Student representation

  • Student representatives' name and email address


    Representatives in the Academic Council of Information and Documentation: Albert Fabregat Ruiz and Blanca Gallardo Cabañas (

    Representatives in the Academic Council of Audiovisual Communication: Paula Indias Pardo and Xavier Hernández Ferran (

    Representatives in the Faculty Board: Oriol Albis Cubells, Ariadna Bonnin Jorge, Blanca Gallardo Cabañas, Xavier Hernández Ferran and Paula Indias Pardo (

    Representatives in the UB Senate: Blanca Gallardo Cabañas and Xavier Hernández Ferran.

    Representatives room: Office 217

    Postbox number 48 on the ground floor.

    Representatives space on Virtual Campus:

  • Activities and services especially directed to students


    Mòbils FIMA
    Blog that intends to become a meeting point for exchange students of the Faculty of Information and Audiovisual Media of the University of Barcelona. It includes stories by participants, interviews with former students with outstanding international careers, and news items of interest to students looking to work or continue their training abroad.


    Professional Guidance Day
    Every year, the Faculty and the Student Support Service - Guidance organizes a series of activities addressed to students with the aim of providing them with information and training for their professional careers. This Day is held in May and may be recognized as free-elective credits.