Conferència: “Face2Face: Diversity in complex social phenomena”
Agenda | 15-01-2024 -
Seminari: “Rational Design of Catalytic Materials for Energy Conversion”
Agenda | 19-12-2023 -
ICCUB Colloquia: “Attosecond Sciences, Quantum Optics, and Quantum Information”
Agenda | 13-12-2023 -
Xerrades del cicle de conferències dels estudiats de doctorat de l'IQTC
Agenda | 12-12-2023 -
Cinquena edició de l'Speed Networking
Agenda | 22-11-2023 -
Seminari: “Advances in the Rational Approach for Modelling Supported Catalysts”
Agenda | 21-11-2023 -
Seminari: “Probing the Short-Scale Structure of the Original Liquid”
Agenda | 06-11-2023 -
Seminari: “Tips and tricks from an editor at the Physical Review”
Agenda | 02-11-2023 -
Seminari: “Active Fluids: Topological Defects, Frictiotaxis, and Flocking”
Agenda | 30-10-2023 -
ICCUB Colloquia: “Exploring strong interactions in the Universe”
Agenda | 19-10-2023 -
Presentació de la Càtedra UB Worldsensing en IoT industrial
Agenda | 18-10-2023 -
- Agenda | 17-10-2023