University of Barcelona

Information for the student – Music as an Interdisciplinary Art


The master is taught in the University of Barcelona (Faculty of Geography and History, Montalegre, 6), the University of Tarragona (Faculty of Arts, Avda. Catalonia, 35) and the Esmuc (Barcelona Auditorium, Lepanto 150), although most of the lessons are at the Faculty of Geography and History.
At the moment of the enrollment, students can apply for the mobility grant that could allow them to cover travel expenses to Tarragona. It is necessary that they speak with the coordinator, since it is him who has to manage the documents of the scholarship.

There are also international mobility options to do a stay in another European university thanks to the Erasmus + (Studies) program or to do an internship abroad with the Erasmus + Placement program . For more information, click on the following link:

And clickon  this link here if you are an international student who wishes to come to do an Erasmus stay at our Master: 
