SAIQU Process Management

The Faculty's Quality Assurance System is based on specific quality processes (PEQ) that describe how the actions relevant to the continuous improvement of teaching are carried out, the people responsible for the actions and also the mechanisms to ensure its monitoring and improvement.

SAIQU-Earth Sciences's processes are interrelated with the transversal processes (Catalan version) defined by the UB's quality system.

The process map (Catalan version) includes all the processes managed by SAIQU-Earth Sciences linked to the training programs. They are distinguished between strategic, key and support processes.

Definition of the entrance profile, admission and enrollment of undergraduate and official master's students (Catalan version).

PEQ 030: Definition of the entry profile,admission and enrollment of undergraduate students.

PEQ 040: Definition of the entry profile, admission,selection and enrollment of master's students.


Orientation to students (Catalan version).

PEQ 050: Orientation to students.


Teaching delivery management (Catalan version).

PEQ 060: Development of undergaraduate and master's courses: methodology and lerning assessment.


Management of the TFG and TFM (Catalan version).

PEQ 061: Bachelor thesis and master thesis.


Management of external internships  (Catalan version).

PEQ 070: Management of external practices.


Management of national and international student mobility (Catalan version).

PEQ 080: Management of international student mobility.

PEQ 090: Management of national student mobility.


Management of complaints and suggestions (Catalan version).

PEQ 100: Management of complaints and suggestions.


Management of the collection of information and analysis of the results (Catalan version).

PEQ 130: Colleciton of information and analysis of results.


Management and updating of public information (Catalan version).

PEQ 140: Management and updating of public information.

Management of material resources and services  (Catalan version).

PEQ 110: Management and improvement of material resources and facilities.

PEQ 120: Manament and improvement of services.


Document management (Catalan version).

PEQ 160: Document management of the Internal Quality Assurance System (SAIQU).


Management of teacher training and evaluation (Catalan version).

PEQ 150: Management of teacher evaluation training.
