University of Barcelona

Information for the student – Cultural Heritage Management and Museology


This master has agreements with some universities in France, Italy and the UK. For more information about the Erasmus program, please click here.

1.    Mobility of master’s students who want to do a stay abroad

It is possible to do a stay abroad during the master, although it is not recommended due to the duration of the program.

2.    Internship stay

It is possible to do an internship stay abroad, either thanks to an agreement or a specific internship program. In Europe, Erasmus Placement is a student’s exchange programme that makes possible to do a stay in a heritage institution.

In other countries, there is the Vulcanos programme (Japan) or the International Youth Programme Canada.

3.    Teacher’s mobility

Teachers can also participate in mobility programmes as the Erasmus one or other programmes from the Ministry of Education.

4.    Foreigner student's mobility

It is possible to make a temporary stay participating in some master courses. For more information, please click here.

It is also possible to make a research internship too, participating in some master courses. For more information, please click here.

International Mobility and Programmes Office website
