Introduction Academic calendar Assessment Course plans Credit recognition Final project Grants and financial aid Mobility Organization and teaching methodology Support and guidance Timetables Information for prospective students
Subject Type Language Credits Specialization: Political Analysis and Institutional Assessment Analytical Models in Political Science CM 1st semester 6 Consultancy for High-Ranking Officials and the Political Elite OP 2nd semester 3 Current Areas of Political Debate CM 2nd semester 6 Data Analysis I OP 1st semester 3 Data Analysis II OP 2nd semester 3 Design and Analysis of Organizations OP 2nd semester 3 Direction and Management of Public Institutions OP 2nd semester 3 Electoral Analysis OP 1st semester 3 Final Project CM 1st semester 2nd semester 15 Information and Communication Technologies and Political Processes OP 1st semester 3 Institutional Analysis OP 1st semester 3 Institutional or Company Placement OP 1st semester 2nd semester 3 Intelligence and Strategic Action OP 1st semester 3 Network Analysis OP 2nd semester 3 Observatory on Local Government OP 2nd semester 3 Political Consulting OP 2nd semester 3 Project Evaluation OP 1st semester 3 Public Agenda and Public Policy OP 1st semester 3 Qualitative Analysis OP 1st semester 3 Quality of Democracy and Political Representation OP 2nd semester 3 Research Guidance CM Annual 6 Stakeholder Groups and Lobbying Strategies OP 1st semester 3 Text and Discourse Analysis OP 1st semester 3 Urban Governance and Metropolitan Policies OP 2nd semester 3