Information for the student – Mineral Resources and Geological Hazards - Faculty of Earth Sciences - University of Barcelona
University of Barcelona

Information for the student – Mineral Resources and Geological Hazards

Objectives and competences


The master's degree Mineral Resources and Geological Hazards seeks principally to complete students' training in the concepts, methodologies and techniques currently used by research teams involved in the characterization and modelling of mineral resources and in the identification, analysis, evaluation and management of geological hazards. Students in the master's degree Mineral Resources and Geological Hazards will:

  • Obtain professional preparation to meet the most demanding requirements of companies engaged in the exploration and exploitation of mineral resources.
  • Expand and consolidate their knowledge of geological materials and structures and the characterization and modelling of natural phenomena and processes that could produce a hazard.

  • Enhance their knowledge of methodology in order to work successfully as researchers in the analysis and modelling of mineral deposits and the analysis and prevention of geological hazards.

  • Acquire this training within a solid conceptual framework of general and specialized geological knowledge, enabling students to develop general standards in the application of these techniques in each circumstance.


Geology and Ore Deposits Modelling

  • Capacity to process and interpret mineralogical, petrological and geochemical data.

  • Skills to apply the most advanced analytical techniques of mineralogical and geochemical characterization to the exploration, exploitation and evaluation of mineral resources.

  • Knowledge of the main software programs used to model and simulate petrological, geochemical and tectonic processes.

  • Capacity to build conceptual, genetic and numerical models of mineral deposits.

  • Skill in the application of geochemical and geophysical models to the exploration of mineral deposits.

Specialization in 'Geological Hazards'

  • Capacity to apply the procedures and techniques used in the characterization of internal and external geodynamic phenomena and processes.

  • Capacity to use and apply the techniques of territorial data acquisition, representation and management.

  • Capacity to prepare thematic cartography of land use, hazards, vulnerability, etc.

  • Capacity to understand and apply instrumental techniques used to analyse, monitor and model geological phenomena.

  • Capacity to meet the highest demands of institutions and companies engaged in the management of hazards and propose the most efficient mitigation strategies for each problem.
