Màster en Ciència i Tecnologia Quàntiques / Master in Quantum Science and Technology
Pla d'estudis
The standard master program consists of 60 ECTS distributed in the following way:
- 21 ECTS in mandatory subjects: 18 for Quantum Core subjects +3 Innovation
- 15 ECTS in semestral elective subjects
- 24 ECTS in a Final Master Project that must be carried out in the second half of the master
List of Subjects:
Quantum Core (Mandatory)
- Advanced Quantum Mechanics
- Condensed Matter Physics
- Quantum Information Theory
Innovation (Mandatory)
- Entrepreneurship & Innovation
- Internships
Each Elective module is composed of 3ECTS elective subjects which can be taken independently
Quantum Theory (Elective Module)
- Advanced Quantum Information
- Quantum Communications and Cryptography
- Quantum Statistical Inference
- Quantum Field Theory
Quantum Software (Elective Module)
- Machine Learning Quantum and Classical
- Tensor Networks
- Quantum Computation
- Quantum Monte Carlo Methods
- Solid State Simulation Techniques
Quantum Hardware (Elective Module)
- Quantum Materials
- Quantum Technology with Superconducting Circuits
- Quantum Sensing
- Electronics for the QTECH lab
Quantum Optics (Elective Module, in partnership with Master in Photonics)
- Quantum Optics, Jordi Mompart
- From Cooling and Trapping of Neutral Atoms to BECs
- Atom-Light Interaction
- Advanced Quantum Optics with Applications
- Quantum Simulators with Ultracold Atoms