Message from the Dean
I welcome you to this Faculty devoted to teaching and research in the field of library, archival, information and documentation sciences, and audiovisual communication.
This centenarian centre originating in the School of Librarians founded in 1915 by the Commonwealth of Catalonia. Since then, we have trained professionals to work in libraries, documentation centres and archives in our country and, more recently, also experts in audiovisual communication. In this Faculty, we have experienced the changes affecting our world very closely and how this evolution has had an impact on and still affects the way people read, look for information, acquire their culture and create content.
We pioneered the implementation of new systems to search for information online long before the emergence of the Internet, and we currently continue to research and train professionals in the use of social networks, data base interconnection and the creation of audiovisual products, among others.
We are open to the world, open to changes and very tightly connected to society, especially to the professional areas that employ our graduates and put into practice the research and training that we carry out in the Faculty.
We hope you join us in our journey!
Miquel Térmens
Dean of the Faculty of Information and Audiovisual Media