Vice-Dean for International Relations and Research
Anna Maria Palau Roqué

Anna M. Palau is a Serra Húnter associate professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Barcelona and member of the research group Q-Dem ( She completed postgraduate studies at the University of Essex (UK) and took her doctorate at the University of Barcelona. She has been a researcher at the University of Washington and Sciences Po Bordeaux. Her research focuses on the analysis of parliamentary behaviour and public policy, specifically the process involved in setting the policy and media agendas. She has led a variety of research projects and is the author of two books: Agenda Dynamics in Spain (co-written with Laura Chaqués and Frank Baumgartner) and Catalunya a Europa: Límits i Oportunitats del Procés d'Integració. She has also published a host of papers in leading national and international journals, such as European Union Politics, Parliamentary Affairs, Legislative Studies, Journalism Studies, Comparative Political Studies, West European Politics, Journal of Legislative Studies, Representation, Revista Espanyola d'Investigacions Sociològiques, Revista Espanyola de Ciència Política and Revista d´Estudis Polítics. In the area of management, she held the post of department secretary between 2016 and 2020, followed by the post of coordinator of the UB master’s degree in Political Analysis and Institutional Assessment between 2021 and 2023. She also gives instruction in public policy and quantitative methods as part of bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes at the UB and other institutions.