Doctoral programmes

A doctoral degree is the highest qualification the University can award. It is earned by completing a doctoral programme and successfully defending a doctoral thesis. A doctoral degree is a third-cycle official university study course. In other words, to enrol in a doctoral programme, students must first have completed an official university master’s degree course or have proof of research proficiency. To enrol on a doctoral programme, you must first apply. The Academic Committee will assess your candidacy and decide on your admission.

Depending on the type of doctoral programme (full- or part-time), doctoral studies can last three years (with the possibility of requesting two one-year extensions, which must be authorized by the programme’s Academic Committee) or five (with the possibility of requesting three one-year extensions, also duly authorized).

In the first year of the programme, students must submit a research plan (approved by the programme committee) around June that includes at least the following sections:

  • Working title of the thesis
  • Objectives of the thesis 
  • Methodology to be used
  • Timeline and calendar 


Beginning in the second academic year and until they deposit their thesis, doctoral students must submit a progress report along with their activity log and the necessary administrative document.

The Doctoral School website offers general information about the regulations, procedures, writing and defending your doctoral thesis, etc.

In the section below you find information about the Faculty’s doctoral programmes.
