Quality commission

The Quality Commission of the centre was created in the Faculty Board on July 16, 2009, as a delegate of the Board. The committee guarantees the monitoring and compliance with the points described in the document of Quality Policy and Objectives of the Faculty and the continuous improvement of quality.


  • Prepare and keep updating the document of policy and quality objectives of the centre
  • prepare and review the centre's internal quality assurance system (IQAS)
  • Support and guarantee quality in all processes related to the quality of the training programs implemented
  • Inform all stakeholders about the processes.

  • Dra. Roser Fisa Saladrigas (vicedegana de Qualitat i Innovació), president.
  • Dr. Jordi Camarasa Garcia (degà)
  • Dra. Àngels Franch Masferrer (vicedegana Acadèmica)
  • Dr. Pedro Marrero González (vicedegà director del Consell Acadèmic de Ciències de l'Alimentació)
  • Dra. Yolanda Cajal Visa (vicedegana de recerca, política científica i transferència)
  • Dra. Josefina C. Tapias Pantebre (secretària Acadèmica)
  • Sra. Anna M. Rodríguez Noria (Administradora de Centre)
  • Sra. Yolanda Portabella Urmeneta (cap de la Secretaria d'Estudiants i Docència)
  • Sra. Rosa Maria Aparicio (tècnica de qualitat de la facultat) secretària de la Comissió
  • Sra. Laura Tortosa Figueras (representant dels estudiants)


Contacte: qualitat.facfarmacia@ub.edu



The quality system of the Faculty  ertified its implementation in 2009. The design of this system takes as a reference the standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area drawn up by the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) and adopted by European Ministers of Education in Bergen (2005), follows the guidelines established by the quality agencies Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency (AQU Catalunya), National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA) and Agency for Quality of University Studies of Galicia (AGSUG) in the AUDIT program and meets the requirements of the regulations established in the organization of official university teachings of the Ministry of Education and Science.

The Faculty's quality system integrates all the activities related to the quality assurance of bachelor's degrees and official master's degrees and deploys the Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) as the instrument to be used both in the design phase of studies and in the continuous monitoring of these to ensure the achievement of the objectives associated with training.

Quality and good practices (video)