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The Faculty of Economics and Business successfully hosts the XVI Labor Economics Conference

Notícia | 25-07-2024

The Spanish Association of Labor Economics (AEET) and the UB School of Economics organized the XVI Labor Economics Conference on July 11-12, 2024, at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Barcelona. This year's edition brought together over 150 participants from different countries and featured around 120 paper presentations.

The Labor Economics Conference was characterized by offering two keynote lectures: Ana Rute Cardoso (Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa) spoke on collective wage bargaining in the European context, and Joan Monràs (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco) evaluated the effects of public employees from a regional perspective. Antonio Argüeso, Director General of Population Statistics, participated with a session on the ERADA project, which is based on the merging of different administrative records.

At the round table on gender and the labor market, participants included Libertad González (Universitat Pompeu Fabra & BSE), Zelda Brutti (Competence Centre on Microeconomic Evaluation, European Commission – Joint Research Centre S.3) who analyzed pay transparency and the recent EU directive on Pay Transparency (April 2023), and the importance of human resources data within organizations (collection and awareness), and Marta Curto (Generalitat de Catalunya), who discussed free schooling at i2, and the importance of having female policy managers.

A pre-conference Econometrics Course was also held (July 10, 2024), led by Lídia Farré (IAE-CSIC & BSE), which in this edition focused on the design of regression discontinuity.

The aim of the Labor Economics Conference is to provide a platform for discussing crucial issues related to the functioning and outcomes of the labor market, as well as the economic policies designed for this market. Since its inception in 1995, the Labor Economics Conference has evolved into the main meeting for economists specializing in labor market studies from various universities and research centers. The most relevant objectives of this conference are to foster and disseminate research on the labor market, facilitate the development of expertise in this field, and promote networking opportunities. This includes the exchange of documents and research results among various individuals and institutions at both national and international levels.
