Information for the student – Mineral Resources and Geological Hazards - Faculty of Earth Sciences - University of Barcelona
University of Barcelona

Information for the student – Mineral Resources and Geological Hazards


The information on mobility calls for UB students who want to do part of their studies in a foreign university (OUTGOING students) can be found at:

-       International Relations Office of the Faculty of Geology . Secretary of the Faculty.


-       Office of International Programs and Mobility UB:


Erasmus +

The Master “Mineral Resources and Geological Hazards” is open to student mobility, particularly within the ERASMUS+ program (

This European university exchange program allows that master students from other European universities to take part of their studies in the Master Mineral Resources and Geological Hazards (INCOMING), and that students enrolled in this program can take part of their credits ECTS in another European university (OUTGOING). The European universities need to have an Exchange agreement with the Faculty of Geology of the University of Barcelona.

To authorize such exchanges, the Master Board has established specific regulations in addition to those already established in the ERASMUS +. These regulations, listed below, are intended to fit the exchanges within the UB regulations, to be consistent with the Master program and to not interfere with its proper functioning.


For INCOMING students:

• Have a Spanish knowledge equivalent to at least level B1 (see separate User Guide, Chapter 3 in Table 1 Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, teaching and assessing [link to archive]) given that this is the standard language of the master.

• Enroll up to 15 ECTS in compulsory and/or optional courses of the master, or 25 ECTS for the Master Thesis.

• For the student that wants to take the Master Thesis, follow the regulations (see the Final Project regulations, in spanish) and show evidence of having acquired the skills in the field of Mineral Resources and/or Geological Hazards equivalent to those that the students enrolled in the master would have acquired at the end of their first semester.


For Outgoing students:

• According to current regulations, perform the mobility during the second semester of the academic year (spring semester). This means that students of the Master Mineral Resources and Geological Hazards UB-UAB can take the course Master Thesis, when the other subjects are completed (usually by the end of February).

• Take a course equivalent to Master Thesis taught in the Mineral Resources and Geological Hazards UB -UAB at the destination university that has a minimum 25 ECTS and is evaluated from a written report and an oral presentation.

• Before carrying out the stay in the foreign university, make the first oral presentation stipulated in the Master Mineral Resources and Geological Hazards UB – UAB, usually in February.

• At the end of the stay in the foreign university, deliver a pdf copy of the written report of the Master Thesis to the coordinator of the Master Mineral Resources and Geological Hazards of reservoir UB –UAB.



INCOMING students

Mobility semester

Application deadlines

Resolution deadlines

First semester (fall)

15th of June

31st of July

Second semester (spring)

15th  of November

22nd of December


OUTGOING students

Mobility semester

Application deadline

Resolution deadline

Segond semester (spring)

15th of October

31th of October


Notes on the administrative procedures

• When making the request to take part in the study for the Master Mineral Resources and Geological Hazards at a foreign university, OUTGOING students must send a copy of the application form to the coordinator of this program.


• The document of academic equivalence will be signed by the Head of International Relations of the Faculty and the Coordinator of the Master Mineral Resources and Geological Hazards UB - UAB.
