University of Barcelona

Information for the student – Advanced Studies in Art History

Final project


The Masters' Final Project aims at making an individual research project done under the supervision of a director chosen by the student among all professors of the Masters' degree and the Art History Department (all of them must be Ph.D.).

The deadline is set at the beginning of the academic year. If the student doesn't handle or fails it, he will have to register it again.



The Master's Final Project is a work that integrates all knowledge obtained through the Master's courses and that allows the student to access to a Ph.D. Students will have to use the knowledge, skills, views and proficiencies acquired during the Master's degree in a research project of Art History. Given its characteristics, it must be enrolled the last semester of the Master's degree. The writing of the Final Project is the last step of the research process which includes: - Reflecting on the problem and the main questions which will determine the research - Data collection (works, documentation, historical witnesses...) and analysis of all this information - Designing the work's structure and writing all the research process and results Those projects focused on market and art's diffusion must be linked to the obtained knowledge during the Master's degree and its implementation in society.

The final work will have between 80 and 100 words of 2,100 characters with spaces each one (30 lines of 70 spaces), without considering appendices, and according to the criteria stated by the University of Barcelona ( (a specific regulation is currently being made). The Final Project can be presented at any time during the term it has been registered.


The Evaluating Committee will consist of three members from the Department and/or external specialists. They all must have a Ph.D.

The qualification will follow the 0-10 pattern with just one decimal. It will be set according to the textual content, the spoken presentation and the defence.

It is an exclusive competence of the Masters' Academic Committee to propose extraordinary prizes and honours to students.


For further information, you can check the regulation of the.
