Fine Art students take part in ArteFiera, the International Exhibition of Contemporary Art in Bologna

News | 27-02-2017

Students of the Faculty of Fine Arts, Mercè Galí, Adrià Gamero, Pilar Rosado and Xavi Rodríguez, together with Eva Figueras, professor from the Department of Visual Arts and Design, are participating in the international exhibition of contemporary art of Bologna, ArteFiera –the oldest one in Italy- with the exhibition “Pagine d’arte. Il libro d’artista: avanguardie storiche, produzioni contemporanee”. The exhibition, which was opened on January 21, can be visited until February 4, at Casa Saraceni, located in the Italian city.

This year, ArteFiera reaches its 41st edition as the most important artistic event in Bologna: the one which gathers more audience and which is a key element to dynamize contact among artists, galleries and collectors. In the fair, the Nazareno Work Società Cooperativa Sociale (Social Cooperative Nazareno Work), focused on taking care of disabled people, has organized the exhibition “Pagine d’arte”, in collaboration with the Fine Arts Academy of Bologna and the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Barcelona. The exhibition gathers seventy art books by several authors: from renowned names to novel artists. Themes and techniques used in these books are also diverse: there’s engraving, but also mixed techniques and drawings. “The added value of the exhibition is having works by renowned artists –such as Luciano Caruso, Maria Lai or Joan Brossa- together with works by students and disabled people. This is such an integration work”, says the lecturer Eva Figueras.

The exhibition is the result of a European project revolving around the art book, led by Manuela Candini, professor at the Fine Arts Academy of Bologna. The project also counts with the participation of the Brera Fine Arts Academy (Milan) and the faculties of Fine Arts of the University of Barcelona and University of La Laguna (Tenerife). After a year full of research and knowledge transfer, this exhibition opens with a collection of “productions which are considered the most representatives of this subject”. The main aim is to give visibility to this debate which has been carried out during the project.
