Quality Policy and Commitments
The Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Sciences expresses its firm commitment to the quality management of the activities it carries out in the fields of teaching, research and management. The Centre is committed to continuous improvement, aligning itself in a coherent way with the values, mission and vision of the University of Barcelona (UB) and with its quality policy. This commitment was formalised in 2010 in the Centre's first quality policy following the establishment of the Internal Quality Assurance System (SAIQU) in 2008.
The Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Sciences considers quality to be a strategic factor in ensuring that its graduates have acquired the skills (knowledge, skills and attitudes) that correspond to each of the degrees - both undergraduate and postgraduate - that it teaches, so that they are recognized by employers and society in general.
The Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Sciences must be a teaching centre of recognised quality and a reference research centre. The Faculty undertakes to use all the technical, economic and human resources at its disposal to achieve the quality commitments detailed in this document and developed in the Faculty's Master Plan:
- To provide training oriented towards excellence through an academic offer that is in accordance with the needs and expectations of students and society.
- To train graduates with the appropriate knowledge and skills to carry out their professional tasks, while integrating training in other skills that contribute to their personal growth
- To promote the continuous and adequate training of the staff of the Faculty so that they acquire the necessary skills for the satisfactory exercise of their activities.
- To train academics and professionals capable of addressing the scientific challenges that society needs for its progress.
- To strengthen and consolidate a staff of Teaching and Research Staff (PDI) adjusted to the new teaching and research needs of the centre.
- To provide the Faculty with new spaces to guarantee cross-disciplinary and quality teaching and research in optimal conditions.
- To promote an environment of research, innovation and transfer that reverts to the training of the agents involved and has an impact on the teaching activities of the faculty, and on society, ensuring the quality of research and knowledge transfer activities.
- To promote the participation of students, teaching and research staff and technical, management and administration and services staff (PTGAS) in national and international mobility programmes, thus enriching the academic and professional experience.
- To foster students' interest in academic life and promote their involvement, while ensuring a successful transition to a promising career path.
- To strengthen and give visibility to relations with the social, industrial, health, educational and research environment.
- To guarantee the effectiveness of the SAIQU to ensure the quality of all processes and their continuous improvement -through the periodic, systematic and documented review of the Improvement Plan-, facilitating the management of the system and accountability.
- Guarantee the evaluation process of degrees, in the different stages of their life cycle (Accreditation ex-ante, Follow-up, Modification and Accreditation ex-post), periodically evaluating the processes implemented to guarantee systematization and ensure that the necessary modifications are carried out to improve the quality of the degrees.
The Quality Committee delegated by the Faculty Board is the guarantee of monitoring and compliance with the aforementioned commitments, and also of the continuous improvement of quality. The achievement of these commitments will only be possible with the support of the institution and with the active participation of all the members of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Sciences.
See the original document [in Catalan]