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- Final project
- Master Research Projects 2022-23
- Master Research Projects 2021-22
- Master Research Projects 2020-21
- Master Research Projects 2019-20
- Master Research Projects 2018-19
- Master Research Projects 2017-18
- Master Research Projects 2016-17
- Master Research Projects 2015-16
- Master Research Projects in previous years
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Information for the student – Reservoir Geology and Geophysics
About the master's degree
Master Research Projects 2018-19
Finished projects
- Characterization of the Trans-Alboran Shear Zone (TASZ) on the basis of bathymetric and high-resolution multichannel seismics and Sparker data (Alboran Sea, Western Mediterranean). Student: Aldo Avila-Osorio; Tutors: Eulàlia Gràcia (ICM-CSIC), Rafael Bartolomé (ICM-CSIC)
- Crustal characterization of the Rivera Plate subduction from multichannel seismic data. Student: Fadi Awkar; Tutors: Rafael Bartolomé (ICM-CSIC), Manel Prada (ICM-CSIC)
- Superimposition of multiphase deformation of transverse faults: Implications on fractured reservoirs. Student: Gabriel Gradinaru; Tutors: Emili Carrillo, Anna Travé (UB), Antoni Teixell (UAB)
- Characterization of the mid crustal continuity within the Variscan Belt of Iberia (The Conrad discontinuity). Student: Ana Martínez; Tutors: Ramon Carbonell (ICTJA-CSIC), Puy Ayarza
- The structure of the Deep Parentis Basin (Eastern Bay of Biscay) from 2D seismic interpretation. Student: Aida Muñoz; Tutor: Oriol Ferrer (UB)
- Inversion tectonic in the Taranaki Basin (West New Zeland): insights from a 3D seismic interpretation. Student: Mohamed Nasralla; Tutor: Eduard Roca (UB)
- 3D geocellular facies modeling of the braided-to-meandering fluvial Castissent Formation (late Ypresian, Tremp-Graus basin). Student: Sara Rengifo; Tutor: Patricia Cabello (UB)
- Multichannel seismic imaging of the western Mexican margin. Student: María Alcaide; Tutors: Rafael Bartolomé (ICTJA-CSIC), Alcinoe Calahorrano
- Distribution, characteristics and origin of Mesozoic dolostones from La Serra del Pi de Moió (Barcelona): an outcrop analog for dolomite reservoirs. Student: Faheem Baber; Tutors: Telm Bover (UB); Juan Diego Martín (UB)
- Stratigraphy, sedimentology and diagenesis of the Amposta Limestone: a hydrocarbon reservoir from offshore, E Spain. Student: Francisco Amieiro; Tutors: Eduard Saura (UAB), Juan Diego Martín (UB), Telm Bover (UB)
- Salt-thrust interaction: Physical models of pre-existing salt structures contractionally reactivated. Student: Juana Berroa; Tutor: Oriol Ferrer (UB)
- Analog modeling of large-transport thrust controlled by evaporitic décollements: The sub-andean Huallaga case study. Student: Fernando Borrás; Tutors: Oriol Ferrer (UB); G. Zamora
- Subsidence Analysis of the South-Pyrenean foreland basin from bio- and magnetostratigraphic dated sections. Evolution of the different sub-basins and 4D forward modeling. Student: Martín Ladrón de Guevara; Tutors: Miguel López Blanco (UB), Pau Arbués (UB)
- Continentalization of the upper Belsué-Atarés delta, southern limb of the Santa Orosia syncline (Eocene, South-central Pyrenees). Student: Marc Solanich; Tutors: Eduard Remacha (UAB); Oriol Oms (UAB)
- Facies and sequence stratigraphy of the lower Belsué-Atarés delta, northern limb of the Basa anticline (Eocene, South-central Pyrenees). Student: Joaquim Verdaguer; Tutors: Eduard Remacha (UAB); Oriol Oms (UAB)
Proposals and tutors
- High resolution hydrogeological modelling of the Storfjorden trough mouth fan, western Barents Sea, with the upgraded BASIN software. Tutors: Jaume Llopart (ICM-CSIC), Patricia Cabello (UB)
- Superimposition of multiphase deformation of transverse faults: Implications on fractured reservoirs. Tutors: Emili Carrillo (Yachay Tech University), Anna Travé (UB), Antoni Teixell (UAB)
- Subsidence Analysis of the South-Pyrenean foreland basin from bio- and magnetostratigraphic dated sections. Evolution of the different sub-basins and 4D forward modeling. Tutors: Miguel López Blanco (UB), Pau Arbués (UB)
- Zagros folding style variations applying 2D and 3D numerical modeling with different mechanical stratigraphy. Tutors: Jaume Vergés (ICTJA-CSIC), Jonas Ruh (ICTJA-CSIC)
- Testing two contrasting crustal versus mantle supported western Pyrenees using LITMOD numerical modelling. Tutors: Jaume Vergés (ICTJA.CSIC), Ivone Jiménez-Munt (ICTJA-CSIC)
- Comparing Porcupine basin and the Iberian Atlantic rifting structures and ages. Tutors: Jaume Vergés (ICTJA-CSIC), Chiara Macchiavelli (ICTJA-CSIC)
- Controls on carbonate platform extension and architecture under different scales of transgressive-regressive cyclicity. Insights from numerical modelling. Tutors: Oscar Gratacós (UB), Miguel López Blanco (UB)
- 3D Numerical Reconstruction of an Aptian carbonate platform from the Iberian Chain. Implications for the Shu'aiba reservoir (Middle East). Tutors: Oscar Gratacós (UB), Telm Bover (UB)
- Distribution, characteristics and origin of Mesozoic dolostones from La Serra del Pi de Moió (Barcelona): an outcrop analog for dolomite reservoirs. Tutors: Telm Bover (UB), Juan Diego Martín (UB)
- Vertical axis rotation of detachment folds during the development of a thrust salient: Analog models based on the Ainsa Oblique Zone case study (Central Pyrenees). Tutors: Oscar Gratacós (UB), Oriol Ferrer (UB)
- Salt-thrust interaction: Physical models of pre-existing salt structures contractionally reactivated. Tutor: Oriol Ferrer (UB)
- Analog modeling of large-transport thrust controlled by evaporitic décollements: The sub-andean Huallaga case study. Tutors: Oriol Ferrer (UB), G. Zamora (Repsol)
- The structure of the Deep Parentis Basin (Eastern Bay of Biscay) from 2D seismic interpretation. Tutor: Oriol Ferrer (UB)
- Salt tectonics in Northern Calcareous Alps: Insights from analog models. Tutors: Pablo Granado (UB), Oriol Ferrer (UB)
- Inversion tectonic in the Taranaki Basin (West New Zeland): insights from a 3D seismic interpretation. Tutors: Eduard Roca (UB)
- Facies and sequence stratigraphy of the lower Belsué-Atarés delta, northern limb of the Basa anticline (Eocene, South-central Pyrenees). Tutors: Eduard Remacha (UAB), Oriol Oms (UAB)
- Continentalization of the upper Belsué-Atarés delta, southern limb of the Santa Orosia syncline (Eocene, South-central Pyrenees). Tutors: Eduard Remacha (UAB), Oriol Oms (UAB)
- Magnetolluric modeling from oil and gas revervoir structures. Comparison with seismic synthetic responses. Tutor: Anna Martí (UB)
- Imaging the structure of the salt-cored Artesa de Segre Anticline and adjoining Pyrenean front using magnetotellurics. Tutors: Eduard Roca (UB), Anna Martí (UB)
- Characterization of the Trans-Alboran Shear Zone (TASZ) on the basis of bathymetric and high-resolution multichannel seismics and Sparker data (Alboran Sea, Western Mediterranean). Tutors: Eulàlia Gràcia (ICM-CSIC), Rafael Bartolomé (ICM-CSIC)
- Multichannel seismic imaging of the western Mexican margin. Tutors: Rafael Bartolomé (ICM-CSIC), Alcinoe Calahorrano (ICM-CSIC)
- Crustal characterization of the Rivera Plate subduction from multichannel seismic data. Tutors: Rafael Bartolomé (ICM-CSIC); Manel Prada (ICM-CSIC)
- Experiment design to geoelectrical characterization of analog modeling. Tutors: Alex Marcuello (UB), Oriol Ferrer (UB)
- Exploration challenges in forearc basins from seismic interpretation and well data: the Esmeraldas basin (Ecuador). Tutors: Yaniel Vazquez (Yachay Tech University), Antonio Teixell (UAB)
- Exploration challenges in forearc basins from seismic interpretation and well data: the Manabí basin (Ecuador). Tutors: Yaniel Vazquez (Yachay Tech University), Antonio Teixell (UAB)
- Structural and sedimentary analysis of the Torre de Buira minibasin. Ribagorça basin, South Central Pyrenees, Spain. Tutors: Eduard Saura (UAB), Juan Diego Martin (UB), Telm Bover (UB)
- Integration of gravimetic and passive seismic datasets for a Neogene basin study. Tutors: Albert Macau, Anna Gabàs (ICGC)
- Discrimination of tectonic and artificial seismic events at local and regional distances. Tutors: Josep Batlló (ICGC), Pilar Queralt (UB)
- 3D geocellular facies modeling of the braided-to-meandering fluvial Castissent Formation (late Ypresian, Tremp-Graus basin). Tutor: Patricia Cabello (UB)
- 3D gravimetric modeling of the IRB. Tutors: Montserrat Torné, Ramon Carbonell (ICTJA-CSIC)
- Characterization of the mid crustal continuity within the Variscan Belt of Iberia (The Conrad discontinuity. Tutors: Ramon Carbonell (ICTJA-CSIC), Puy Ayarza (USal)
- Integrated interpretation of the transpresional/strike-slip deformation band in the zone of Lorca, Murcia, Spain. Tutor: Ramon Carbonell (ICTJA-CSIC)
- 3D joint gravity-magnetic inversion and geothermal stochastic modelling: the case study of the Reus-Valls basin of Catalan Coastal Ranges. Tutors: Ignasi Herms (ICGC), Albert Griera (UAB), Guillem Piris (UAB)
En català/En castellano

Acknowledgements to collaborating companies
- Repsol, for providing two fellowships every year and for participating in the Well Log Analysis and Petrophysics course
- Schlumberger, for donating software licenses (Petrel E&P software platform, PetroMod petroleum systems modeling software, ECLIPSE industry-reference reservoir simulator, Techlog wellbore software platform) and for participating in the Basin Analysis Course with Petroleum Systems Modelling lectures
- PETEX LTd, for donating licenses of MOVE Suite
- Emerson E&P Software Solutions, for donating academic temporary licenses of GOCAD and Geolog
- IHS Markit, for donating licenses of The Kingdom Suite
- DECO Geophysical software Company, for donating licenses of RadExPro
- CGG, for donating licenses of Geotools