathways. You will gain hands-on experience with advanced techniques like cell culture, mass spectrometry, and confocal microscopy, contributing to groundbreaking research on protein function and cellular communication under the guidance of Prof. Joana Fort Correu electrònic de contacte: joana.fort@irbbarcelona.org  IRB Barcelona https://www.irbbarcelona.org/en/research/amino-acid-transporters-and-disease

GRUP: Dept of Pharmacology, Toxicology and Therapeutic Chemistry, Pharmacology Section and Institute of Biomedicine (IBUB), UB   Tittle: Emerging drugs of abuse. Target indentification and Pharmacological characterization of novel synthetic cathinones Summary: The illicit drug market has evolved significantly in the last decade, with numerous new psychoactive substances (NPS) marketed as legal highs, bath salts, or research chemicals. NPS refers to analogues of traditional drugs not controlled by the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs. Many have strong rewarding effects, toxicity, abuse potential, and can be lethal, posing a public health threat. However, information on their mechanisms of action, adverse effects, and risks remains limited. This project aims to study the pharmacological profile of synthetic cathinones, focusing on their ability to inhibit monoamine uptake, interaction with transporters and receptors, and their psychostimulant and rewarding effects in animal models.   Prof Dr. RAUL LOPEZ ARNAU electrònic de contacte   raullopezarnau@ub.edu  WEB: Inici - NextGenPS (ub.edu)

GRUPGenètica i Biologia Molecular de Proteïnes Mitocondrials i Patologies Associades. Dept.Bioquímica i Biomedicina Molecular. Title: Brown adipose tissue activation: a novel strategy to prevent/treat the hepatocarcinogenesis promoted by metabolic lipotoxicity. Project: Metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver diseases (MAFLD) are reaching pandemic proportions, resulting in increased incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Brown adipose tissue (BAT) is composed of brown adipocytes consuming fatty acids and glucose to produce heat, thanks to uncoupled respiration in their mitochondria. In addition to its thermogenic function, evidence showed a secretory role for BAT which releases the so called “batokines”. Interestingly, among the batokines already described, some are known to be involved in hepatocarcinogenesis. With this project we aim to show that active BAT protects against MAFLD-promoted HCC by releasing protective factors targeting the liver. Contact: Marion Peyrou: marion.peyrou@ub.edu

GRUP: Molecular CardiologyDepartament de Bioquímica i Biomedicina Molecular. Study of new factors for the treatment of myocardial infarction: Permanent coronary artery occlusion leads to irreversible cell death of cardiac myocytes after which a reparative process is initiated to rebuild the myocardium. This infarct healing process is characterized by inflammation and infiltration of immune cells (acute inflammatory phase) that serve to digest and clear damaged cells and extracellular matrix tissue, followed by a chronic anti-inflammatory reparative phase with resolution of inflammation, fibroblast proliferation, scar formation and neovascularization over the next few days. Communication through secreted proteins (cardiokines) by the different cell types in the infarcted region is key for tissue repair. This project aims to study the interactions between different cell types in the infarcted myocardium through cardiokines to treat myocardial infarction. Contact: Anna Planavila: aplanavila@ub.edu

GRUP:  Senyalització Molecular de l’Institut de Recerca Biomèdica de Bellvitge (L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona), amb possibilitats de continuar fent la tesi doctoral. El projecte de màster consistirà en avaluar la importància del receptor serpentin S1PR1 per a la proliferació i capacitat metastàtica de les tumorosferes en càncer d’ovari. Per això s’eliminarà la seva expressió mitjançant la tècnica de CRISPR-CAS9 en línies de cèl.lules de càncer d’ovari i es mesuraran els seus efectes en cultius cel.lulars en dues i tres dimentsions. Les tècniques a utilitzar seran les de cultiu cel.lular, RT-PCR, Western blot o microscopia confocal entre altres. Es valorarà l’expedient acadèmic però sobre tot la motivació de fer ciència amb nosaltres. Contacteu a Francesc Viñals, e-mail: fvinyals@iconcologia.net o fvinals@ub.edu  WEB grup: https://idibell.cat/es/investigacion/area-de-cancer/programa-de-mecanismos-moleculares-y-terapia-experimental-en-oncologia-oncobell/senalizacion-molecular/  https://molecularsignaling.wixsite.com/fvinalsgroup

GRUP: Dept. Bioquímica i Biomedicina Molecular, Facultat de Biologia, Títol: Autophagy and biogenesis of extracellular vesicles (exosomes) under conditions metabolic stress (obesity/diabetes).  Project: Les vesícules extracel.lulars o exosomes son eines de comunicació intercel.lular que transfereixen molècules bioactives (RNAs i proteïnes i lípids ) a cèl.lules receptores alterant la seva  fisiologia. S’ha vist que aquestes  vesícules contenen biomarcadors en diverses patologies. En el camp de la obesitat/ diabetis s’ha vist que vesícules modulen processos d’inflammació i condicionen la resposta cèlul.lar i acció a la insulina. El projecte investigarà els mecanismes moleculars que modulen la biogènesi, la seva composició i funcionalitat en models cel·lulars i/o en un model d’obesitat. Send  CV and academic records to: Dra Sílvia Mora: smora@ub.edu  / Additional information at Silvia MORA | Professor (Associate) | PhD | University of Barcelona, Barcelona | UB | Dept Biochemistry and Molecular Biomedicine | Research profile (researchgate.net)

GRUP: Regulation of Gene Regulation in Stem Cells, Cell Plasticity, Differentiation, and Cancer. Research Center: IDIBAPS Institute and ICREA. Title of the MSc Project: Gene Regulation in Cell Plasticity, Stem Cells, Cell Differentiation, and Cancer.  ZEB proteins are key regulators of cellular plasticity during development, cell differentiation, tumor invasiveness, and metastasis. The project will investigate the molecular mechanisms by which ZEB1 and ZEB2 factors determine stemness in normal and cancer stem cells and how they mediate the functions of key pathways in inflammation, cancer, and tissue regeneration. Send  CV and academic records to: Antonio Postigoapostigo@ub.edu  and idibaps.postigo3@gmail.com / Additional information at https://www.icrea.cat/security/files/researchers/researcher-sections/msc_biomedicine_2023-2024_0.pdf

GRUP: Senyalització cel·lular i ubicuitilació. Títol: “Deciphering potential therapeutic targets of Large HERC ubiquitin ligases. Projecte: Large HERCs are ubiquitin ligases that play an important regulatory role in neurodevelopment, DNA damage repair, and cell proliferation. Mutations in this family of genes are associated with pathologies such as cancer or neurological disorders. The substrates of these ubiquitin ligases must participate in the above processes and are possible therapeutic targets. Recently, we have conducted a proteomic study and identified several potential substrates. The main objective of this project will be to characterize these substrates using different experimental approaches, including immunological and gene expression techniques. Dr. José Luis Rosa enviar CV per mail  joseluisrosa@ub.edu  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=Rosa+JL+and+Barcelona&sort=date

GRUP: Senyalització cel·lular i ubicuitilació. Dept. Ciències Fisiològiques, Facultat de Medicina I Ciències de la Salut, UB, IDIBELL. Títol“Analyzing the tumor suppressor function of Large HERC ubiquitin ligases in cancer”. Large HERC proteins (HERC1 and HERC2) are ubiquitin ligases of the HECT family involved in important cellular processes including proliferation, motility, immune response, response to stress or gene repair. Loss-of-function gene variants have associated Large HERC with neurological syndromes, and loss of expression with tumor suppressor function in cancer. In this study, we want to evaluate this suppressive function in lung cancer. We will use the RNA interference methodology (lentiviral particles with shRNA) to regulate the expression of Large HERC in lung tumor-inducing cells in vitro and in vivo. We will evaluate this process and try to discern the molecular mechanisms involved to identify anti-cancer therapies. Contact: Send a CV and academic records to: Dr. Jose Luis Rosajoseluisrosa@ub.edu


GROUP: Human Modeling of Neurological DiseaseFacultat de Medicina I Ciències de la Salut, Dept. Patologia i Terapèutica Experimental-UB. Title: Developmental and evolutionary characterization of the extracellular matrix profile (matrisome) in the human central nervous system. PROJECT: The broad objective of the project is to unbiasedly screen and subsequently validate the roles of critical extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins modified during the cerebral cortex development in humans. We employ biochemical coupled to mass spectrometry approaches to identify proteomic changes in the cortical ECM of the fetal and adult human and mouse brain. By identifying changes in these scenarios, we aim to elucidate evolutive and age-dependent changes in the cerebral cortex microenvironments and how they can modulate the generation and functional maturation of neural cells. The lab utilizes stem cells and direct reprogramming methods to generate different neuronal subtypes of the human central nervous system along with proteomic and functional physiological assays. The candidate will join a young and dynamic team that close interact with other developmental biology, stem cell biology, electrophysiology, computational and biotechnology labs at national and international institutions. Contact: send a CV and academic records to: Alberto Ortegajalbertoortega@ub.edu   web: https://jalbertoortega9.wixsite.com/website

GROUP: Gynecologic Cancer Research Group, Departament de Patologia i Terapèutica Experimental, UB, Campus de Bellvitge. Project title: "Molecular mechanisms of metastasis-initiating cells in endometrial cancer."  Project:  Metastasis is the most lethal feature of cancer. When cells detach from their extracellular matrix (ECM), the pro-survival signaling is lost and apoptosis is triggered, this cell death caused by the loss of anchorage is termed anoikis. Some cancer cells can survive despite detachment from ECM and enter into the metastatic cascade. The project focuses on deciphering the cancer cells anchorage-independent survival mechanisms involved in metastasis-initiating cells in endometrial cancer, identifying key genes and offering possible novel therapeutic targets. For that purpose we use transcriptomics, omics, CRISPR whole-genome screenings, and in vivo metastatic models. Contact: send a CV and academic records to Dr. Laura Devis Jauregui, email: ldevisjauregui@ub.edu

GROUP: More info about the group can be found at  https://bonebiology.wixsite.com/venturalab   Facultat de Medicina I Ciències de la Salut, Dept. Ciències Fisiològiques-UB Project Title: Inhibition of PI3K as a therapy for heterotopic ossification. PROJECT: Heterotopic ossification is a pathological process induced by musculoskeletal trauma or a congenital gain-of-function mutation of the ACVR1 gene, resulting in the disease Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) (Orphanet#337). Ectopic bone formation in FOP patients is progressive and cumulative, promotes ankylosed joints and causes nearly complete immobilization of the body and premature death. Very recently, we have established a proof of concept that inhibitors of phosphatidyl-inositol 3-kinase alpha (PI3Kα) such as BYL719 could become a useful therapy for patients suffering from FOP. In order to set the base for a clinical treatment, further studies are required to optimize dosing and timing of administration of BYL719 in both episodic and spontaneous ossification in FOP. Moreover, using a validated murine model of FOP and patient-derived pluripotent stem cells, we will investigate the precise molecular mechanisms by which BYL719 compromises ACVR1 signaling and the impact of BYL719 on heterotopic ossification. Contact: send a CV and academic records to: Francesc Ventura Pujolfventura@ub.edu

GROUP: Translational Control and Cancer Stem Cells in Colorectal Cancer. Dept. of Physiological Science. School of Medicine, Campus Bellvitge, UB, IDIBELL. Project Title: Targeting the biosynthetic activity of cancer stem cells and tumor heterogeneity in colorectal cancer». Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a major health problem. Tumor heterogeneity plays a critical role in the progression of the disease and the resistance to chemotherapies. Tumor hierarchies are fueled by a small population of self-renewing cancer stem cells (CSCs), reminiscent of the intestinal epithelium. We have recently uncovered that the biosynthetic activity define the stemness properties of colorectal cancer stem cells. These biosynthetic CSCs are characterized by hyperactive ribosome biogenesis, that constitutes an “Achile Heel” in cancer as we, and others, previously showed (Domostegui et al, 2021 Blood). In this project we will use state-of-the-art technologies as Patient Derived Organoids (PDOs), preclinical metastatic models, CRISPR and transcriptomics to understand how the ribosomes constitute a driver of heterogeneity and plasticity in CRCs with the aims to develop innovative therapeutic strategies. We are looking for a curious and highly-motivated master student to participate in an innovative project. 4th-year students in biomedicine planning to enroll to the next master in biomedicine course are also invited to apply.  CV+ Academic records to Dr J. Pelletier: j.pelletier@ub.edu  The website department : https://www.ub.edu/portal/web/dp-ciencies-fisiologiques


GRUP: Laboratori d’Oncologia Translacional, Departament de Patologia i Terapèutica Experimental. Univeristat de Barcelona. Campus de Bellvitge. Títol del projecte: “MicroRNAs and Bone Metastasis associated with Prostate Cancer. Projecte: Metastatic cells have a specific tropism preferentially colonizing certain organs depending on the type of tumor and tissue of origin. In prostate cancer (PC) in particular, cells tend to colonize bone in more than 90% of cases with devastating consequences for patients, however, the cellular mechanisms driving this specificity are not well established. The main objective of this study is to understand the role of miRNAs in those PC cells capable of disseminating and establishing bone metastases and to define which of their targets are involved in their molecular mechanism to reveal new therapeutic targets for patients with metastatic PC. The first step will be the analysis of miRNAs in plasma from patients with metastatic PC to select those candidates with greater clinical relevance. Next, we will identify through which of their targets the selected miRNAs could be exerting their function. In addition, after the analysis of the secretome, we will determine the involvement of the selected miRNA in the communication between the tumor cell and the bone microenvironment. Finally, the role of miRNA will be validated in different in vivo mice models. These results will give us a broader view of the molecular mechanisms underlying bone metastasis and will open up a range of promising therapeutic targets to treat metastatic PCa. Contact: send a CV and academic records to: Mireia Olivan Riera, mireiaolivan@ub.edu

GROUP: NANOMEDICINE AND TISSUE ENGINEERING FOR REGENERATION. TITLE: Novel therapeutic approaches to treat liver diseases within the broad translational group program: https://www.ub.edu/portal/web/dp-biomedicalsciences/investigacio-traslacional-en-noves-estrategies-de-diagnostic-i-tractament-de-la-malatia-hepatica.-ip-wladimiro-jimenez PROJECT: Translational studies aimed to identify novel therapeutic targets and cell surface markers in liver diseases for the accurate design and synthesis of cell-targeted nanoparticles or tissue engineering platforms to treat liver diseases (liver fibrosis and cancer). CONTACT:  Send a CV and Full Academic Records with Grade Average to Pedro Melgar Lesmes: pmelgar@ub.edu LOCATION: Department of Biomedicine, Faculty of Medicine; University of Barcelona. +INFORMATION here: https://webgrec.ub.edu/webpages/tmp/ang/pmelgar.ub.edu.html   https://es.linkedin.com/in/pedro-melgar-lesmes-16746225 

Group: Tumor-Stroma Crosstalks in Pancreatic Cancer. Dept. of Pathology and Experimental Therapy. School of Medicine, Campus Bellvitge, UB, IDIBELL. Project Title: “Deciphering the role of the tumor microenvironment in pancreatic cancer”.  Pancreatic cancer (PDAC) is the deadliest form of cancer. Compared to other tumor types, only minimal improvement in disease survival has been achieved in recent years, mostly due to the lack of effective therapeutic options. A hallmark of PDAC is that most of the cells that compose it (up to 90%!) are not tumor cells, but stromal cells (i.e. tumor microenvironment). Stromal cells can communicate with tumor cells and, depending on the type of communication, promote or inhibit the development of the disease. Thus, when we aim to finding better ways to attack pancreatic tumors, we need to take into consideration the tumor microenvironment. In this project, we will combine the use of primary cells and tissues obtained from pancreatic cancer patients with state-of-the-art techniques to study how the cells in the tumor microenvironment impact the behavior of tumor cells, the immunology of the tumor and the response to treatment. Contact: Send CV+academic record (expedient) to: Elisa   Espinet e.espinet@ub.edueespinet@idibiell.cat https://twitter.com/ElisaEspinet https://www.linkedin.com/in/elisa-espinet-phd-853791209/

GRUP: Genètica i tumors urològics. Departament de Biomedicina. Unitat de Genètica. Facultat de Medicina (Clínic)-IDIBAPS. Project title: Liquid biopsy analysis for monitoring disease progression in localized prostate cancer patients. In this project we aim at identifying tumour dissemination in blood samples (liquid biopsies) for monitoring tumour relapse and predict the response to therapies in prostate cancer patients. Circulating tumor cells as well as ctDNA will be isolated from plasma and evaluated using molecular genetic techniques.  Genetic data will be correlated with patient’s outcome in order to develop a non-invasive tool for the follow up of high-risk prostate cancer patients. The identification of a tool like this would enormously improve patients’ management and would directly impact on patient survival. Web: https://idibaps.org/idibaps/areas-de-investigacion/biopatologia-y-bioingenieria-respiratoria-cardiovascular-y-renal/genetica-y-tumores-urologicos Contact: CV and academic records to Dra. Lourdes Mengual email: lmengual@ub.edu ;  lmengual@clinic.cat
GRUP: Departament de Ciències Fisiològiques, Facultat de Medicina, Campus de Bellvitge. UB. Títol: Targeting the metabolism of tumours, and metabolic adaptations to anti-cancer therapies: the role of the c-MYC oncogen.  Tumour cells rewire their metabolism to balance their metabolic needs with the harsh environment in the neoplastic site, favouring survival and proliferation. Our projects focus on the application of genetics and stable isotope-based metabolomics approaches to investigate the metabolism of tumors in vivo, with the aim of finding and testing metabolic targets for therapeutic intervention in cancer.  We also uncover mechanisms of adaptations to anti-cancer treatments, finding combinatorial interventions that improve therapeutic outcomes. This part of the project will focus on understanding how the oncogene MYC rewires the metabolism of cancer cells to change how nutrients are metabolized, to favour survival and growth. This includes studies with cancer cell lines (shRNA and labelling with 13C and 15N labelled glucose/glutamine), metabolomics analysis in samples from liver and breast cancer tumours (GC/MS and NMR), and gene transcription studies (promoter analysis, ChIP). Investigador Principal: Dr. Andrés Méndez Lucas. Contact PI: amendez@ub.edu;  https://mmfpd-ub.wixsite.com/amlmetab

GRUP: Neurofarmacologia Molecular, Dep. Bioquímica i Biomedicina Molecular, Facultat de Biologia, UB. Project Title: “Optimization of opioid treatment in pain therapy minimizing addictive effects”. One out of five people in Europe suffers from chronic pain. Chronic pain responds well to m-opioid receptor (MOR) agonists at first, but in the long run, the treatment fails, mainly due the tolerance to prescribed drugs and the risk of addiction. Thus, it is determining to promote new therapeutic to prevent addiction and tolerance-derived adverse effects of opioids. We have found a significant pharmacodynamic difference between methadone vs morphine that entirely depends on the heteromerization of MOR with galanin Gal1 receptors (Gal1R), both GPCRs. To further study this, in order to improve the pharmacological treatments with opioids, the student will apply cell culture and transfection techniques and will use biophysical techniques such as BRET to study receptor oligomerization. Moreover, the student will learn lots of techniques to study GPCR oligomerization at the level of ligand binding, as radioligand binding assays, and at the level of intracellular signaling, such as analyzing cAMP production, ERK phosphorylation and G-protein activation. Immunohistochemical assays such as proximity ligation assays in control and treated animals will also be performed. Contact: Send a CV and academic records to: Dr. Vicent Casadó e-mail: vcasado@ub.edu 
GRUP: Senyalització i checkpoints de cicle cel·lular, Dept. Biomedicina, Facultat de Medicina I Ciències de la Salut, UB, IDIBAPS. Titol del projecteParacrine effects of oncogenic K-Ras expression and phosphorylation in CRC cells. Our preliminar data indicate a differential regulation of CRC cells secretoma by oncogenic KRas and its phosphorylation. We propose now to analyze relevance of the differentially secreted proteins in fibroblast activation. Send a CV and academic records to Dra. Neus Agell. e-mail:  neusagell@ub.edu Mes informacio a: https://www.ub.edu/portal/web/dp-biomedicalsciences/senyalitzacio-i-chechpoints-de-cicle-cel.lular.-ip-neus-agell-jane 
Genetics of Cell Behaviour in Development, PI Dr. Sofia J. Araújo INST. BIOMEDICINA UNIVERSITAT BARCELONA (IBUB) Departament de Genètica Microbiologia i Estadística, UB Títol: Branching morphogenesis of neuronal and vascular systems - implications for human disease. Resum: Branching morphogenesis during development builds the ramified structures of various organs, including the nervous, vascular and respiratory systems. Branching at the single-cell level implies extensive cytoskeletal remodelling and membrane growth and dynamics. Understanding how cells branch at the correct time and place and what are the molecular mechanisms implicated is essential for the modulation of this cell behaviour during organ formation and regeneration. Using cells of the nervous and tracheal systems of Drosophila, which have the capacity to branch subcellularly, we will study different cell branching phenotypes in order to unveil novel molecules involved in this process. Contact: Send CV and academic record (expedient) a: Sofia J. Araújo  sofiajaraujo@ub.edu   http://www.ub.edu/ibub/research-group/sofia-araujo
GRUP: Marta Morey, PhD; Developmental Biology and  Genomics. Dept Genètica, Microbiologia i Estadística, Facultat de Biologia UB Title: NEURAL PLASTICITY IN THE CONTEXT OF STRESS AND CANCER Summary: To restore damaged neural circuits it is essential to learn about the plasticity capacity of the adult nervous system. We study the structural and molecular responses of the adult peripheral nervous system to various non-autonomous insults in the innervated tissue. One such insult is tissue stress, where we monitor responses of neurons to cell death and regeneration of the innervated organ. Another insult is cancer, where we address neuron-tumor signaling mediating tumor growth and neural plasticity. Understanding how the adult nervous system adapts to these scenarios can reveal ways to enhance neural plasticity and restore damaged circuits. Contact: Marta Morey,   mmorey@ub.edu   http://www.ub.edu/developmentalbiology/web/   http://www.ub.edu/ibub/research-group/genetics-and-genomics-of-neural-wiring
GRUP: UB_Bellvitge  Dep. Ciències Fisiològiques Director Dr. Joan Gil Títol: Pancreas regeneration from endogenous progenitors. Type 1 Diabetes is caused by an autoimmune destruction of pancreatic insulin-producing beta cells. Curing Type 1 diabetes requires the restoration of beta cell mass, either by replacement with exogenous cells or by regeneration from existing cells. However, the existence of adult progenitor cells is still controversial. Embryonic pancreatic multipotent progenitors and adult pancreatic duct cells express common markers in all species, suggesting that adult duct cells might be exploited to create a pool of beta cell progenitors. Our hypothesis is that a comprehensive examination of the transcriptional and epigenetic changes that occur between embryonic progenitors and adult cells, might aid in identifying the molecular mechanisms that restrict the lineage potential of duct cells. Based on my own unpublished findings indicating that the manipulation of a single transcription factor can indeed promote endocrine differentiation from duct cells, we will use the knowledge I derive from these studies to convert human duct cells into beta cells in xenotransplantation models. These studies have the potential to create a model of beta cell regeneration for the treatment of Type 1 diabetes. Contact:  Envieu: CV i nota mitja de l’expedient Meritxell Rovira mail:  meritxell.rovira@ub.edu ;  meritxell.loris@gmail.com
GRUP: Experimental Cancer Therapeutics. Departament de Patologia i Terapèutica Experimental, Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut (Campus Bellvitge), UB Projecte: Estudi del mecanisme d’acció de nous fàrmacs anticancerosos y teràpies combinades pel tractament de diferents càncers. La principal línia de recerca del grup es centra en la identificació i validació de dianes moleculars amb potencial ús terapèutic pel tractament de diferents tipus de càncers, especialment càncer de pulmó, per tal d’identificar i/o dissenyar nous fàrmacs anticancerosos específics, estudiar en profunditat el seu mecanisme d’acció in vitro, així com avaluar el seu potencial terapèutic en models animals. Actualment estem especialment interessats en compostos experimentals que actuen inhibint dianes o processos que confereixen quimiorresistència a fàrmacs, com proteïnes antiapoptòtiques o el procés d’autofàgia. Envieu: CV i nota mitja de l’expedient a Dra. Vanessa Soto-Cerrato, mail: vsoto@ub.edu 
GRUP: Senyalització i checkpoints de cicle cel·lular, Dept. Biomedicina, Facultat de Medicina I Ciències de la Salut, UB, IDIBAPS. Project title: Replicative stress: response of untransformed cells versus tumor cells. Genomic instability is a characteristic ("hallmark") of tumor cells and DNA replication is the most vulnerable cell cycle process, and alterations in this process can lead to genomic instability or to senescence. Replicative stress plays a role in oncogenesis, but at the same time it can be a good target for cancer therapy. That is why our group wants to understand the different responses to replicative stress, of tumor cells compared with not transformed cells. IP Neus Agell. Send a CV and academic records to Dra. Neus Agell. e-mail:  neusagell@ub.edu + information:   https://www.ub.edu/portal/web/dp-biomedicalsciences/senyalitzacio-i-chechpoints-de-cicle-cel.lular.-ip-neus-agell-jane
GRUP: Senyalització cel·lular i ubicuitilació. Títol del projecte: “Deciphering potential therapeutic targets of Large HERC ubiquitin ligases”. Projecte: Large HERCs are ubiquitin ligases that play an important regulatory role in neurodevelopment, DNA damage repair, and cell proliferation. Mutations in this family of genes are associated with pathologies such as cancer or neurological disorders. The substrates of these ubiquitin ligases must participate in the above processes and are possible therapeutic targets. Recently, we have conducted a proteomic study and identified several potential substrates. The main objective of this project will be to characterize these substrates using different experimental approaches, including immunological and gene expression techniques. Dr. José Luis Rosa enviar CV per mail: joseluisrosa@ub.edu  Bibliografia del grup: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=Rosa%20JL%20and%20Barcelona&sort=date (https://www.ub.edu/portal/web/dp-ciencies-fisiologiques/senyalitzacio)
Grup: Bioimaging, Bioconjugation, Structural Studies and Therapeutic Applications Involving Small Molecules, Peptides and Oligonucleotides (Secció de Química Orgànica, Facultat de Química, UB) Title: Novel multitargeted therapeutic oligonucleotide tools to fight against drug resistance in breast cancer. Project: Acquired resistance to molecularly targeted therapies is a major limitation for the successful treatment of cancer, as in many cases, rescue pathways are activated in response to perturbation of the major pathway, leading to patient relapse. To overcome these limitations, we recently developed a siRNA-based nanostructure that can simultaneously attack two therapeutic targets involved in drug resistance and can additionally bind accessory molecules such as targeting peptides and fluorophores (https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2019/cc/c8cc08823c). These promising results led us to the development of new derivatives with increased biostability and with the ability to administer not only siRNAs but other classes of therapeutic oligonucleotides, such as ASOs (antisense therapy). The present project is aimed at characterizing (by native PAGE analysis, among other techniques) the oligonucleotide constructs that we are currently synthesizing in the lab, as well as at evaluating their biostability. Furthermore, in collaboration with the Molecular Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Group (IBUB, IRSJD) (
http://www.ub.edu/ibub/research-group/regulacio-dels-sistemes-de-transport-rst/ https://www.irsjd.org/en/research/48/molecular-pharmacology-and-experimental-therapeutics-mpet) we will evaluate their ability to inhibit the expression of the target proteins in HER2+ breast cancer cell lines. Expression levels will be assessed by western blot. Contact: send a CV and academic records to Montserrat Terrazas. Email: montserrat.terrazas@ub.edu (http://webgrec.ub.edu/webpages/000007/cat/montserrat.terrazas.ub.edu.html) GRUP: Grup Metabolisme lipídic - CEREMET, Departament de Bioquímica i Biomedicina Molecular, Facultat de Biologia, UB Títol: Caracterització del perfil inflamatori de la creeping fat en malalts de Crohn Projecte: La malaltia de Crohn és una malaltia inflamatòria intestinal amb una prevalencia creixent en el nostre entorn. La creeping fat (greix mesentèric alterat) és una manifestació característica de la patologia que encara està poc estudiada. Per això, en aquest treball, es caracteritzaria el seu perfil inflamatori per determinar la possible implicació de les adipoquines en la progressió de la malaltia. Directora: Eva Pardina Arrese enviar CV i motivacions per mail epardina@ub.edu
GRUP: Role of autophagy in cell division to control chromosomal instability. The faithful progression of cell division, or mitosis, involves a complex orchestration of specific proteins that must be tightly and timely regulated. The aim of the project is to analyze the role of lysosomes and autophagy in mitotic progression. Lysosomes are acidic vesicles involved in the degradation of biological material. Autophagy is a central and evolutionary conserved process forming autophagic vesicles that engulf cytosolic content for proper degradation, although its role in cell division is currently controversial. Recent findings in our lab showed that impairment of lysosome acidification capacity alters mitotic progression and leads to chromosomal instability, one of the hallmarks of cancer. In addition, we discovered and characterized a novel nuclear biomarker to detect chromosomal instability, the toroidal nucleus, as a new tool for genotoxicity tests. For background information, see our latest publication: DOI: 10.1080/15548627.2020.1764727. We are seeking a highly talented and motivated master student to develop cutting-edge techniques and participate to an innovative research project. Send a CV and academic records to Dra. Caroline  Mauvezin caroline.mauvezin@ub.edu; caroline.mauvezin@gmail.com Dept. Biomedicina, Facultat de Medicina I Ciències de la Salut- Campus Clinic GRUP: Laboratory of Cancer Metabolism IDIBELL. Project: Role of lysosomes in chromosomal instability. Cancerous cells are highly metabolic cells with a high proliferation capacity that highjack vesicle trafficking to generate a microenvironment favorable to their propagation, mostly by acidification of the extracellular matrix. Cell cycle progression involves a complex orchestration of specific proteins that must be tightly and timely regulated. The aim of the project is to analyze the role of lysosomes and autophagy in mitotic progression. Lysosomes are acidic vesicles involved in biological material degradation. Autophagy is a central and evolutionary conserved process leading to autophagic vesicles that engulf cytosolic content for proper degradation. We have shown that impairment of lysosome acidification capacity alters mitotic progression and leads to chromosomal instability, hallmark of cancer. In addition, we discovered and characterized a novel nuclear phenotype for mitotic errors detection that you will help to develop as a new tool for genotoxicity tests.  The main techniques you will learn are immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy for image analysis; FACS, Western Blot and qPCR for pathways analysis; cloning and sequencing for generation of new tools. Image analysis will be performed with FIJI software.  Send your application and full CV to Director (TFM): Caroline Mauvezin, PhD mail:  caroline.mauvezin@ub.edu  i  cmauvezin@idibell.cat 
GRUP: Departamento de Patología y Terapéutica Experimental, Facultad de Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud UB-IDIBELL Título: Protection of stem cells in the early embryo: imaging cell dynamics in the live embryo. Projecte: Preimplantation embryos are prone to errors leading to developmental failures. How the early embryo deals with stress before embryonic cell differentiation is still unknown. We recently discover a protective system (Nature 2021, 
www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-03200-3) able to eliminate defective cells from the eary embryo. This project aims to study the relevance and mechanisms of this protective system, using quantitative live imaging of mammalian and zebrafish embryos. Director: Esteban Hoijman Send CV and academic records to hoijman@ub.edu  www.embryobioimaging.com
GRUP: Senyalització cel·lular i ubicuitilació. Dept. Ciències Fisiològiques, Facultat de Medicina I Ciències de la Salut, UB, IDIBELL. Títol“Overweight and obesity regulated by the ubiquitin ligase HERC1”In vivo models are important tools to identify unknown physiological functions of proteins. Although HERC1 is a ubiquitin ligase that plays a regulatory role in neurodevelopment and in cell proliferation and migration, little is known about its physiological function. Our group has just generated a HERC1 loss-of-function mouse model. In this model, we observed overweight/obesity associated with HERC1 deficiency. With this study we want to evaluate the role of HERC1 in the acquisition of this phenotype. We will analyze the effect of HERC1 loss in pluripotent stem cells using histological, immunological and gene expression techniques. We will also study the intracellular signaling pathways and the substrates involved with the aim of identifying possible therapeutic targets. The high incidence of overweight and obesity in Western societies makes the results of this project and its potential applications very interesting. Contact: Send a CV and academic records to: Dr. Jose Luis Rosa: joseluisrosa@ub.edu    https://www.ub.edu/portal/web/dp-ciencies-fisiologiques/senyalitzacio
GRUP:  IDIBAPS “Biliar and hepatocyte organoid generation to study plasticity in chronic liver disease”.   In chronic liver diseases, hepatocytes lose their identity giving rise to a dedifferentiated state with biliar properties. Being able to study these processes in vitro by using liver derived organoids with a biliar or hepatocyte phenotype represent a nove strategy to study the mechanisms underlying the plasticity phenomena.   Contacte:  send a CV and academic records to Pau Sancho Bru  mail: pausanchobru@ub.edu ; psancho@clinic.cat  - https://www.clinicbarcelona.org/ca/idibaps/arees-de-recerca/fetge-sistema-digestiu-i-metabolisme/plasticitat-i-reparacio-tissular-en-malalties-hepatiques
GRUP: Chromatin Dynamics in Cancer and Cell fate. Dept. Pathology and Experimental Therapeutics, University of Barcelona. https://www.ub.edu/portal/web/dp-patologia-terapeutica/chromatin-dynamics-in-cancer-and-cell-fate Títol del projecte: Validation of chromatin factors as sensitizers for chemotherapy in colon càncer Resum: One of the major problems in modern oncology is resistance to treatment, which leads to relapse and fatal outcomes for patients. In order to find novel therapeutic targets that help overcome chemoresistance in colon cancer, we performed a loss-of-function screen against 900 chromatin proteins involved in DNA biology. We have identified several candidates that give resistance or sensitize to chemodrugs in vitro, when they are downregulated. The present project will validate some of these targets in vitro (and possibly in vivo) by downregulating individually their expression with shRNA or targeting their activity with specific drugs when available. Expression levels will be assessed by RT-qPCR, WB and Immunofluorecence. Moreover funcional studies will be performed and databases will be mined. Contacte: send a CV and academic records to Sonia Forcales, Email:  sforcales@ub.edu
GRUP: DIABETES. Metabolic Pathologies. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular of Biomedicine, Faculty of Biology UB. Project: New molecular knowledge about phospholipid homeostasis in the development of metabolic diseases.  Mitochondrial function is governed by the preservation of a normal lipid composition which is dependent on the capacity of mitochondria to synthesize and transfer phospholipids (PL) from the ER to mitochondria. Hepatic mitochondrial fusion protein 2 (Mfn2) deficiency reduces phospholipid transfer and synthesis in ER-mitochondria contacts, leading to ER stress and insulin resistance. The student will analyse the presence of Mfn2 in other membrane contact sites (MCSs), to investigate whether Mfn2 act as a PL transfer protein in other organelles within the cell leading to defects in the activity of the involved organelles. Experimental design will include confocal and transmission electron microscopy, image analysis, biochemistry, and molecular biology both in cells and mice. Interested applicants should submit by email a cover letter and a CV along with academic records (expedient) to Dra. Maribel Hernández-Alvarez: mihernandez@ub.edu
GRUP: Senyalització, citoesquelet i migració cel·lular. Títol de projecte Màster: Anàlisis de la dinàmica de les GTPases Rac1 i KRas en els endosomes. Resum proposta: El nostre grup està interessat en estudiar la regulació de la dinàmica i localització de les proteïnes GTPases Rac1 i KRas en el compartiment endocític. En els darrers anys s’ha demostrat la rellevància de la senyalització de les GTPases en el compartiment endocític i la participació d’aquesta en la regulació de diferents processos cel·lulars com proliferació, mobilitat i migració cel·lular. El projecte del TFM que es proposa estarà encaminat a continuar l’estudi iniciat en el grup sobre la dinàmica de Rac1 i KRas en els endosomes i més concretament en la subpoblació d’endosomes tardans i cossos multivesiculars (LE/MVBs).  Envieu CV+nota mitjana (actual) a Dr. Francesc Tebar mail tebar@ub.edu 
GRUP: Senyalització, citoesquelet i migració cel·lular Title: Anàlisis de l’oligomerització de les GTPases Rac1 i KRas. Implicacions en la seva senyalització. Analitzar la senyalització de les proteïnes GTPases de la família Ras i Rho, i les implicacions d’aquesta senyalització en diferents processos cel·lulars com proliferació, mobilitat i migració cel·lular. El projecte TFM que es proposa estarà encaminat a continuar l’estudi iniciat en el grup durangat els últims anys i aprofundir en l’oligomerització de Rac1 i KRas i la seva rellevància en senyalització.  Contact: send CV to Francesc Tebar Ramon e-mail: tebar@ub.edu //  http://www.celltrafficbcn.cat 
GRUP: Neuropsicofarmacologia dels derivats amfetamínics. Fac de Farmàcia. IBUB Projecte: Estudi dels efectes del consum matern d'alcohol durant la gestació/lactància i la posterior vulnerabilitat als psicoestimulants. Influència d'una dieta alta en lípids El consum d’alcohol durant l’embaràs produeix en la seva descendència un seguit de trastorns que s'agrupen sota el terme espectre de trastorns associats a l'alcoholisme fetal (ETAF). Les persones que pateixen algun tipus de ETAF són més propenses a desenvolupar una conducta addictiva.  Ens plantegem la hipòtesi de que el consum matern d'alcohol durant l'embaràs/lactància podria predisposar a l'abús de psicoestimulants i la concurrència de sobrepès incrementaria encara més aquesta vulnerabilitat en els menors en arribar a l'edat adulta. També es determinaran paràmetres relacionats amb la neuroinflamació, amb la neurotransmissió dopaminèrgica i la neuroplasticitat. Envieu CV+nota mitjana (actual)  a Dra. Elena Escubedo Rafa mail: eescubedo@ub.edu  web:    https://www.ub.edu/portal/documents/34829/458399/ESCUBEDO1.pdf/22c20305-7ac3-4911-88e9-79de9bcbb63d GRUP: Developmental Biology and Genomics. UB Title: Role of Cbt in the Hippo signaling pathway in development and regeneration. The transcription factor Cabut/dTIEG (Cbt) is a crucial downstream mediator gene of the JNK signaling required during epithelial tissue regeneration. We have reported a novel function for Cbt as a partner of Yki (Yorkie), the key effector of growth control and the downstream element of the highly conserved Hpo (Hippo) signaling pathway. The Hpo pathway limits organ size by phosphorylating and inhibiting Yki, a key regulator of proliferation and apoptosis. Yki can also act as an oncogene, since it has potent growth-promoting activity. The goal of this project is to get more insight into the role of Cbt in the Hpo pathway during development and regeneration. For additional information: Ruiz-Romero et al. EMBO Rep.2015 Mar; 16(3):362-9. Possibility to do the PhD after the master. Contact: send a CV and academic records to Montserrat Corominas, mcorominas@ub.edu. Web: http://www.ub.edu/developmentalbiology/web/ 
GRUP: Departament de Patologia i Terapèutica Experimental. Univeristat de Barcelona. Campus de Bellvitge. Títol del projecteIdentification of new targeted therapies for breast cancer using CRIPR libraries. Projecte: Loss-of-function screenings have been successfully used to identify new therapeutic targets in different diseases including cancer. In our laboratory we have set up the conditions to generate our own CRIPSR libraries targeting a selected set of genes related to any biological process. This technology allows us to analyze which genes are essential for cancer cells to survive while are not affecting the normal cells. The successfully validated genes will be inhibited in cell lines and tested in animal models to determine their effect in tumor viability. The final goal of the project is to describe new and more efficient therapies and to better understand the mechanisms that lead tumor progression and metastasis. Contact: send a CV and academic records to Ruth Rodriguez Barrueco, Email: 
GRUP: Cancer Metabolism (Lab Dr. Ramon Bartrons) Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut. Campus Bellvitge        Project titleMetabolic reprogramming of tumor cells. The present project aims to study the impact of PFKFB3, PFKFB4 and TIGAR genes in tumour metabolic reprogramming. We propose to examine how regulation of these genes may cause alterations in cellular energy metabolism, affecting the functionality of the cells, with the objective of obtaining new methods of treatment using siRNAs and glycolytic inhibitory drugs. Our group has demonstrated the crosstalk between PFKFB3 and TIGAR (Simon-Molas et al. FEBS Lett. 2016), how TIGAR metabolically reprograms carcinoma and stromal cells in breast cancer (Ko YH et al. J Biol Chem. 2016) and the regulation of PFKFB3 by TGFbeta (Rodríguez-García et al. FEBS J. 2017). Recently we have described the implication of PFKFB3 in lymphocyte proliferation (Simon-Molas et al. Mol Cell Biochem. 2018). We want to deep study this gene and characterise its regulation in tumoral cells, so anyone that have interest in knowing càncer metabolism will be welcome to work with us. For more information please contact with Dr. Ramon Bartrons 
rbartrons@ub.edu and Dr. Anna Manzano  annamanzano@ub.edu 
GRUP: Laboratory of Cancer Metabolism (IDIBELL) - (OPCION BECAProject title : Molecular Mechanisms of chemoresistance in Colorectal Cancer. Our group has recently discovered that CRCs, when treated with chemoterapeutic drugs, can store anabolic power in the form of mRNAs (Gentilella et al. 2017, Molecular Cell). After therapy the resistant tumor cells could spend this "cellular currency" to grow and resume proliferation of the tumor. With a set of biochemical and genetic approaches, which involves also state of the art technologies such as CRISPR and Nanopore sequencing, our group is characterizing the biochemical complex in charge of protecting those anabolic mRNAs. We are seeking a highly-motivated master student who will learn Crispr genome editing, basic and advanced molecular biology techniques, cell biology approaches and will actively contribute to the advancement of ongoing studies. 4th-year students in biomedicine planning to enroll to the next master in biomedicine course are also invited to apply.  For more information please contact Dr. Antonio Gentilella:  antonio.gentilella@ub.edu

GRUP: Dianas farmacológicas en inflamación y enfermedades metabólicas. El objetivo de nuestra línea de investigación es estudiar los mecanismos moleculares implicados en la conexión entre la inflamación y el desarrollo de resistencia a la insulina y la enfermedad de Alzheimer y otras enfermedades metabólicas. Enviar CV+nota media actual a Manuel Vázquez Carrera Email: mvazquezcarrera@ub.edu  Web: http://www.ciberdem.org/grupos/grupo-de-investigacion?id=3304

GRUP: “Biologia Molecular de la Reproducció i el Desenvolupament”, Facultat  Medicina (Clínic)-IDIBAPS (http://www.idibaps.org/recerca/105/biologia-molecular-de-la-reproduccio-i-desenvolupament). Títol: Análisis proteómico y transcriptómico del semen e identificación de biomarcadores capaces de evaluar la contribución paterna a la fertilización y la embriogènesis. En el nostre grup estem contribuint a la caracterització del proteoma de l'espermatozoide humà i a entendre els mecanismes fonamental operants permetent la recerca translacional en la infertilitat masculina. Estem posant una atenció especial a la cromatina de l'espermatozoide, on hem detectat la presència d'una distribució diferencial dels gens i proteïnes implicades en funcions reguladores i també estem detectant signatures proteòmiques de cromatina alterades en pacients infèrtils que indiquen que poden estar implicades en el desenvolupament inicial de l'embrió. Envieu CV +nota mitja (actual) a: Dr. Rafael Oliva per mail: roliva@ub.edu  director del grup. 

GRUP: Terapia anticancerosa. Departament de Bioquímica i Fisiologia Facultat de Farmàcia UB Projecte: Therapeutic applications of PPRHs in cancer and gene therapy. Our research is focused in the design and improvement of new therapies for cancer treatment. We have developped in our laboratory a new strategy: Polypurine reverse Hoogsteen hairpins (PPRHs). PPRHs can be used as therapeutic tools to target genes related to cancer progression, resistance to drugs or immunotherapy approaches. In addition repair-PPRHs are a new methodology to correct point mutations in endogenous genes. http://www.ub.edu/terapiamol/cancer/Welcome.html Send a CV and academic records to: Carles Ciudad i Verònica Noé mail: cciudad@ub.edu , vnoe@ub.edu 

GRUP:  Biofísica i Bioenginyeria. Facultat de Medicina. Títol: Effects of cyclic stretch on mesenchymal stem cell-induced lung endothelial repair. Referències de la recerca del lab en el tema    http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=almendros+i   Contacte: Envieu CV (nota  mitja) i carta de motivació al Dr. Isaac Almendros per email:  isaac.almendros@ub.edu

GRUP:  Biofísica i Bioenginyeria. Facultat de Medicina. Títol: Study of malignant properties induced by chronic and intermittent hypoxia in lung cancer. Referències de la recerca del lab en el tema: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=almendros+i Contacte: Envieu CV (incloent nota mitja)  i carta de motivació al Dr. Isaac Almendros per email: isaac.almendros@ub.edu

GRUP:  Department of Genetics, Microbiology and Statistics, UB   Títol del projecte: Identification of genes required for the differentiation of neural progenitors and the regeneration of the planarian CNS.   Why some animals can regenerate and others not? Freshwater planarians are amazing animals, if cut in 10-20 pieces they are able to regenerate 10-20 whole animals in about a week, including a complete central nervous system (CNS) de novo. This is achieved thanks to a population of adult somatic pluripotent stem cells, the neoblasts. In our laboratory we are studying the function of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) signalling and the transcription factors of the early growth response (EGR) gene family in the regulation of the proliferation and differentiation of the neoblasts into various neural cell types during planarian CNS regeneration. Contact:  Francesc Cebrià send CV to, email:  fcebrias@ub.edu

GRUP: Diabetes, Nutrition and Endocrine diseases, IDIBELL. Title/ Project: Pancreatic beta cell expansion and regeneration in aging. To develop this particular project the following techniques will be applied: Animal handling and surgery, FACS, IF & IHC, western blot, confocal microscopy, qPCR, cloning, gene transfer. Please send your CV and academic records to Dra. Noèlia Téllez Besolí ntellez@ub.edu, Project’s supervisor

GRUP: Síntesi Estereoselectiva d’Antitumorals i Antivírics Química Orgànica, Facultat de Química, UB   Títol del projecte: Nous mètodes de bioconjugació de macròlids antitumorals amb anticossos monoclonals (mAb). Syntheses of anti-tumour macrolides in which our research group has been involved in the past decade, which are known or suspected to bind the cytoskeleton protein actin, will be simplified and adapted to introduce linkers that will allow us to attach them to antibodies. Different conjugation approaches (bioorthogonal click reactions), including some disclosed by ourselves, will be examined looking for as much chemical homogeneity as possible. We will collaborate with one small biotech specialised in therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that bind to overexpressed membrane receptors of several types of cancer cells. Afterwards, the samples will be submitted to biologists dealing with actin or with cancer cell proteins. This stage will allow us to gain insight into their activity and to establish their mechanisms of action. The ultimate goal is to discover one or two antibody–drug conjugates (ADC) as new leads. There are currently only two FDA-approved ADC for cancer therapy, and Other ADC are in advanced clinical trials. However, none of them targets actin and involves marine macrolides. This new kind of ADC may be deemed leads or drug candidates of double action, as the therapeutic mAbs will carry and deliver, after endocytosis, the actin-interacting drugs to the target cancer cells.  Contact: Jaume Vilarrasa Llorens send CV to, email:  jvilarrasa@ub.edu  

GRUP: Laboratori de Neurofisiologia, Unitat de Fisiología, Departament de Biomedicina Títol del projecte: Modulació de la funció dels receptors de glutamat tipus AMPA per part de proteïnes auxiliars. Els receptors ionotròpics de glutamat tipus AMPA estan involucrats a la major part de la transmissió sinàptica al cervell. La seva funcionalitat està determinada i modulada per proteïnes de transmembrana que actuen com a subunitats auxiliars (Milstein & Nicoll, 2008; Trends Pharmacol Sci). El projecte a desenvolupar estarà centrat en l’estudi mitjançant electrofisiologia (patch-clamp; tècnica molt potent e important dins les neurociències) de la modulació de AMPARs segons la seva estequiometria (numero de subunitats auxiliars associades al receptor).: Envieu CV, nota mitja a: Dr. David Soto del Cerro Mail: davidsoto@ub.edu

GRUP: Facultat de Biologia, UB. Project Title: “Interaccions moleculars i funcionals entre GPCR. Els heteròmers com a diana terapèutica en l’adicció a cocaína” El premi Nobel de Química 2013 es va donar als investigadors Bioquímics/Biomèdics Brian Kobilka and Robert Lefkowitz per l'estudi de receptors (GPCRs) de la membrana de les cèl·lules. Ells varen estudiar els receptors en la vessant monomèrica. In vivo, en mamífers, aquests receptors estan formant heteròmers (dimers, trimers, tetramers). Aquest laboratori de la UB va ser el primer en identificar heteromers de receptors per a dos neurotransmissors differents. El repte de cara al futur és la identificació de les funcions específiques dels heteròmers en el sistema nerviós. L'objectiu d'aquest treball és identificar canvis en la heteromerizatció d'heteromers de receptor sigma1 per acció de la cocaina. Com a models experimentals s'empraràn des d'animals sencers fins a cultius primaris de cèl·lules principalment (pero no exclusiu) de neurones. S'empraràn tambè línies cel·lulars que es transfectaràn amb cDNAs que codifiquen per receptors humans. Contact: Send a CV and academic records to: Dra. Gemma Navarro Brugal mail g.navarro@ub.edu . El laboratori te financiació del Ministeri MINECO i de la Marató de TV3.

GRUP: IDIBELL, UB. Project Title: “New insights into the molecular mechanisms involved in liver fibrosis and hepatocarcinogenesis” The group has developed new cell and animal models for better understanding the role of TGF-beta and EGF in liver fibrosis and cancer. We are particularly interested in the NADPH oxidase NOX4, in the cross-talk among TGF-beta and EGF signals. The master student will work in vitro with cell cultures and in vivo with these animal models. He/she will perform techniques related to cell/tissue and molecular biology: Real-Time PCR, Western blot, immunohistochemistry, immunocytochemistry, flow cytometry, proteomics, metabolomics, among others.  Contact: Send a CV and academic records to: Dra. Isabel Fabregat mail ifabregat@ub.edu Web: www.idibell.cat

GRUP: IDIBELL, Dept de Fisiología Bellvitge-UB Project: Physiology and molecular biology of the retina.  We are interested in the characterization of the assembly, intracellular trafficking and in vivo regulation of the protein complex responsible for cGMP synthesis, as well as in proteins involved in GTP biosynthesis in photoreceptor cells of the retina. These proteins play a central role in the physiology of photoreceptor cells and in the first steps in seeing.  Mutations in these proteins lead to different forms of blindness.  We are characterizing new mechanims of assembly and trafficking of this protein complex by combining proteomic, genetic, functional and imaging analyses.  The student will undertake the validation of novel protein-protein interactions by co-immunoprecipitation and pull-down assays, as well as the generation of transgenic mice by in vivo DNA electroporation of newborn pups after DNA subretinal injection.  Retinal analysis will be conducted by indirect immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy imaging. Contact: Send a CV and academic records to: Dra. Ana Méndez Zunzunegui, PhD mail: mendezzu@ub.edu  - mendezzu@idibell.cat

GRUP: Institut de Biomedicina de la UB, Title: Regulation of chromatin reassembly after genotoxic stress as a mechanism controlling interferon signaling and cancer progression Project although chromosomal instability in tumors has been associated with activation of inflammatory responses contributing to tumor progression, the mechanisms involved are still not completely understood. In preliminary experiments, we have identified a chromatin factor that regulates chromatin reassembly after DNA repair, which is required for efficient mitotic progression. Lack of this factor leads to chromosomal instability and accumulation of micronuclei, which has been involved in activation of interferon signaling. By employing a variety of biochemical and imaging techniques in combination with cellular and mouse models we will analyze the role of this factor as a tumor suppressor by controlling chromatin structure during genotoxic stress and its contribution to the activation of inflammatory responses and cancer progression. Contact: Send a CV and academic records to: Carlos Sebastián Muñoz csebastian@ub.edu , Dept. Biologia Cel.lular, Fisiologia i Immunologia UB Web: https://sites.google.com/view/carlossebastianlab/home

GRUP: Neuropsicofarmacologia dels derivats amfetamínics. Fac de Farmàcia. UB Projecte: Efecte del BDNF en l’addicció a metilèdioxi-pirovalerona (MDPV), un nou psicoestimulant. La MDPV es una nova catinona psicoestimulant, recentment inclosa en el llistat de substàncies controlades. L’aparició de importants quadres de problemes cardíacs i alteracions psicòtiques lligats al consum d’questa substància han fet important l’estudi dels seus efectes. Aquest molècula, de gran similitud estructural amb l’ècstasi, té un mecanisme d’acció molt semblant a la cocaïna, inhibint el transportador de dopamina a una concentració 10 vegades menor que l’esmentada droga.  Aquesta gran afinitat per transportador fa sospitar un elevat poder addictiu. Hem caracteritzat la farmacocinètica d’aquesta catinona i els seus efectes de sensibilització tant a la pròpia MDPV com a la cocaïna. Actualment estem determinant els factors de transcripció que es veuen alterats en el ratolí després d’un tractament crònic amb MDPV. El projecte a realitzar es centre en la determinació en ratolí de BDNF, tant sota els efectes de la MDPV com a diferents temps d’abstinència, i com un antagonista dels receptors de BDNF (TrKB) pot modificar la capacitat addictiva de la molècula. Envieu CV+nota mitjana a Dra. Elena Escubedo Rafa, mail:  eescubedo@ub.edu   

Grup:  Pilar Villacampa https://publons.com/researcher/1798699/pilar-villacampa/ Títol:   Study of the role of pericytes in ocular neurovascular diseases. Breu resum: Blood vessels are composed by tube-forming endothelial cells and mural cells. Pericytes are mural cells covering capillaries and their functions extend beyond vessel stability, including barrier properties, regulating blood flow and immune cell trafficking. Our recent published data (doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.119.042354) clearly showed that pericyte state of maturation per se is able to modify endothelial biology during physiological angiogenesis. If mature/immature pericytes might modulate pathological neurovascular responses remains unknown. To answer this question, we will use specific mouse models of mature/immature pericytes combined with models of prevalent ocular diseases such as diabetic retinopathy or glaucoma, in vitro models and human samples from our clinical collaborators. We aim to identify pericyte-specific therapeutic targets that may improve current therapies for those diseases. My lab will open in December 2022 at the Dept. Ciències Fisiològiques, Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut, UB, Campus Bellvitge.  Contact: Send CV to pvillacampa@ub.edu


GRUP: Cortical Circuit Dynamics Group, IDIBAPS. Tittle: Dynamics of accumulation of evidence during perceptual decision-making in mice. This master's thesis project investigates the neural dynamics of evidence accumulation in perceptual decision-making using a novel auditory two-alternative forced-choice task in head-fixed mice. The research involves training mice to discern which of two simultaneous, fluctuating auditory stimuli is louder and recording their neural activity using Neuropixels in the prefrontal cortex. Additionally, pharmacological manipulations of NMDA receptors in behaving mice will be performed. We aim to elucidate the neural correlates of decision-making processes, the relationship between NMDA hypofunction, cortical excitation/inhibition balance, and deficits in perceptual discrimination. Brain circuits and behavior lab,  Contactar amb Jaime de la Rocha Vázquez   jrochav@recerca.clinic.cat

GRUP: Catalan Institute of Oncology, Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL) Tittle: Mechanisms of Therapeutic Resistance in Extramedullary Multiple Myeloma. Projecte: Extramedullary multiple myeloma (EMM) has a dismal prognosis with an overall survival of 6 months. The aim of this project is to investigate the molecular basis of drug resistance and disease relapse in EMM using patient samples and advanced preclinical models, including orthotopic PDX and 3D cultures. Furthermore, we will identify alternative therapeutic approaches to support the improvement of patients' outcome. Contacto: enviar CV y expediente académico Lourdes Farre mail:  lfarre@iconcologia.net ProCURE Program


GRUP: Atrys colabora con el grupo de Terapias Experimentales del IdiPAZ Projecte: Validación analítica del test de análisis de miRNAs de contenido exosomal mediante qPCR. En los últimos años se han identificado distintas firmas de miRNAs en biopsia líquida como biomarcadores diagnósticos, pronósticos y de predicción de tratamiento en numerosas patologías oncológicas. en la validación de una firma de miRNAs que permite discriminar entre los pacientes con CPNM que obtienen beneficio de la combinación CH-I y los que no. Se propone realizar la validación analítica de un test de análisis de miRNAs obtenidos de exosomas plasmáticos mediante qPCR en muestras control para posteriormente poder realizar una validación clínica del test en pacientes con patología neoplásica. El test se basa en el análisis de dos miRNAs diana y distintos miRNas que puedan actuar como control endógeno a partir de muestras exosomales obtenidas de plasma de controles sanos. Para ello se realizarán las siguientes actividades: Obtención de exosomas y extracción de ácidos nucleicos; Puesta a punto de la metodología de análisis de mirnas mediante qPCR; Ensayos de reproducibilidad y repetitividad intra-laboratorio; Ensayos de reproducibilidad y repetibilidad inter-laboratorio y análisis de Resultados. Contacto: enviar CV y expediente académico a: nerill@atryshealth.com  (Nadina Erill; www.Atryshealth.com )

GRUP: Beta Cell Research group from the FRCB-IDIBAPS’s team “Translational Research in diabetes, lipids and obesity” Project title:  Strategies to restore a functional beta cell mass in diabetesSummary: A deficit in the number of functional pancreatic beta cells is a hallmark of diabetes. Approaches to regenerative medicine that aim to replace lost beta cells are of interest to our group. We examine the molecular mechanisms involved in the development and regulation of the beta cell mass in order to identify intrinsic and extrinsic factors that may be used as tools to increase the number of beta cells in diabetes. Another major line of research includes directly reprogramming skin fibroblasts using beta cell developmental transcription factors to become insulin-producing cells for transplantation purposes. Contact:  Send a CV and academic records to Rosa Gasa rgasa@recerca.clinic.cat More information at: https://www.clinicbarcelona.org/en/idibaps/areas-and-programs/liver-digestive-system-and-metabolism/translational-research-in-diabetes-lipids-and-obesity

GRUP: GENERACIÓ D’ESFEROIDS DE MEDUL·LA ÒSSIA COM A MODEL IN VITRO DE LEUCÈMIES LIMFOBLÀSTIQUES AGUDES.La leucèmia limfoblàstica aguda (LLA) és el càncer més freqüent en nens i es produeix per l’expansió descontrolada de progenitors limfoblàstics a la medul·la òssia. La limfopoiesi normal i maligna depenen en gran mesura del microambient de la medul·la òssia, que genera senyals específics que promouen la supervivència i proliferació d’aquestes cèl·lules. L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és generar i caracteritzar esferoids utilitzant cèl·lules mare mesenquimals derivades de medul·la òssia per establir co-cultius 3D amb cèl·lules leucèmiques i cèl·lules mare hematopoiètiques. La optimització de les condicions per generar aquests esferoids generarà un model in vitro més fisiològic i per tant, representarà un avanç important en recerca biomèdica de leucèmies agudes. Directors: Dr. Òscar Molina Campoy (Institut de Recerca contra la leucèmia Josep Carreras) E-mail: omolina@carrerasresearch.org Dra. Maria Calvo Adamuz (Microscòpia Òptica Avançada, CCiTUB)

GRUP: Chemical Biology (https://www.iqac.csic.es/research/departments/biological-chemistry/chemical-biology/#presentation ) Titulo:  Modulation of tumor-associated macrophages for glioblastoma therapy  Resumen:  Peptide drug conjugates (PDC) are being evaluated in clinical trials by several companies such as Bicycle Therapeutics, Thera Technologies, etc. In PDCs, the peptides precisely deliver the drug to the intended site. We recently developed the targeting peptide “TrimUNO” that targets pro-tumoral associated macrophages of many solid tumors. TrimUNO has a trypsin inhibitor moiety, rigid conformation, stability against tumor proteases, oral bioavailability, and high affinity for its receptor, CD206. We also developed a simple PDC of this peptide, that converts pro-tumoral macrophages into anti-tumoral ones. The goal of this final master´s study is to evaluate the glioblastoma-killing effect of macrophages under the effect of this PDC and the underlying mechanisms. This will be carried out using cultures of glioblastoma cells together with macrophages. Contact: Send CV and academic records to TFM supervisor Dr. Pablo Scodeller, email: pablo.scodeller@iqac.csic.es

GRUPAnalysis of cardiac and vascular remodeling induced by long-term high endurance exercise. Dr. Guasch and his group (https://www.clinicbarcelona.org/en/idibaps/research-areas/respiratory-cardiovascular-and-renal-pathobiology-and-bioengineering/arrhythmias-and-physical-activity) are interested in the cardiovascular remodeling induced by high intensity exercise.  It is widely proved that moderate exercise has many beneficial effects in health and in preventing cardiovascular diseases. Nonetheless, much less is known about the effects of long-term high endurance exercise. Our hypothesis is that the exercise benefits follow an inverse-J curve and that beyond an exercise threshold there is a deleterious effect in the cardiovascular system that can lead to arrhythmias or sudden death.   We work with a murine model of moderate and high endurance exercise and we analyze the cardiac hypertrophy changes, the vascular compliance and the fibrosis development with in vivo and in vitro models. After the exercise period we perform ECGs, echocardiography and electrophysiological studies in the rats, as well as organ bath analysis of aorta dilatation and relaxation. Furthermore, we analyze the cellular and molecular pathways that are involved in those changes.  If you are interested in this research subjecte, please contact Dra. Montserrat Batlle mbatlle@recerca.clinic.cat

GRUP: IRB  Title: Drosophila as a model system in cancer biology. Cancer is a multi-hit process involving mutations in oncogenes and tumor suppressors, as well as interactions between the tumor cells and the surrounding stroma. Cancer as a disease is characterized by a series of hallmarks, which include sustained proliferative signalling, resistance to growth suppressors and to cell death, increased replicative immortality, invasiveness and metastasis, energy metabolism reprogramming, genome instability, and inflammation. Our lab is interested in the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the regulation of many of these hallmarks, especially the role of Genome Instability in tumourigenesis. The fruit fly, Drosophila, is an excellent, genetically-tractable system for modelling the development of cancer, due to the conservation of signaling pathways, cell proliferation and survival genes between fly and humans, its suitability for genetic and molecular manipulations, and its well-described developmental biology. Working with flies (an in vivo approach) allows the analysis of tumours at the cellular level but also at the systemic level (relationship between tumours and the rest ofthe body). Envieu: motivations letter Dr.Marco Milán mail marco.milan@irbbarcelona.org   web: https://www.irbbarcelona.org/en/research/development-and-growth-control-laboratory

GRUP: IRB Title: Structural and functional study of DNA-binding proteins and complexes involved in gene expression regulation Our group works on the structural/functional analysis of several DNA-binding proteins and complexes. These proteins play key roles in different biological processes such as DNA transcription, replication and translocation. In our laboratory, we analyse most of these proteins in complex with their DNA targets in order to understand, at the molecular level, their function. The Master Student will participate in the cloning, expression, purification and crystallization of one of these proteins or protein-DNA complexes, with the final goal of their structural characterization using X-ray diffraction or cryo-electron microscopy. Envieu: CV, academic records Dr. Miquel Coll  mail: miquel.coll@irbbarcelona.org Web https://www.irbbarcelona.org/en/research/structural-biology-of-protein-nucleic-acid-complexes-and-molecular-machines

GRUP: IRB Title: Molecular mechanisms of metastasis dormancy Metastasis is the primary cause of death in cancer patients and current treatments fail to provide durable responses. Efforts to treat metastatic disease are hindered by the fact that metastatic cells often remain dormant for prolonged intervals of years, or even decades. Tumor dormancy reflects the capability of disseminated tumor cells (DTCs), or micrometastases, to evade treatment and remain at low numbers after primary tumor resection. Unfortunately, dormant cells will eventually produce overt metastasis. Recently, we have run an unbiased screening to identify genetic cell-autonomous traits that through systemic or local changes in the microenvironment may endow DTCs with properties to survive and eventually colonize distant organs which we are currently characterizing.We have an open position for a student to analyze the impact of these genetic traits - using CRISPR/Cas9 and inducible shorthairpin loss of function methodologies, as well as in vitro and, when possible, in vivo approaches to validate its phenotypic contributions. Envieu: CV and acadèmic records Dr. Roger Gomis mail: roger.gomis@irbbarcelona.org 

GRUP:  Prostate cancer (PCa) is the solid tumor most frequently diagnosed in adult men in developed countries. Men with localized and locally advanced PCa with BRCA2 germline mutations experience more rapid progression to metastatic spread, suggesting a more aggressive phenotype. The mechanisms by which loss of BRCA2 might promote aggressive PCa and confer resistance to androgen deprivation therapy and androgen signaling pathway inhibitors are not understood, and the management of patients harboring BRCA2 mutations not well established. The aim of this project is to advance in the understanding of BRCA2-tumors' physiology. master student will do the experimental work studying the role of DDR genes in prostate cancer. Uncover the role of BRCA2 and DNA damage response in prostate cancer progression.  If you are interested in this research subjecte, please contact Dra. Olga Méndez: olga.mendez@vhir.org

GRUP: Tissue Remodelling, Fibrosis and Cancer Group (TRFCLab) (IIBB-CSIC) TFM Title: Unravelling the degradome associated with tissue remodelling during liver cancer Research Summary: The degradome is the complete set of proteases present in an organism. Proteases are overexpressed in several different cancers and contribute to carcinogenesis, invasiveness potential and metastasis. Despite the proven importance of proteases in liver disease and in many types of cancer, the role of proteases in the progression of liver cancer is currently unknown. Thus, the aim of this project is to unravel the proteolytic network associated with tissue remodelling during liver cancer. We will use in vivo preclinical murine models of liver cancer and in vitro cellular models with increasing complexity to mimic the biophysical conditions of the tumour. The candidate will analyse the in vitro and in vivo models using histological (IHP, IF…), molecular (WB, RT-PCR…) and microscopy (confocal, time-lapse…) techniques. Please send CV and current degree qualification a Dr. Anna Moles Fernández mail ana.moles@iibb.csic.es

GRUP:  The Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute (IJC) (http://www.carrerasresearch.org/ . Title: Identifying the role of oncogenic fusion protein on 3D genome alteration and pathogenesis of leukemia. The main interest of our lab is to understand the role of oncogenic fusion proteins induced by chromosomal translocations on chromatin organization and pathogenicity of leukemic cells. We combine and integrate multi-omics experimental and computational approaches encompassing state of the art technologies (chromatin conformation capture, NGS, genome editing, degron system, optogenetic) to elucidate the role of the chimeric protein on 3D chromatin organization and lymphoblastic malignancies. Understanding how translocation can affect biochemical properties of protein and alter the genome organization and the gene expression will offer potential new biomedical applications for the treatment of haematological malignanciesContacte: Gregoire Stik Please send CV and current degree qualification email: gstik@carrerasresearch.org web page: https://www.crg.eu/en/staff-scientists/grégoire-stik

GRUP: Nanoparticles and Nanocomposites Group, Institut Ciència de Materials de Barcelona, Campus UAB, Barcelona Titol: Evaluation of development effects on C. elegans upon exposure to novel drugs. We use the 1 mm-long nematode Caenorhabditis elegans as an animal model to test the toxicity of the materials and drugs. Between 60-80% of the C. elegans genome has human homologous genes, and most of the metabolic pathways are also conserved. Transparency, short life cycle, and minimal maintenance and growth requirements stand out among all the advantages of using this worm. The use of simple non-mammalian model organisms minimizes the cost associated with in vivo experiments in the early stages of discovery and yields highly informative results such as survival rate, growth effects, reproduction toxicity, and changes in metabolism. Moreover, we can study how the materials are transformed by characterizing them after passing through the organism. Polymers synthesized by living organisms, biopolymers, are used for drug and food complementation without any evidence of being toxic, but their size at the nanoscale can affect the toxicity and their properties. Additionally, it has been observed that the oral administration of biopolymers produced changes in the motility, absorption, and metabolism of the intestine, key for treating gastrointestinal diseases. In this work, we want to evaluate how drugs affect the reproduction rate of the animals and if some formulations cross the membrane of the egg affecting their development. Contact PI: Anna Laromaine, alaromaine@icmab.eshttps://nn.icmab.es

Group: Innate Immunity, at Institut Germans Trias i Pujol (IGTP), Badalona. Project title: Deciphering the role of macrophage protein CD5L in cancerSummary: Macrophages are the most abundant immune cells in the tumour environment, yet their behaviour is still far from being understood. CD5L is a glycoprotein that modulates key mechanisms of the activity of macrophages, thereby affecting the pathogenesis of several infectious and inflammatory processes, but its exact role in cancer is mostly unknown. In this project we will combine the study of patient samples, primary cells and cell lines with the application of cell culture, flow cytometry, molecular biology and immunofluorescence techniques to characterize how CD5L modulates macrophage biology and its impact in the context of cancer. Contact: send CV and academic records to Dr. Maria-Rosa Sarrias and Dr. Lidia Sanchez-Moral mrsarrias@igtp.catlsanchez@igtp.cat

GRUP: Pathogenesis and Prevention of Diabetes (Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer, IDIBAPS). Project Title: Effects of circulating extracellular vesicles on pancreatic islets during obesity. Obesity-induced insulin resistance together with pancreatic beta-cell dysfunction leads to the appearance of type 2 diabetes (T2D). The objective of this project is to understand how circulating extracellular vesicles (EVs) and their small RNA cargo regulate the pancreatic islets at different stages of obesity. The student will participate in the profiling of small RNAs (microRNAs, tRNAs and tRNA-derived small RNAs) contained in circulating EVs from mice fed an obesogenic diet at early and long-term obesity. She/he will also be involved in ex vivo studies to assess how circulating EVs and specific small RNAs affect the pancreatic islets, including organ-on-chip technology. Experience with mice handling will be well considered.  We are interested in recruiting a PhD student, so the TFM can be continued with a PhD Thesis. Contact to Dr. Joan-Marc Servitja at servitja@recerca.clinic.cat, sending a motivation letter, academic records, and CV. Web: https://www.clinicbarcelona.org/en/professionals/joan-marc-servitja

GRUP: Sarcoma Research, IDIBELL. Project title: Deciphering the molecular mechanisms behind the progression of sarcoma metastases. Our group is interested in better understanding the process of metastases in sarcomas (Ewing sarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma and other soft tissue sarcomas). Combining different omic approaches we are studying tumours and metastases obtained from our spontaneous metastases mice model. From this unique approach, we can study the transcriptomic, proteomic and epigenomic profiles in order to increase our understanding of these cancers and find better treatment approaches to improve survival rates. Our past MSc students have focused on validating candidate targets (genes, proteins and miRNA) using a wide range of molecular and in vitro techniques. Send a CV and academic records to: Òscar Martínez Tirado per mail: omartinez@idibell.catProject’s supervisor. Web https://idibell.cat/recerca/area-de-cancer/programa-de-mecanismes-molleculars-i-terapia-experimental-en-oncologia-oncobell/sarcoma/

Grup: Patologia molecular de neoplasies linfoides (IDIBAPS), Edifici CEK, C/Rosselló 153, 2ºplta.Title/Summary: Search of non-coding RNAs as new biomarkers and targets for improving the response to Ibrutinib treatment in CLL Microenvironment influence on CLL tumor cells is a key factor also involved in the response to new treatments as Ibrutinib.  The quantification and modulation of lncRNA expression has potential prognostic and clinical applicability in oncology that are still not well studied in CLL, particularly in relation to their therapeutic potential to improve the response to Ibrutinib treatment. We have identified the lncRNA expression in an in vitro model that recapitulates the influence of the microenvironment in drug resistance ([CpG-ODN/CD40L/IL10] +/- IgM +/- Ibrutinib). Among these we have defined best lncRNA candidates according with differential expression fold change and their prognostic value in additional CLL series. The TFM will focus in to demonstrate their potential synergy with Ibrutinib in functional in vitro experiments.  director del grup: Lluís Hernández Pous contacte: hernan@clinic.cat

GRUP:  Laboratory of Cell Signaling and Cancer, Institut de Biologia Molecular de Barcelona (CSIC), Parc Científic de Barcelona Títol: Functional genomics approaches for the identification of new molecular mechanisms of drug resistance in cancer.  Acquired drug resistance is a major cause of therapeutic failure in advanced cancers, eventually leading to the death of patients. Although different cancers may use different strategies to survive different forms of therapeutic pressure, there are emerging evidences for shared mechanisms underlying acquired drug resistance, notably those relying on metabolic reprogramming. In the current project, we offer students the opportunity to actively participate in systematic searches for molecular factors and mechanisms of drug resistance in colorectal and/or breast canrcinoma cell models, by applying screening schemes based on CRISPR technology and multiple validation assays. Envieu: CV, academic records a: Timothy Thomson Email: titbmc@ibmb.csic.es

GRUP:  Investigación en la Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica. Filiació del grup: Servicio de Neumologia, Unidad Funcional de EPOC (UFOC), Hospital Universitario de Bellvitge, IDIBELL. Projecte: Mediadores implicados en el remodelado vascular pulmonar y sistémico de pacientes con EPOC y en un modelo experimental de enfisema. Actualmente, no existe ningúna terápia farmacológica eficaz en el tratamiento de la EPOC. Nuestro grupo, estudia los mediadores implicados en los cambios vasculares pulmonares y sistémicos iniciales observados en pacientes con EPOC, explorando dos posibles vías patogénicas: a) quimiocinas inflamatorias y proteínas de matriz extracelular (MEC); y b) implicación de la via purinérgica. Envieu CV+nota mitja (actual): Dr. Salud Santos per  mail: saludsantos@bellvitgehospital.cat  més informació http://www.idibell.cat/modul/pneumologia/ca 

GRUP: Melanoma: imaging, genetics and immunology in IDIBAPS-Centre Esther Koplowitz. TITLE: Role of tumor-specific immune profile in melanoma prognosis and immunotherapy response. PROJECT: Cutaneous melanoma is one of the neoplasms with the highest metastasizing capacity, being one of the cancers with the highest rate of productive years of life lost. The overall mortality rate of cutaneous melanoma is 20%, but it increases to more than 60% in cases where tumor thickness (Breslow index) is greater than 4 mm. Cutaneous melanoma is considered a highly immunogenic tumor, inducing a spontaneous immune response. The implementation of new target therapies and immunotherapies has considerably improved survival rates of patients with metastatic melanoma, although most of them present significant toxicities or eventually develop resistance. This project aims to identify immune-related gene expression profiles in melanoma tumors and evaluate their prognostic value and/or capability to predict immunotherapy response. SUPERVISOR: Susana Puig CONTACT: Send CV and academic records to Susana Puig spuig@clinic.cat,Gemma Tell tell@clinic.cat WEB:https://www.clinicbarcelona.org/en/idibaps/research-areas/oncology-and-haematology/melanoma-imaging-genetics-and-immunology-1/projects

GRUP: T cell lymphomas. PROJECT:  Our research is focused on improving the understanding of the molecular mechanisms leading to T cell lymphomas appearance. We will develop our research by determining possible defective mechanisms during thymopoiesis and by developing preclinical mice models for the study of T cell lymphomas, such as angioimmunoblastic T cell lymphoma.Task 1 - Synthesis and characterization of Au-hollow nanoparticles of different compositionsTask 2 - Studies of the stability of the Au-hollow synthesized in different biological media and different time-points.Task 3 - In vivo biodistribution, degradation and excretion studies of Au-hollow nanoparticles versus Au-solid nanopartibles of the same size. SUPERVISOR: Laura Mondragón  CONTACT: Send a CV and academic records to lmondragon@carrerasresearch.org  WEB https://www.carrerasresearch.org/es

GRUP: IDIBAPS, edifici CEK, planta 5 Títol: Medicina regenerativa en diabetis: estudi d'estratègies per expandir i reemplaçar les cèl·lules beta productores d’insulina. Projecte: La diabetis es caracteritza per un dèficit de cèl·lules beta pancreàtiques funcionals. El nostre grup investiga dues possibles estratègies per paliar aquesta carència: identifcació de molècules capaces d'estimular la proliferació de les cèl·lules beta romanents i el trasplantament de cèl·lules beta sustitutes generades en el laboratori a partir de fibroblasts de pell. Direcció: Rosa Gasa, rgasa@clinic.cat   web: https://www.clinicbarcelona.org/ca/idibaps/arees-de-recerca/fetge-sistema-digestiu-i-metabolisme/recerca-translacional-en-diabetis-lipids-i-obesitat/membres

GRUP: Sant Pau Memory Unit – Department of Neurology (https://santpaumemoryunit.com/) Title: Pathophysiological and neuroanatomical underpinnings of cognitive decline in neurodegenerative disease (Alzheimer disease (AD) and Frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) syndromes).The general aim of this project is to provide a better understanding of the cognitive and behavioral deficits in AD and FTLD syndromes to improve diagnosis and disease monitorization. Specifically, the Master student will be analyzing cognitive, neurologic, and behavioral data acquired in AD and FTLD patients to determine their relationship with biologic (blood and cerebrospinal fluid) and neuroimaging biomarkers using various statistical and image processing software packages. This project offers a unique opportunity to learn more about neurodegenerative disease in a highly interdisciplinary atmosphere and to develop a deep understanding of how to apply cognitive neuroscience, statistical and neuroimaging methodology in a clinical setting. Send CV and motivation letter to Dr. Miguel Santos, MD, PhD MSantosS@santpau.cat.

GRUP: T cell lymphoma group, Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute. Títol: Search of new therapeutic targets for angioimmunoblastic T cell lymphoma treatment. Projecte: T-cell lymphomas are a group of rare hematological diseases with a poor prognosis and a high incidence of relapse after treatment. This is the case of angioimmunoblastic T cell lymphoma. Availability of preclinical mouse models for rare cancers is a prerequisite for determining therapeutic pathways and targets from which to design and test new treatments. The main objective of the project will be to contribute to the characterization of a new mouse model for the study of AITL by developing thymocytes maturation and T cell activation studies in order to determine possible defects in these processes leading to AITL appearance. Then, we will study the molecular pathways implicated in this aberrant behavior with the objective to identify new therapeutic targets and to design and validate new therapeutic strategies in vitro. Send CV and academic records to: Dra. Laura Mondragón Martínez lmondragon@carrerasresearch.org

GRUP:  Institut de recerca “Germans Trias i Pujol”. Ctra. de Can Ruti Titol: Paper patològic de les variants dels microRNAs a la malaltia de Crohn. Projecte. Els microRNAs (miRs) silencien l’expressió genètica. Durant la maduració dels miRs es poden produir mutacions generant variants anomenades ISOmiRs de manera que poden modificar la funció biològica. La formació d’ISOmiRs pot estar influenciada per la inflamació i pels microorganismes, components patològics de la malaltia de Crohn. Així, volem estudiar la implicació patològica dels ISOmiRs en Crohn mitjançant mètodes moleculars i bioinformàtics, en models cel·lulars o de peix zebra. Send CV and academic records to. Josep Manyé Almero mail : josep.manye@ciberehd.org  o jmanye@igtp.cat  - https://inflamatoriagermanstrias.wordpress.com  web:http://www.germanstrias.org/research/diseases-liver-digestive-tract/1/digestive-inflammatory-pathology-research-group - https://www.ciberehd.org/grupos/grupo-de-investigacion?id=16414

GRUP: GENE REGULATION OF CELL IDENTITY, P-CMR[C].  Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge, IDIBELL Website: https://p-cmrc.cat/research/plass-groupProject: Stau2 assembly in neurogenesis.  Summary: The high and complex diversity of neurons in the brain results from a tightly regulated process called neurogenesis that occurs mainly during embryonic development. Although most of the knowledge that we have about the regulation of neurogenesis is focused on proneural transcriptional and signaling hierarchies, recent studies indicate an important role by RNA binding proteins (RBPs). Our group has been focused in basic research, studying the function of RBPs in the distinct steps of neurogenesis, at the protein and RNA levels. The main objective of this project is to investigate the assembly alterations of the RBP Stau2 in neurogenesis. For this purpose, we will perform BioID (proximity-dependent biotin identification) method (39) which uses a promiscuous biotin ligase fused to a bait protein to detect protein-protein associations. For this purpose, Staufen-BirA fusion proteins will be generated and transfected at a specific time points during the differentiation points of hiPSCs. Then, we will perform protein pulldown using streptavidin-coated beads to isolate and characterize the interactome of Stau2 in specific neurogenesis steps. Proper validation of the expression levels and size of the BirA-fusion proteins will be done by performing western blot and immunofluorescence. Interested applicants should submit by email a cover letter and a CV along with academic records (expedient) to Dr. Mireya Plass: mplass@idibell.cat

GRUP: Translational Genomics and Targeted Therapeutics in Solid Tumors; Lung cancer division. IDIBAPS, Hospital Clínic de Barcelona. Project title: Usefulness of DNA and RNA analysis for the selection of personalized therapy in advanced-NSCLC and characterization of the resistance mechanisms in METex14 mutations. Summary: Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer worldwide, being responsible for more than 1.6 million deaths per year. The introduction of targeted therapies in selected subgroups of patients and immunotherapy has revolutionized the outcomes in advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), reinforcing the need of using biomarkers in order to select patients for the best treatment strategy in the termed “precision medicine”. In this context, we hypothesize that the use of two DNA and RNA tissue-based multiplex technologies will enable a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms and immune-phenotypes underlying advanced NSCLC, allowing the selection of personalized treatments to improve outcomes. The clinical identification of such specific subsets of molecular drivers will provide us the opportunity to further explore the intrinsic and acquired resistance mechanisms associated to METex14 skipping oncogenic alterations. Contact: send a CV and academic records to Elba Marín email: elmarin@clinic.cat

GRUP: IIBB-CSIC Titol Projecte: Modificacions extracelulars dels exosomes durant la inflamació. Els exosomes son vesícules extracelulars que participen en la comunicació entre célules. Volem determinar quins canvis poden
experimentar des del moment en que son secretats fins al moment en que son captats per la célula diana. Tractarem exosomes sometent-los a diferent microambients relacionats amb la inflamació per avaluar com es modifica la seva composició i activitat.  Directors projecte Dr. Daniel Closa i Dr. Joaquin Abian (IIBB-CSIC)   Contact: send a CV and academic records to Daniel Closa email:   daniel.closa@iibb.csic.es https://www.iibb.csic.es/ca/departments/22

GRUP: Respiratory Research group at Institut Germans Trias I Pujol (IGTP), Badalona. Project title: Role of cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1) in pulmonary fibrosis. Summary: Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a chronic, progressive, fatal disease of unknown etiology. It is associated with a poor prognosis with a median survival time of 3 to 5 years from the time of diagnosis and the five-year survival rate lies between 20% and 40%. Previous studies described pro-fibrotic effects of cannabinoid CB1 receptor in pathophysiological conditions affecting liver, kidney and cardiovascular system, but in lung diseases has not been studied in depth. We hypothesize a pathophysiological implication of endocannabinoid signaling via CB1 in IPF and propose the use of cannabinoid drugs as therapeutic agents to treat IPF. It is of crucial importance to investigate in detail the cell-specific effects of both cannabinoid receptors. We will use in vivo and in vitro approaches using wild type and CB1 knock out mice/cells to answer all these questions.  Contact: send a CV and academic records to Dr. Raquel Guillamat-Prats email: rguillamat@igtp.cat

GRUP: Cellular Hierarchies and Cancer Heterogeneity. Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute (IJC). Title: Senescent cells as a therapeutic target against relapse in non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Project: Our group has been focused in basic research, studying cellular hierarchies and cancer heterogeneity, with a clear translational focus. More than 500.000 new cases of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL) were diagnosed worldwide in 2018. The mortality of this cancer has been reduced in the last century thanks to new therapies. The main objective of this project is to investigate the role of senescent cells in NHL, specifically upon chemo and radiotherapy. Senescence is a process characterized by a permanent arrest of the cell cycle. Our hypothesis is that eliminating senescent cells will slow down the spreading of cancerous cells and/or the incidence of lymphoma recurrence. Thus, we will be able to define combinatorial treatments of current therapies with novel drugs aimed at suppressing senescent cells. We are seeking enthusiastic researchers with an interest in research, specifically Biomedicine. Good academic records are highly appreciated and good spoken and written English required. For further information, contact: Verónica Rodilla,  vrodilla@carrerasresearch.org

GRUP: Gastrointestinal and Pancreatic Oncology Title: Interplay between whole-genome doubling and immune infiltration to decipher mechanisms of immunotherapy resistance  Summary: The present study will utilize RNA-seq data across the pan-cancer dataset from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) to determine signatures associated with whole-genome doubling and their correlation with immune-related phenotypes, will validate expression changes by q-RT-PCR in isogenic colorectal cancer models, and will perform functional studies to understand the increased invasiveness of tetraploid cells using 3D cell culture methods. Contact PI: Dr. Jordi Camps JCAMPS@clinic.cat

GRUP: Dr. David Sancho offers the possibility to carry out the Master's Final Dissertation (TFM) in his Immunobiology group at the Spanish National Cardiovascular Research   https://www.cnic.es/es/investigacion/inmunobiologia  Scientific areaMetabolomics as a tool to study cellular immunometabolism, the student will apply a metabolomic approach to assess the cellular metabolism of immune cells (T lymphocytes, dendritic cells, and macrophages) aiming at exploring how changes in the metabolism can shape their function. This TFM offer will give the student the opportunity to participate in a multidisciplinary research project where analytical and computational skills will be applied to explore the cutting-edge field of the immunometabolism. Therefore, this opportunity would be suited to students with a keen interest in both experimental and computational biology. Previous experience with metabolomics techniques and mass spectrometry in general would be an advantage. Interested applicants should submit by email a cover letter and a CV along with 2-3 letters of reference to David Sancho: dsancho@cnic.es  , indicating “Metabolomics TFM” in the email subject. 

GRUP: Recerca translacional en diabetis, lípids i obesitat, UB, IDIBAPS Dr. Josep Vidal Cortada TITOL: Subcutaneous adipose tissue fibrosis as a predictor of post-bariatric surgery weight loss outcomes (FIBROLOSS) Projecte:  Bariatric surgery (BS) procedures are increasingly recognized as the most effective intervention to help subjects with morbid obesity achieve significant and sustained weight loss (WL). However, heterogeneity exists in WL trajectories amongst patients and as many as 25% of bariatric patients achieve insufficient WL after surgery. Recently, it has been proposed that the degree of fibrosis in the subcutaneous adipose tissue prior to surgery is associated with poorer WL response. We want to explore the hypothesis that pre-surgical aberrant extracellular matrix deposition (i.e. fibrosis) in the subcutaneous adipose tissue could influence WL response by modulating adipocyte metabolism and fat mobilization after BS. Contacte: Dr Josep Vidal, jovidal@clinic.cat ; Óscar Osorio,  oosorio@clinic.cat  Web: https://www.clinicbarcelona.org/ca/idibaps/arees-de-recerca/fetge-sistema-digestiu-i-metabolisme/recerca-translacional-en-diabetis-lipids-i-obesitat

GRUP: Patologia molecular de les neoplasies limfoides de l’IDIBAPS. Centre Esther Koplowitz (CEK) Projecte:  THE ROLE OF SOX11 IN MCL PROTECTIVE MICROENVIRONMENT. We would like to search for potential SOX11 direct target genes that may explain the relationship between SOX11 and tumor microenvironment-protective interactions in order to find new potential targets for novel therapeutic strategies to prevent chemo-refractoriness in aggressive MCL patients. Send a CV and academic records to: Virginia Amador Espinosa Email: vamador@clinic.ub.es  

GRUP: Growth Factors Group. Vall d’Hebron Insyitute of Oncology (VHIO). Title: Senescent cells a therapeutic target for breast cancer. Our group has been focused in basic research in breast cancer biology with a clear translational focus. Our lab is interested on targeting specifically senescent cells and studying the consequences of eliminating them at different tumorigenic stages. Senescence is a biological process, which involved cell cycle arrest and it is closely linked to ageing The role of this process is particularly controversial in tumors, since the secretory phenotype associated to these cells can activate the stroma surrounding the primary tumor, promoting metastasis; and on the other hand, in initial stages of tumorogenesis, these cells are able to recruit the immune system allowing the clearing of the tumor cells, suggesting a tumor suppressor activity. We have developed a new set of transgenic mice which will allow us to elucidate the role of these cells during the tumorogenesis. We are seeking enthusiastic researchers with an interest in research in Biomedicine. Good academic records are required, as well as good spoken and written command of English. Contact: Verónica Rodilla  vrodilla@vhio.net For more information, visit our web http://www.vhio.net/es/joaquin-arribas/

GRUP: IDIBELL, Molecular Oncology Project Title: “SPARC and miR-29ab, friends or foes in melanoma metastasis" The master student will address the contribution of uveal and cutaneous melanoma-derived exosomes in the early steps of metastasis. To this end she/he will be familiarized with cellular systems in vitro and animal models in vivo and will use different techniques related to cell/tissue and molecular biology as well as Western blot, immunohistochemistry, immunocytochemistry, flow cytometry, proteomics, among others.  Contact: Send a CV and academic records to: Dra. Àngels Fabra mail: afabra@idibell.cat  Web: www.idibell.cat

GRUP: Laboratory of Metabolism and Obesity Vall d’Hebron-Research Institute. Project Title: Molecular basis of calorie restriction: role of sirtuins and nuclear receptors in mitochondrial biogenesis and glucose homeostasis. Our project aims at uncovering the pathways and cellular processes regulated by calorie restriction and calorie-restriction mimetics (resveratrol, SIRT1) in adipose tissues of different mouse models by performing microarray-based gene expression profiling studies. Moreover, we will use tissue-specific knockout mice for PGC-1α, PGC-1β and other regulators of energy metabolism (ERRs, MTERFs) in order to study their contribution to the effects elicited by calorie restriction on body weight, as well as their impact on glucose homeostasis and aging. Our research efforts are directed to identify new potential therapeutic targets aimed at improving metabolic and degenerative diseases. Contact: Send a CV and academic records to: Dr. Josep A. Villena  josep.villena@vhir.org  Web: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Josep_Villena

GRUP: Instituto de Biologia Molecular de Barcelona (IBMB-CSIC), Parc Cientific de Barcelona. TitleDevelopment of the Spinal Cord in health and diseaseOur group aims to understand the mechanisms that control morphogenesis and growth in the vertebrate nervous system, with a particular focus in the spinal cord (the CNS region that controls body movement). To achieve this our group combines functional analysis in model organisms (chicken and mouse embryos) with data from high-throughput sequencing and proteomics and high-resolution imaging, with the aim of building quantitative description of the growing CNS. This will as well as unravel biological basis and molecular causes of neuro-developmental disorders such as primary microcephaly or spinal bifida. We are seeking enthusiastic researchers with an interest in research in Biomedicine. Good academic records are required, as well as good spoken and written command of English. Contact: Elisa Martí  emgbmc@ibmb.csic.es For more information, visit our web  http://www.ibmb.csic.es/groups/morphogenesis-of-the-vertebrate-nervous-system

GRUP: Badalona Applied Research Group in Oncology (B∙ARGO).  ICO and PMPPC (IGTP). The general aims of B·ARGO group are: to identify new strategies, emerging from basic research and apply them in clinical practice; To typify new biomarkers for cancer diagnosis and prognosis, new predictive biomarkers of response to current anti-neoplasic therapies; To determine biomarkers for tumor resistance acquisition during exposure to treatment. As a general approach, we study tumor samples from several cancer types by using high throughput techniques (genomics, transcriptomics, epigenomics). Selected candidate genes are further validated using more specific techniques (qPCR, sequencing) in tumors or/and liquid biopsies. Moreover, we perform functional experiments using cell lines in vitro models (shRNA, CRISPR-Cas9 and pharmacologic blockade) through several molecular techniques (cytotoxicity and colony assays, qPCR, western blotting, flow cytometry, etc); more info of our group and research lines at:  http://www.germanstrias.org/research/es-cancer/18/badalona-applied-research-group-in-oncology-b-argo. We are looking students that eventually are willing to do the PhD after the master. For more information please contact with: Adria Bernat Peguera,  email: abernat@igtp.cat   i Anna Martinez-Cardús, PhD email: amartinezc@igtp.cat

GRUP: Institut de Recerca Germans Trias i Pujol Dr. Josep Manyé Títol: ANP32e involvement in the experimental response to glucocorticoids inflammatory bowel disease. Resum: Estudis previs de base poblacional i d'integració ómica sobre la pèrdua de resposta als gluccorticoides a la malaltia inflamatòria intestinal (colitis ulcerosa i malaltia de Crohn) ens van portar a implicar la chaperona ANP32e en aquesta greu complicació d'aquest conjunt de malalties incurables. La proposta que fem és estudiar com ANP32e influeix en la expressió dels receptors de glucocorticoides, així com dels diferents paràmetres inflamatoris i/o anti-inflamatoris vinculats a aquesta teràpia. Contact: Envieu: CV i nota mitja de l’expedient a: Dr. Manyé jmanye@igtp.catjosepmanye@gmail.com

GRUP: Gastrointestinal and pancreatic oncology – Dpt Liver, digestive system and metabolism. IDIBAPS – CEK P4. BCN Project: Ubiquitin proteasome system regulates the development, metastasis and chemoresistance of colorectal cancer (CRC).  Summary of project: CRC is the second and third cause of cancer death in women and men, respectively. Our research studies the regulation and functionality of the E3 ubiquitin ligase GRAIL in CRCs harboring activating mutations of KRAS or BRAF oncogenes and inactivating mutations of APC tumor suppressor. Using human and transgenic mice we will characterize GRAIL as biomarker of prognosis, diagnosis and treatment. The involvement of TGFβ-Smads, EGF-MAPK/PI3K and Wnt-β-catenin pathways in GRAIL regulation will be determined. Send CV and academic records to:  esanche3@clinic.cat Project supervisor: Ester Sánchez Tilló – PhD, Miguel Servet principal investigador    http://www.idibaps.org/research/410/gastrointestinal-and-pancreatic-oncology.

GRUP: Aging and Neurodegeneration, IIBB-CSIC-IDIBAPS. Experimental studies in in vitro and in vivo models of Alzheimer and senescence. Project: Study of mechanisms of resilience against neurodegeneration. Several experimental treatments in study have demonstrated to improve proteostatic and/or inflammatory status in the brain and to protect against cognitive loss in Alzheimer's mice; the study of molecular mechanisms involved will help to define the most significant targets against brain aging and degeneration. Send CV and academic records to Dra. Coral Sanfeliu, e-mail: coral.sanfeliu@iibb.csic.es

GRUP: Signalling events controlling cell migration dring morphogenesis. Instituto de Biología Molecular de Barcelona, CSIC TFM title: Physiological control of Regeneration versus Tumorigenesis decisions Tasks to develop during the TFM: Cell and Developmental Biology and Image Analysis. Required student skill: Commitment and Passion. Interest in understanding basic Biology questions with potential biomedical applications. Background in Developmental Biology (Fluency in Mathematica or MatLab would be a must) Contact (e-mail):  embbmc@ibmb.csic.es Enrique Martin-Blanco    

GRUP:  Sant Pau Memory Unit Department of Neurology Director: Dr. Alberto Lleó (ALleo@santpau.cat). Title: Cognitive and cerebral correlates of behavioral deficits in the frontotemporal lobar degeneration spectrumThe aim of the current project is to provide a better understanding of the behavioral deficits in frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) syndromes. Specifically, the Master student will be using the behavioral data (>5 questionnaires) acquired in >200 cases of FTLD cases to establish i) how likely behavioral deficits tend to co-occur in FTLD patients and which are the ii) cognitive and iii) cerebral correlates of these deficits. This project offers a unique opportunity to learn more about FTLD in a high interdisciplinary atmosphere, and to get familiar with statistics (e.g., independent component analysis) and neuroimaging (structural MRI and/or FGD-PET) processing.  Send  CV, motivation letter,  academic records a  Dr. Alexandre Bejanin, PhD  ABejanin@santpau.cat

GRUP: Malalties Metabòliques Hereditàries de lInstitut dinvestigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS) Es busca un candidat/a per realitzar treball de fi de màster en un tipus de malalties rares anomenades malalties metabòliques hereditàries. Les línies de recerca del grup, en les quals sintegraria el candidat/a, consisteixen en estudis per identificar compostos amb potencial capacitat terapèutica per aquestes malalties, en concret analitzar leficàcia de possibles xaperones farmacològiques pel tractament de laciduria glutàrica tipus I, un trastorn neurometabòlic. Sutilitzaran tècniques de biologia molecuar i cel·lular. Es valorarà fonamentalment lexpedient acadèmic i coneixements danglès. Contacte: Dr. Frederic Tort, Dra Judit Garcia-Villoria.  E-mail: ftort@ciberer.esjugarcia@clinic.cat 

GRUP: Transcriptional Dynamics in Leukemia (Josep Carreras Leukemia Research Institute-IJC). PROJECTThe role of inflammatory signalling in malignant hematopoiesis. Our lab is is a recently-established team focused on understanding the molecular events that lead to leukemia. We have previously studied the role of mutations in the cohesin complex, which are very frequent in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). We demonstrated that cohesin is required for the transcriptional response to key hematopoietic signalling pathways. We will expand on these findings by exploring the role of cohesin mutations in other types of leukemia and by understanding the role of chromatin regulators in the response of hematopoietic cells to signalling pathways. CANDIDATE: We are looking for students to do experimental work on cellular models of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and to generate gene expression and chromatin state genome-wide sequencing data. Broadly, experiments will involve CRISPR editing, gene expression knock-down by shRNA, RNA isolation and analysis of gene expression and cloning. Mail: scuartero@carrerasresearch.org Web: http://www.carrerasresearch.org/en/transcriptional-dynamics-in-leukemia_129664

GRUPExperimental Hematology. Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO) Title: Understanding the tumor immune microenvironment in non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas (NHL) for the development of immunotherapeutic strategies that target each individual’s immune biology. Project: We are working with primary samples from patients diagnosed with NHL and cell lines to decipher the relationship between the immune microenvironment and the tumoral cells. We are pre-clinically trying, optimizing and personalizing different therapies for these patients. The project includes working with mouse models, genetically engineering of cells and multiparametric cytometry. Special focus on CNS lymphomas. http://www.vhio.net/en/experimental-hematology-group/  Contact: Send your application and full CV to Director (TFM): Marta Crespo Maull mail: macrespo@vhio.net 

GRUP: Càncer Ginecològic / Institut de Recerca Biomèdica de Bellvitge (IDIBELL) Project Title: Precision Medicine and Therapeutic Resistance Mechanisms in Gynecological Cancer. Description: We are actively focused on the identification of genes (coding and non-coding) that are essential for the development and progression of gynecological malignancies (mainly, but not exclusively, endometrial cancer) to ultimately discover novel therapeutic avenues to implement precision medicine in this field. In order to achieve this our group is engaged in multiple projects covering an array of techniques at both in vitro and in vivo level (CRISPR whole genome screenings, RNA_sequencing, proteomics, metabolomics, patient-derived orthoxenografts, etc) and focusing in several key major cellular processes such as autophagy. More information at www.llobetnavaslab.orgContact: send a CV and academic grades to David Llobet Navàs, Email: dllobet@idibell.cat

GRUP: Laboratory of Gene Expression and Signaling (IBMB and ICREA). Title: Molecular analysis of Capicua, a tumor suppressor involved in Ras-MAPK signaling. The Capicua (Cic) transcriptional repressor is an evolutionarily conserved effector of Ras-MAPK signaling across metazoans. In humans, Cic acts as tumor and metastasis suppressor and is also involved in SCA1 neurodegeneration, although how Cic functions at the molecular level remains poorly understood. Our goal is to advance this understanding using Drosophila as a model system in combination with biochemical, imaging and CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing approaches. We offer the possibility to economically subsidize your master and extend it into a PhD position from 2019. Contact: Please send your application and full CV to Dr. Gerardo Jimenez, e-mail gjcbmc@ibmb.csic.es Web: http://www.ibmb.csic.es/groups/gene-expression-and-signaling

GRUP: Toxicología Ambiental, Dept. Química Ambiental IDAEA-CSIC, Barcelona. Titol del projecte: Toxicidad de subproductos de desinfección del agua en células de placenta. En nuestro grupo hemos utilizado con éxito células de placenta humana JEG-3 para detectar tóxicos ambientales que pueden actuar como disruptores endocrinos en una etapa especialmente sensible, como es el embarazo y el desarrollo fetal. La generación de especies reactivas de oxígeno y alteraciones a nivel del lipidoma reducen además la funcionalidad de la placenta. El projecte pretende evaluar la toxicidad de halobenzoquinonas y ácidos benzóicos halogenados, unos subproductos de desinfección del agua, de los que prácticamente no se dispone de información experimental, a pesar de que los modelos QSAR predicen una toxicidad de hasta 1000-veces superior a la de los trihalometanos, mucho más investigados. Enviar CV a la Dra. Cinta Porte; email: cinta.porte@cid.csic.es

GRUP: Diabetes and Metabolic Associated Diseases Research Group (DIAMET group) University Hospital Joan XXIII (Pere Virgili Institute - Rovira i Virgili University, Tarragona). The central hypothesis of our group is based on the adipose tissue dysfunction as a key component in the development of obesity-associated metabolic disorders and not only a consequence of these pathologies. We combine clinical (longitudinal and prospective cohort studies) with basic research (animal models, cell cultures, molecular biology techniques) to identify new biomarkers as well as the molecular mechanisms involved in the metabolic dysregulation of adipocytes, which may help to find new approaches and targets for the treatment of these metabolic diseases in humans. For more information about our research see: www.diamet.org Master can be continued as a PhD thesis. Supervisor: Sonia Fernández-Veledo Send CV (and academic record) and motivation letterto diamet@iispv.cat indicating “Master” in the subject of the email.

GRUP: Resistance, Chemotherapy and Predictive Biomarkers group.  ProCURE (ICO) and PMPPC (IGTP). Our work is focused on the study of molecular mechanisms underlying the development of resistance to treatment in colorectal cancer (CRC). As a general approach we develop in vitro models of chemoresistance that are subsequently studied by high throughput techniques (transcriptomics, proteomics, epigenomics). Gene or protein candidates are further validated through functional experiments in which the expression of the candidate is experimentally altered (shRNA, CRISPR/Cas9, pharmacologic inhibitors) and tested in cell lines and in mice models. Several cell biology and molecular techniques are used (cytotoxicity assays, qPCR, western blotting, etc); more info at: http://www.procure-ico.eu/eva-m-balibrea-lab.html Several examples of our work can be found following the link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=martinez-balibrea We are looking students that are willing to do the PhD after the master. For more information please contact with: Eva Martinez-Balibrea, PhD email: embalibrea@iconcologia.net

GRUP: Nephrology and renal transplantation (IDIBELL): Project: Macrophage as induction factor of proliferation of Bowman's capsule parietal cells. Crescentic glomerulonephritis (GNEC) is the most severe form of renal injury with morphological manifestations of glomerular leading to the rapid deterioration of renal function (weeks). The infiltrating macrophages have been classically described as the potential source of the crescents. However, the parietal epithelial cells of the Bowman capsule (PECs) are currently accepted as the overwhelming predominant cell type in the crescents. Thus, macrophages participate in glomerular inflammation and PECS are the origin of the crescent, although the signaling pathways that activate its proliferation are still only partially understood. We have recently created and actively funded this new line of research with the ambitious objective of defining new therapeutic approaches for the most serious lesion of glomerulonephritis based on the induction of the tissue repair and the control of cell proliferation. To be part of our research send a CV and academic records to Anna Sola. Email: asola@idibell.cat

GRUP: IDIBAPS-Centre Esther Koplowitz Proyecto: Immunotherapeutic approaches in 3D models of Follicular lymphoma. Follicular lymphoma (FL) is one of the most common non-Hodgkin lymphoma and represents the paradigm of a lymphoid neoplasia depending on microenvironment.  This immune microenvironment is highly immnosuppressive, precluding the correct activation of an anti-tumor immune response from the host. We have developed 3D models of FL with several accompanying cells (FDC, M2, T cells) to mimic the lymphoma biology. In these 3D systems we are testing the efficacy of several immunotherapy combinations aiming at the reactivation of cytotoxic T cells leading to lymphoma cell death. Envieu CV+nota mitja (actual) a: Patricia Pérez Galán Email: pperez@clinic.cat  web: http://www.idibaps.org/recerca/303/fisiopatologia-i-bases-moleculars-en-hematologia

GRUP: Estudi dels microRNAs en els càncers digestius. IDIBAPS Títol: Estudi funcional de microRNAs alterats en el càncer de pàncrees. El càncer de pàncrees és un dels càncers més letals amb una incidència creixent a la nostra societat. Es necessita urgentment desenvolupar noves estratègies terapèutiques que puguin millorar el mal pronòstic d’aquesta malaltia. Els microRNAs (miRNAs) juguen un paper clau en la carcinogènesi i molts d’ells presenten nivells alterats en pacients amb càncer de pàncrees. El nostre grup ja ha demostrat el potencial com a biomarcadors que tenen aquestes molècules. El nostre objectiu ara és investigar el paper funcional que tenen aquests miRNAs alterats en l’oncogènesi pancreàtica, amb la finalitat d’avaluar la seva contribució en la progressió tumoral, establir els seus mecanismes d’acció através de la identificació dels seus gens diana i sentar les bases per al desenvolupament de noves estratègies terapèutiques. Interessats/des envieu CV amb nota mitjana del Grau a: Dra. Meritxell Gironella Cos mgirone@clinic.cat 

GRUP:  Recerca cel·lular en inflamació i cartílag (IMIM-Parc de Salut Mar, Parc de Recerca Biomèdica de Barcelona, PRBB). Títol: Caracterització clínica, radiològica i analítica del pacient amb artrosi de genoll (projecte englobat dins d’una ajuda “Retos de la Sociedad” del Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad). L’artrosi és una patologia molt prevalent i altament discapacitat, amb un cost econòmic equiparable al del tractament de tots el tipus de càncer plegats. A hores d’ara no té tractament més enllà de la intervenció quirúrgica per sotmetre’s a un pròtesi de genoll. Això és degut principalment a la manca d’un bon fenotipatge del pacients que permeti classificar-los segons l’etiologia de la malaltia. En aquest projecte volem investigar quines diferències s’observen a nivell bioquímic entre els pacients que, tot i presentar un mateix grau de severitat de la malaltia, necessiten una pròtesis de genoll en front als que no la requereixen. Concretament, en aquest projecte estudiarem la composició matricial de diferents àrees del cartílag així com l’expressió gènica, els mediadors inflamatoris, catabòlics i anabòlics presents en el líquid sinovial, i diversos marcadors pronòstics de la malaltia. La finalitat és poder descriure un algoritme que identifiqui als pacients en risc de patir una pròtesi de genoll. Envieu  CV amb nota mitja expedient a  Dr. Joan Carles Monllau mail: ltio@imim.es   www.imim.es/programesrecerca/inflamacio/recercacel.html.

GRUP: Institute for Health Sciences Research Germans Trias i Pujol (IGTP) Can Ruti-Badalona Project Title: Deciphering the role of HDAC11 in the physiopathology of skeletal muscle HDAC11 is the latest member identified of the HDAC family and it is the unique member of the class IV HDAC subfamily. HDAC11 is highly expressed in skeletal muscle but its functions in skeletal muscle physiology are unknown. We are addressing the role of HDAC11 in skeletal muscle differentiation, growth and muscle regeneration in primary muscle cell lines and in murine models. Our results suggest a role of HDAC11 regulating the metabolic state of skeletal muscle tissue and currently, we are performing experiments to better understand the contribution of HDAC11 in the skeletal muscle physiology, which is altered in chronic muscle pathologies and during aging. The candidates should have some expertise en molecular biology and cell culture techniques and be very motivated students. Experience with mice handling will be well considered.  We are interested in recruiting a PhD student, so the Master project can be continued with a PhD Thesis.Contact to Mònica Suelves msuelves@igtp.cat sending a motivation letter, academic records and CV.

GRUP: Regulació de la inflamació, Dept. Patologia Experimental IIBB-CSIC. Titol del projecteSenyalització mediada per exosomes en la pancreatitis aguda. Al nostre grup hem descrit la generació d'exosomes en les primeres etapes de la pancreatitis aguda experimental. El projecte estarà centrat en valorar el tipus de mediadors transportats per aquests exosomes i quin efecte tenen sobre diferents cèl·lules diana. Envieu CV al Dr. Daniel Closa per email: daniel.closa@iibb.csic.es

GRUP:  Malalties Respiratòries. Dept. Patología Experimental. IIBB-CSIC-IDIBAPS.  Els projectes de la fibrosi pulmonar idiopàtica. Projecte: Desenvolupament d’una teràpia cel·lular basada en el trasplantament intratraqueal de cèl·lules epitelials pulmonars. Actualment estem cercant els mecanismes moleculars implicats en els beneficis derivats d’aquesta teràpia per tal de fer-la més efectiva.  Per dur a terme la nostra recerca treballem amb animals d’experimentació i amb cultius cel·lulars. Realitzem tècniques clàssiques de bioquímica i histologia, immunohistoquimica, RT-PCR, ELISAS, western blot, citometria. Dra. Anna Serrano Mollar. Per poder fer el TFM envieu un mail anna.serranomollar@iibb.csic.es. Per demanar una entrevista. 

GRUP: Nanoscopy for Nanomedicine Group Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) Títol del projecte: Nanomaterials per l’alliberació controlada de fàrmacs vers la seva diana terapèutica. L’objectiu principal del nostre grup és utilitzar la Microscòpia de súper-resolució (Nanoscòpia) per visualitzar i fer el seguiment de nanomaterials autoensamblats amb potencial terapèutic en cèl·lules vives i teixits (Nanomedicina). El projecte a realitzar se centrarà en demostrar la selectivitat d’aquests nanomaterials vers la seva diana terapèutica mitjançant STORM (sigla en anglès de Microscòpia de reconstrucció òptica estocàstica). Envieu CV + nota mitjana (actual) a: Dr. Lorenzo Albertazzi mail: lalbertazzi@ibecbarcelona.eu.

GRUP:  Dynamic Biomimetics for Cancer Immunotherapy; Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC).  Project: Developing Patient-Derived Organoids as Cancer Models based on 3D Hydrogels. This project consists of producing patient-derived cancer organoids based on our synthetic artificial extracellular matrices consisting of physicochemically tunable 3D synthetic hydrogels in collaboration with different (pre)clinical settings (IDIBAPS-Hospital Clinic de Barcelona and VHIO). Envieu CV a Judith Guasch, mail: jguasch@icmab.es web: https://dynamic-biomimetics.icmab.es/jobs Posiblity to have an associated fellowship: https://dynamic-biomimetics.icmab.es/jobs/24-developing-patient-derived-organoids-as-cancer-models-based-on-3d-hydrogels

GRUP:  Nanomol; Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB); CSIC/CIBER-BBN Títol: Dynamic molecular bio-interfaces for control environments for cell guidance Cellular morphogenesis is orchestrated by multifaceted signaling pathways of the surrounding environment, which enable cells to differentiate. The work will consist in the modification of surfaces with molecular and bio-nanomaterials to control the cell-material interface for cell guidance studies.  Envieu CV, nota mitja a Jaume Veciana/Imma Ratera mail: nanomol@icmab.es  web: www.icmab.es/nanomol

GRUP: Genetic predisposition to gastrointestinal cancer research group, integrated within the Pancreatic and Gastrointestinal Oncology team in IDIBAPS. Centre Esther Koplowitz. Project: Identification of new genes for germline predisposition to colorectal cancer, serrated polyposis syndrome and gastric cancer.  The research group has the main objective of identifying genetic variants involved in the germline predisposition to colorectal cancer, serrated polyposis syndrome and gastric cancer through genetic association studies and next generation sequencing and its application to the clinical management in the affected patients. Envieu CV, nota mitja a: Sergi Castellví Bel Contact email: sbel@clinic.cat - http://bioinfo.ciberehd.org/GPtoCRC/en/home.htmlhttp://www.idibaps.org/recerca/410/oncologia-gastrointestinal-i-pancreatica.  

GRUP:  Nanomol; Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB); CSIC/CIBER-BBN Títol: Nanovesicles for enzyme delivery Liposomes have arisen as supramolecular entities capable to selectively and efficiently deliver cargo molecules (drugs, proteins, enzymes) at the desired biological sites resulting in a considerable increase of their therapeutic activity whilst reducing side-effects. In this project, the student will be involved in the design, synthesis and characterization of new nanoliposomes for the tailored transport of a-galactosidase trough cell membranes and BBB, and to improve treatment of Fabry disease.    Envieu CV, nota mitja a Elisabet Gonzalez/Nora Ventosa mail: nanomol@icmab.es  web: www.icmab.es/nanomol 

GRUP: Biologia molecular i cel·lular dels tumors del desenvolupament (Fundació Sant Joan de Déu).  Títol del projecte: Characterization and relevance of the epigenetic landscape in the development of Ewing sarcoma. Ewing sarcoma (ES) is a bone and soft tissue malignancy that predominantly affects children and young adults.  ES tumours are cytogenetically characterized by a chromosomal translocation, which in 85% cases produces the fusion oncogene EWS-FLI1.  It has been recently described that EWS-FLI1 induces transcriptional activation or repression of its targets by binding to GGAA sequences and recruiting histone modifying enzymes. Using proteomic and genomic approaches our group aims to understand which enzymatic activities help EWS-FLI1 reorganize chromatin in order to develop new pharmacological strategies for ES treatment.  WEB: http://www.fsjd.org/es/grupos-de-investigacion_124988/36271. Envieu CV a: Dr. Jaume Mora Jmora@sjdhospitalbarcelona.org, i Dra. Sara Sánchez Molina ssanchez@fsjd.org.

GRUP: Tumors endocrins, Programa de Medicina Predictiva i Personalitzada del Càncer, Institut de Recerca Germans Trias i Pujol (PMPPC-IGTP) Títol del projecte: The role of kallikreins in thyroid cancer. Thyroid cancer has a broad range of clinical behaviors from indolent to the worst cancer forms. However, the current prognostic biomarkers are limited as well as the therapeutic options for non-responder patients to standard treatment. Recently, we reported the transcriptional and epigenetic deregulation of kallikrein-related peptidases (KLKs) in thyroid cancer. KLKs constitute a family of 15 serine proteases located in a cluster on chromosome 19. Their potential as tumor biomarkers and their involvement in different cancer-related processes is well established in many cancers. However, little is known about KLKs in thyroid cancer. The aim of this study is to investigate the role of KLKs in thyroid cancer: i) clinical applicability, ii) regulation of the cluster, iii) functional implications. Methodology: human tissue samples; cancer cell lines; DNA methylation analysis by bisulfite pyrosequencing; RT-qPCR; Umi-4C-Seq; ChIP; dual-luciferase reporter assays; CRISPR/Cas9 technology; functional assays. www.germanstrias.org Envieu CV, nota mitja a Mireia Jordà mail: mjorda@igtp.cat

GRUP:  Cellex 2a, Hospital Clínic Bcn. Dr. Joan Albert barberà/ Dra. Olga Tura-Ceide Títol del projecte: Endotelial disfuncion in patients with pulmonary hypertension. L'objectiu d'aquest estudi és investigar les causes d'una disfunció endotelial en pacients amb hipertensió pulmonar. S'investigarà el role de HIF-1alfa en la respiració mitocondrial de les cel.lules endotelials i musculars derivades d'aquests pacients i s'intentarà buscar fàrmacs anti-Hif per re-establir l'homeostasi d'aquestes cel.lules. Web: Envieu CV, nota mitja a: Dra. Olga Tura-Ceide Mail: olgaturac@gmail.com

GRUP:  Aging and Cancer Group of the Cancer Epigenetic and Biology Program of Bellvitge Institute for Biomedical Research (IDIBELL) Títol del projecte: Identification of genetic and epigenetic factors regulating cancer stem cell plasticity during carcinoma progression. Skin squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) are the second more frequent tumor in humans. Despite these lesions are early eliminated by surgical resection, the 8% of patients develop recurrent tumors with high metastasis prone, which reduce significantly the patient survival. During our previous studies we generated lineages of mouse skin SCC progression and we demonstrated that cancer stem cell features and fate change during skin SCC progression, concomitant with an increase in the tumor-initiating capability and a strong and stable induction of the epithelial-to-mesenchymal (EMT) program. The main objective of this project is to identify the molecular and epigenetic mechanisms that control this dynamic CSC behavior and that are involved in the maintenance of a mesenchymal phenotype, promoting SCC progression. Web: www.idibell.cat i www.pebc.cat Envieu CV, nota mitja a: Dra. Purificación Muñoz Moruno Mail: p.munoz@idibell.cat

GRUP: de malalties respiratòries, Dep.Patología Experimental IIBB-CSIC-IDIBAPS-Bcn. Els projectes que portem a terme en el grup se centren en el camp de la fibrosi pulmonar idiopàtica. Els nostres darrers estudis estan enfocats en el desenvolupament d’una teràpia cel·lular basada en el trasplantament intratraqueal de cèl·lules epitelials pulmonars. Actualment estem cercant els mecanismes moleculars implicats en els beneficis derivats d’aquesta teràpia per tal de fer-la més efectiva.  Per dur a terme la nostra recerca treballem amb animals d’experimentació i amb cultius cel·lulars. Realitzem tècniques clàssiques de bioquímica i histologia, immunohistoquimica, RT-PCR, ELISAS, western blot, citometria. Dra. Anna Serrano Mollar. Si voleu participar per poder fer el TFM envieu un mail anna.serranomollar@iibb.csic.es.

GRUP: Cell Cycle Group. PEBC-IDIBELL. Title: Mitotic exit regulation by separase. How eukaryotes -including humans- inherit their nuclear genome is a fundamental question in biology which has direct clinical implications, as chromosome missegregation is a leading cause of miscarriages and birth defects, and is tightly linked to malignant tumour progression. Separase is a master mitotic regulator that upon activation will lead to chromosome segregation, Cdc14 activation, spindle elongation and condensation and resolution of the rDNA. The direct separase targets in most of the mitotic events triggered by separase remain unknown. Our major aim is the identification of separase interacting proteins and/or substrates using state-of-the-art genomic and proteomic screenings. Envieu:  CV, academic records; a Dra. Ethel Queraltequeralt@idibell.cat  Web: http://www.idibell.cat/modul/cell-cycle/en

GRUP:  CELLEX-IDIBAPS. Planta 4A Genomics and Pharmacogenomics in HIV Group. Laboratory of Retrovirology and Viral Inmunopathogenesis.  Title: Implicación del colesterol y ácidos grasos en macrófagos infectados por VIH. Una aproximación lipidómica en el campo de la aterosclerosis y la infección por el VIH.  Envieu:  CV, academic records; a Dra. Mireia Arnedo mail: marnedo@clinic.cat  web: http://www.idibaps.org/aidsresearch/teams/team6/team6.html

GRUP: Recerca musculoesquelètica, IMIM, PRBB, Bcn. Títol del projecte: Estudi de microRNAs com a biomarcadors d’afectació òssia.  Existeixen moltes malalties de diferent etiologia que tenen una afectació òssia com a patologia secundaria associada. En el nostre grup de recerca explorem el microRNAs alterats en mostres òssies patològiques i les variacions en els nivells sèrics de microRNAs i de factors pro-inflamatoris en pacients amb malalties amb afectació òssia així com el paper que juguen aquests microRNAs en el teixit òssi.  Entre aquestes malalties hi ha l’osteoporosis, SIDA, la síndrome de Gaucher i l’acromegàlia. En tots els casos es pretén analitzar els nivells sèrics de miroRNAs comparant pacients amb alguna de les malalties exposades amb pacients sans mitjançant qPCR. Un cop identificats els microRNAs alterats en les mostres de pacients es fa un estudi funcional d’aquests microRNAs utilitzant tècniques de transfecció en cèl·lules òssies.Envieu CV, nota mitja a: Dra. Natàlia Garcia Giralt  per mail ngarcia@imim.es

GRUP: Chromatin regulation of human and viral gene expression (IBMB-CSIC, Parc Científic). Project: A novel quinoline based HIV-1 latency reversing bromodomain inhibitor. Upon HIV-1 infection, a reservoir of HIV latently infected resting T cells prevents the eradication of the virus from patients. To achieve eradication, the current Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy must be combined with drugs that reactivate the dormant viruses. BET-bromodomain inhibition has recently emerged as a potential strategy for reactivation of HIV-1. We previously described a novel chemical compound (MMQO) that is capable of reactivating viral transcription and since then we also have identified it to be a bromodomain inhibitor. Though it primarily appears to inhibit Brd4, we hypothesize it to have alternative targets. The objective of this project will be to fully characterize this new drug and evaluate its potential for research and clinical use. Envieu CV + nota mitjana (actual) a: Albert Jordan, e-  mail: albert.jordan@ibmb.csic.es  web http://www.ibmb.csic.es/groups/chromatin-regulation-of-human-and-viral-gene-expression
GRUP:  Chromatin regulation of human and viral gene expression (IBMB-CSIC, Parc Científic).  Project: Functional specificity of human histone H1 variants. We focus our research on the control of gene expression in human cells by chromatin organization, components and modifications. We investigate the role and specificity of histone H1 variants in chromatin organization and gene expression control. By RNA interference of the different human H1 variants we have found that they have different involvement in cellular processes such as cell cycle progression, in different cell types. Knock-down of multiple H1 variants induce the interferon response due to derepression of heterochromatic repeats and endogenous retroviruses. We have also described a differential role of H1 variants in pluripotency and differentiation. Currently, we are investigating the occupancy of H1 variants genome-wide by ChIP-seq (NGS) and the consequences of altering H1 levels on chromatin organization (ATAC-seq, DNA methylation, chromosome conformation-LADs, etc), with an extensive use of Genomics and Bioinformatics. Additionally, we are performing proteomics of H1 variant specific protein complexes in chromatin and nucleoplasm. - Envieu CV + nota mitjana (actual) a: Albert Jordan, e-mail: albert.jordan@ibmb.csic.es web http://www.ibmb.csic.es/groups/chromatin-regulation-of-human-and-viral-gene-expression.
GRUP: Malalties Metabòliques Hereditàries de l’Institut d’investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS). PROJECTE: La principal línia de recerca consisteix en la identificació dels gens implicats en deficiències del metabolisme energètic mitocondrial i defectes congènits de la glicosilació, utilitzant la tecnologia Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), i demostració funcional de la patogenicitat de les variants genètiques identificades. Aquesta línia es podria continuar amb la realització de la tesi doctoral. - Envieu CV a Dr. Frederic Tort, e-mail: ftort@ciberer.es o  Dra. Antònia Ribes e-mail:  aribes@clinic.ub.es
GRUP: IRB Title: Analysis of tumor mutations in Smad proteins and co-factors. Smads are central mediators of the effects of TGF-β and BMP factors that regulate embryo development, immunity, tissue maintenance, and both, tumor progression and suppression. Our lab is interested in providing new structural information of complexes between Smad proteins, co-factors and DNA, complexes that are key to control stem cell differentiation and that also have implications in the role of TGFβ signaling in tumor suppression. We have open positions for students to analyze the impact of tumor mutations in the fold and function of Smads proteins-with and without oncogenic mutations, using sequence analysis, molecular and structural biology, (X-ray, NMR). Envieu: CV, academic records. Dra. Maria    Maciasmaria.macias@irbbarcelona.org   Web https://www.irbbarcelona.org/en/research/structural-characterization-of-macromolecular-assemblies
GRUP: IRB Title: Using Drosophila model to understand malignant growth.  ContactWe model cancer in flies to understand the cellular changes that drive malignant growth and to identify conserved mechanisms that might be relevant for human cancer therapy. We focus on the mechanisms of malignant transformation in larval brains where we have found that neural stem cells can originate tumours if the process of self-renewing asymmetric division is disrupted, and that some tumour types are driven by the ectopic expression of germline proteins. We work on the mechanisms that bring about genome instability in Drosophila tumours and try establishing the actual extent to which such lesions contribute to tumor progression. We develop and make extensive use of advanced microscopy techniques. The goal of this Master project is the characterisation of genes that we have recently found to be required for malignant growth in our tumour models. The Master student will take part in ongoing molecular, biochemical and microscopy studies. The Master student is expected to take full part in lab seminars and scientific discussions and will acquire hands on experience in Drosophila research. S/he will also gain training in experiment design. Envieu: CV, academic records, motivation letter, two recommendation letters a Prof. Cayetano González mail: gonzalez@irbbarcelona.org 

Eleven Universities of the Coimbra Group participate in the

 “Master´s Program in Cancer Biology”

An initiative of the Coimbra Life Sciences Group

What it is

A proposed action aimed at increasing the excellence and competitiveness of our postgraduate/master students in the context of the Life Sciences. Thus, CLSG offers to master students in the cancer biology field (or related), the opportunity to develop their practical training/research project (or part of it) in one of the partnering Universities participating in the Program. Students can also attend cancer-related lectures in the foreign University during their practical training.

General aims

-To develop active networks in the cancer research area.

-To share training activities and technologies with the goal to boost the quality and competitiveness of bio-scientific education and training.

-To introduce students to an interdisciplinary approach to cancer research, from basic to clinical level.


Participating Universities

Montpellier (France), Würzburg (Germany), zu Koln (Cologne, Germany), Turku (Finland),

Abo Akademi (Finland), Vilnius (Lithuania), Tartu (Estonia), Coimbra (Portugal), Pavia (Italy),

Barcelona (Spain) and Salamanca (Spain).

Consult the broad range of research projects and cancer related subjects offered by each University

Contact for details: Professor/coordinator of your particular Master

For ERASMUS practicum application contact ori-bio@ub.edu

CONVENI TFM: Per l'elaboració del conveni de pràctiques consulteu la informació al CAMPUS VIRTUAL  de l'assignatura TFM (569912)

Per mes informació podeu contactar per mail convenis.med.clinic@ub.edu  Tel.934039016 -  934035250  

Si estàs en un grup / laboratori de la UB no cal fer res. 
