University of Barcelona

Information for the student – Pharmacy (Diagonal)

Tutorial action plan

Academic tutorships are a service of care, guidance and advice to university students, which is designed and organized through the Tutorial Action Plan (hereafter PAT). The current PAT was approved at the session of the Pharmacy Education Studies Council on 8 November 2010 and by the Academic Commission in meeting on 10 December 2010. This PAT has been planned according to the guidelines of the University of Barcelona and following the guidelines of the European Area of Higher Education (EEES) and the Estatuto del Estudiante of 2012. Our PAT proposal is structured so that the student has personalized support through the university tutorship from before entering the Faculty (Settlement Day) until they leave and enter the job market. For this reason, all Pharmacy graduate students have a tutor assigned during all their studies.


The course PAT is coordinated by Dr. Joan Simon (
