The quality system of the Faculty of Earth Sciences integrates all the activities related to the quality assurance of official degrees and master's degrees and deploys the Internal Quality Assurance System (SAIQU-Earth Sciences) as the instrument that must be used both in the design phase of the courses and in the continuous monitoring of these to ensure the achievement of the objectives associated with the academic training. The SAIQU-Earth Sciences takes as a reference the standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area (Catalan version) developed by the European Association for the Quality Assurance of Higher Education (ENQA) and adopted by the European Ministers of Education in Bergen (2005), and follows the guidelines established by the quality agencies Agency for the Quality of the University System of Catalonia (AQU Catalunya), National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA) and Galicia University Studies Quality Agency (AGSUG) in the AUDIT program and meets the requirements of the regulations established in the organization of official university courses of the Ministry of Education and Science.
The commitment of the Faculty of Earth Sciences to the quality assurance of its teaching already has a journey that begun in the mid-90s, with the establishment of criteria and the use of indicators, in clear in tune with the evaluation models used in European countries with more tradition in institutional evaluation. Thus, through the methodology used by AQU Catalunya, the degree qualifications of all UB centers were evaluated. Later, in 2008, the AQU Catalunya, within the framework of the AUDIT program, certified the quality assurance model for the Faculty's teaching. The Faculty Board approved its first document on the Faculty's Quality Policy and Objectives on February 24th, 2010. The document was subsequently revised on July 22nd, 2020, and has been updated and renewed on December 15, 2022.
Consequently, the Faculty has renewed its commitment by defining and documenting the different mechanisms and processes necessary to carry out the process of designing and approving degrees, facilitating the monitoring process - and, where appropriate, the process of modifying the degrees—, to guarantee the continuous improvement of their quality based on the analysis of objective data. In addition, and in accordance with the principles of quality and transparency (ESG 1.7), the Faculty has established procedures to publish up-to-date, impartial and objective information on degrees, aimed at the various interest groups.
The SAIQU-Earth Sciences is based on the following elements:
— Specific Quality Processes (PEQ) and process map
— Center Improvement Plan (Catalan/Spanish version)
— Management of documentation (Catalan version)
— Control panel (Catalan version)
— SAIQU-Earth Sciences certification
Responsible: Quality Technician:
Patricia Cabello Rosa Semis
Vicedean Management and Quality rsemisbo@ub.edu
+34 934021375 Timetable: Tuesday and Wednesday
vd.ciencies.terra.qualitat@ub.edu (from 10.00am to 2.00pm)