- Introduction
- Objectives and competences
- Admission and pre-enrolment
- Course curriculum
- Course curriculum
- Credit recognition
- Final project
- Master Research Projects 2022-23
- Master Research Projects 2021-22
- Master Research Projects 2020-21
- Master Research Projects 2019-20
- Master Research Projects 2018-19
- Master Research Projects 2017-18
- Master Research Projects 2016-17
- Master Research Projects 2015-16
- Master Research Projects in previous years
- Placements
- Teaching methodology and assessment system
- Career opportunities
- Support for studying
- Enrolment
- Calendar, timetables, classrooms and assessment
- Course plans and teaching staff
- Course details
- Information for prospective students
Information for the student – Reservoir Geology and Geophysics
Teaching staff
Obligatory subjects
Advanced Geology and Geophysics
- Anna Martí (coordinator, UB): annamarti@ub.edu
- Perla Piña (UB): p.pina@ub.edu
- Albert Griera (UAB): albert.griera@uab.cat
- Eduard Saura (UAB): eduard.saura@uab.cat
Seismic reflection: Processing and interpretation
- Oriol Ferrer (coordinator, UB): joferrer@ub.edu
- Rafael Bartolomé (CSIC-ICM): rafael@cmima.csic.es
Integrated analysis of real basin and reservoir analogues
- Josep Anton Muñoz (coordinator, UB): jamunoz@ub.edu
- Oriol Ferrer (UB): joferrer@ub.edu
- Miguel López (UB): m.lopezblanco@ub.edu
- Pau Arbués (UB): pau.arbues@ub.edu
Elective subjects
Reservoir geology
- Miquel Poyatos (coordinador, UAB): miquel.poyatos@uab.cat
- Ramon Mercedes (UAB): Ramon.Mercedes@uab.cat
- Anna Travé (coordinator, UB): atrave@ub.edu
- Irene Cantarero (UB): i_cantarero@ub.edu
- Juan Diego Martín (UB): juandiegomartin@ub.edu
Basin analysis
- Miguel López (coordinator, UB): m.lopezblanco@ub.edu
- Miguel Garcés (UB): mgarces@ub.edu
- Pau Arbués (UB): pau.arbues@ub.edu
- Telm Bover (UB): telm.boverarnal@ub.edu
- Ramon Salas (UB): ramonsalas@ub.edu
- Miquel Àngel Marin (Schlumberger)
Petroleum systems
- Josep Anton Muñoz (coordinator, UB): jamunoz@ub.edu
- Pau Arbués (UB): pau.arbues@ub.edu
- Pablo Santolaria (UB): p.santolaria.otin@ub.edu
Clastic sedimentology
- Miquel Poyatos (coordinador, UAB): miquel.poyatos@uab.cat
Carbonate sedimentology
- Telm Bover (coordinator, UB): telm.boverarnal@ub.edu
Structural geology
- Antoni Teixell (coordinator, UAB): antonio.teixell@uab.cat
- Eduard Saura (UAB): eduard.saura@uab.cat
3D geological and reservoir modelling
- Òscar Gratacós (coordinator, UB): ogratacos@ub.edu
- Patricia Cabello (UB): pcabello@ub.edu
Basin architecture
- Lluis Cabrera (coordinator, UB): lluis.cabrera@ub.edu
- Eduard Roca (UB): eduardroca@ub.edu
Lithosphere dynamics
- Daniel García-Castellanos (coordinador, Geo3BCN-CSIC): danielgc@geo3bcn.csic.es
- Jaume Vergés (Geo3BCN-CSIC): jverges@geo3bcn.csic.es
- Ivone Jiménez (Geo3BCN-CSIC): ijimenez@geo3bcn.csic.es
Geophysical characterization and monitoring of reservoirs
- Alejandro Marcuello (coordinator, UB): alex.marcuello@ub.edu
- Ramon Carbonell (Geo3BCN-CSIC): rcarbo@geo3bcn.csic.es
- Juan Alcalde (Geo3BCN-CSIC): jalcalde@geo3bcn.csic.es
Well log analysis and petrophysics
- Anna Martí (coordinadora, UB): annamarti@ub.edu
- Enrique Gómez-Rivas (UB): e.gomez-rivas@ub.edu
- Jana Boërner (TU-Freiberg)
- David Soto (Repsol)
Geophysical data analysis
- Juanjo Ledo (coordinator, UB): jledo@ub.edu
- Perla Piña (UB): p.pina@ub.edu
Near-surface geophysics
- Mahjoub Himi (coordinator, UB): himi@ub.edu
- Lluis Rivero (UB): lrivero@ub.edu
Geophysical data field acquisition
- Lluis Rivero (coordinator, UB): lrivero@ub.edu
- Mahjoub Himi (UB): himi@ub.edu
- Gemma Mitjanas (UB): gmitjanas@ub.edu
- Perla Piña (UB): p.pina@ub.edu
Master Research Project
- Antoni Teixell (coordinator, UAB): antonio.teixell@uab.cat