Information for the student – Science and Integrated Management of Water - Faculty of Earth Sciences - University of Barcelona
University of Barcelona

Information for the student – Science and Integrated Management of Water

Grants and financial aid

Mobility greement with the University of Montpellier (France)

The MSc programme has a mobility agreement with the University of Montpellier, within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme and the dual degree scheme. This Erasmus+ agreement provides some funding for carrying out 4,5 to 9 month long stays.

Please check the section becas y ayudas para estudiantes de máster universitario to obtain information about the requirements, procedures and deadlines to apply for the grants.

New Master + UB Scholarships (Academic year 2023-24)
Recruitment programme to study a university master's degree and encourage scientific vocations within a research group. Academic year 2022-2023. The selected candidates will collaborate with a research group of the UB and will develop, within the group, a research project that must result in their master's thesis.
Applications should be submitted from April 27th to May 16th 2023.

Applications should be submitted online at

For more information about this programme ad call please visit: and

There will be a new call in October 2023.


Scholarships of the International Association of Hydrogeologists - Spanish Group

The Spanish Group of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH-GE) offers scholarships to promote hydrogeological studies. The grants are aimed at graduates in subjects related to water resources so that they can take postgraduate courses/masters related to groundwater and whose course load is at least 50 ECTS with specialization in groundwater science.

Two annual scholarships of €1,500 each are announced for the academic year 22/23. This type of grant entails the commitment of the beneficiaries to join the Spanish Group of the IAH for at least three years. Before the payment of the eventual grant, it will be mandatory to present the document accrediting the payment of the registration in the corresponding degree.

Applications must be sent before September 20, 2022 to the secretariat of the Spanish Group of the IAH (to the email address with personal data and accreditation of the requirements.

For the grant evaluation, the criteria that will be taken into account will be:

  • the percentage of content in hydrogeology and related subjects of the study to be studied
  • the academic record
  • curricular merits: technical reports and publications made, professional experience, participation in scientific-technical meetings, assistance and contributions to congerences, seminars, languages...

All the information on the bases can be found on the IAH-GE website, at this link.


Information about scholarships and grants

There are different scholarships and grants for university eduation: for research, to participate in academic exchange programmes, to enrol in summer courses, to do research stays abroad, for academic or industry placements, etc.
