University of Barcelona

Information for the student – Cultural Heritage Management and Museology

Final project

Final work of the Master

Professional project

The objective of the work is the creation of a project related to museums, heritage institutions or heritage ensembles. The work has to be written during the course under the direction of a tutor. The student is required to put into practise the main theoretical or practical elements taught in the course subjects. It is, therefore, a work of a general nature, although it depends on each work that it includes specific topics. It is important to mention that this is not a theoretical or documentation work. The bibliographical references given in the course should be taken into account but it must be an applied project.
The work will be presented at the end of the course in front of an examining board, together with the report of the internship. The evaluation will determine not only the mark of the subject, but also the overall evaluation of the Master. Students are not allowed to register and write the work without having enrolled and passed all the subjects of the Master.

Research work

The research work consists of the presentation of the introduction of a research about a topic related to cultural heritage. The structure of the work consists of a theoretical introduction and an empirical part using qualitative and quantitative tools and techniques.
The work will be presented at the end of the course in front of an examining board, together with the report of the internship. The evaluation will determine not only the mark of the subject, but also the overall evaluation of the Master. Students are not allowed to register and write the work without having enrolled and passed all the subjects of the Master.
