
The UB awards an honorary doctorate to Adela Cortina on May 25

News | 23-05-2022

Philosopher Adela Cortina (Valencia, 1947) will be awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Barcelona on Wednesday, May 25, in a ceremony that will take place at the Paranimph of the UB at 12 noon. Researcher Adela Cortina will be sponsored by the UB professor, Miquel Martínez, from the Research Group on Moral Education (GREM) of the Faculty of Education. 

A distinguished researcher in the field of education in values 

Professor of Ethics and Legal, Moral and Political Philosophy at the University of Valencia, Adela Cortina was the first member to enter as a numerary member of the Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences in 2008. Among her merits, the promoters of the investiture highlight that Cortina’s academic work represents “an active promotion and defense supporting the values of freedom, democracy, justice, equality and solidarity”. At the same time, they value the scientific relationship and collaboration of Adela Cortina with the UB and the Catalan cultural environment “in studies, researches and actions related to the training of active citizens and participation in democratic and inclusive societies”.  Cortina’s contributions to the field of education in values have been relevant. Her work is an example of intense collaboration in the fields of philosophy and pedagogy.  

Adela Cortina was visiting lecturer at the University of Lovain-la-Neuve, the University of Amsterdam, the University of Notre-Dame and the University of Cambridge. She worked at the Goethe University Frankfurt with the experts Karl-Otto Apel and Jürgen Habermas, for which she is known as the introducer of what we know as discourse ethics in Spain and Ibero-America.  

She is the director of the interuniversity research group Applied Ethics and Democracy. She also has lead the Étnor Foundation for organization ethics since 1991. She has been awarded prestigious prizes such as the Ernest Lluch Award to Thinking (2003), the Marcos García journalism prize (2004) and the Jovellanos International Essay Prize (2007), among others. She has published more than twenty books, among which are Ética minima; Ética sin moral; and Ética aplicada y democracia radical.   


In the same event, the immunologist Robert D. Schreiber (Rochester, 1946) will be awarded an honorary doctorate for his decisive contributions in the demonstration of the immune system as a therapeutic tool in the elimination of cancer.  


Live-streamed on UBtv

You can follow the ceremony live on UBtv.
