Doctoral programmes

Royal Decree 99/2011, of 28 January, governs the organization of doctoral degrees in the third cycle of official university studies leading to the attainment of a doctoral degree that is official and valid throughout Spain.

The doctoral programmes constitute a set of activities designed to help students acquire the skills and competences necessary for obtaining a third-cycle degree. The programmes are designed to enhance the different aspects of the students’ training and establish the procedures and research lines they need to have to prepare their theses.

Doctoral programmes have to include organized activities for research training that do not require structuring as ECTS credits. Because the student’s main activity is research, they need to utilize both transversal and programme-specific training.  

Doctoral programmes of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Sciences:


In addition, the Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Sciences also participates in the following doctoral programmes:


You can find all the doctoral programmes offered at the University of Barcelona
