Quality Policy

The Faculty of Earth Sciences expresses in its Quality Policy (Catalan version), updated and approved by the Faculty Board on December 15th, 2022, its commitment to the quality of the activities it carries out in the fields of teaching, research and management, while following the quality objectives of the University of Barcelona its specificities.

The Faculty understands that quality is a key factor in ensuring that its students, graduates, academic staff, administration and services acquire the necessary skills to place them at the level of excellence required by the University and the society.

The Faculty must be a teaching and research center of recognized reference and quality in the field of Earth Sciences. The governing bodies of the Faculty are committed to use all the resources at their disposal to achieve the quality objectives (Catalan version) described in the Master Plan for the period 2019-2023.

The commitment to quality expressed by the Faculty Board covers specific areas (academics, research and transfer, and building, security and infrastructure), transversal areas (quality, equality and sustainability, public information and image) and interest groups (PDI, PAS and students).

The Faculty Board instructs the center's Quality Committee to guarantee the monitoring and fulfillment of the above objectives, as well as the continuous improvement of quality.

History of Quality Policy and objectives

Policy and objectives Faculty of Geology, February 24, 2010 (Catalan version).

Policy and objectives of the Faculty of Earth Sciences, July 22, 2020 (Catalan version).
