SAIQU certification

The Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Science has applied for certification from its Internal Quality Assurance System (SAIQU) to obtain institutional accreditation. The objective of the external evaluation for the certification of the SAIQU responsible for the teaching of the degrees is to verify that the system is mature, is implemented and deployed in our Faculty and that it is adequate for quality assurance.

In January 2021, the SAIQU-T of the University of Barcelona was certified with a sufficient implementation assessment.

The certification process consists of several phases:

First phase: the external review committee (CAE) assesses the information required and provided by the Faculty for the certification of the SAIQU.

Second phase: preliminary visit by the CAE to determine if the centre can continue with the Internal Quality Assurance System (SAIQU) certification process. This visit took place on October 18, 2024 (visit schedule).

Third phase: visit of the CAE with audiences to the different groups. This visit constitutes the final phase of the certification and is scheduled for February 10 and 11, 2025.


Composition of the External Evaluation Committee (CAE):






Iñaqui Periáñez Cañadilla

Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

Profesional Vocal

Ana Oller Domínguez

Universidad CEU - San Pablo


Student Voice

Olga Novillo Sanjuan

Universitat de València



Sandra Marcos Ortega

Universidad Pontifícia de Salamanca


(more information)