Information for the student – Science and Integrated Management of Water - Faculty of Earth Sciences - University of Barcelona
University of Barcelona

Information for the student – Science and Integrated Management of Water

Final project

The Final Master's Thesis (TFM) will consist of a written report developed under the supervision of one or two lecturers of the MSc programme or staff of the Water Research Institute or a combination of an external supervisor and a co-supervisor who is a lecturer of the MSc programme or who belongs to the Water Research Institute. Students should demonstrate the knowledge and skills they have acquired throughout the programme.

The TFM is a second-semester course that is worth 25 ECTS credits that consists of 50 face-to-face hours, 100 hours of supervised work, and 475 hours of independent work. This work will consist of the elaboration of an independent and personal project carried out under the supervision of the lecturer. The TFM should be developed in accordance with the TFM regulations proposed by the Academic Coordination Commission of the master's degree.

The presentation will be in the form of a written memory and an oral defence to a committee of three lecturers appointed for this purpose.

The TFM can be developed according to the following modes:

  • Development of an innovative and original research project of scientific or technical nature related to the topics of the MSc programme, and chosen by the student in agreement with the supervisors.
  • Development of an innovative and original research project of scientific or technical nature related to the topics of the MSc programme developed at another Spanish or foreign university. In this case, the TFM course coordinator will appoint a co-supervisor among the members of the teaching staff of the MSc programme or staff of the Water Research Institute.
  • Development of a technological or professional project within the framework of a private company or an administrative body, either proposed by the company/institution or by the student. The suitability of the proposed project will be approved by the MSc course coordinator, who must appoint a co-supervisor from the teaching staff of the MSc programme or the staff of the Water Research Institute.

The final master's project is regulated by the following regulations (PDF file).
